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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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f380fde7 No.1059

i want to know how many *real* foreigners lurking here.|∀゚

5a1f3785 No.1060

I am real as it gets( ´∀`)


0cc2a4a9 No.1069

File: 155975652010.jpg (158.24 KB, 400x400, ayy lmiau.jpg)

I'm real.


1938c03e No.1074

File: 15598433407.png (348.71 KB, 680x512, Jayceelicious.png)

Bisch a Tiroler, bisch a Mensch!
Non-Tyroleans need not apply for realness!


69775d29 No.1083

File: 156096501654.jpg (63.42 KB, 638x354, Sonne_kalt_forum.jpg)

Ja heil!


b32ca9a3 No.1084

yo nigga


6f63c908 No.1085

File: 156098380110.jpg (44.18 KB, 720x720, 1556553181659-0.jpg)

I am not chinese nor in china.


69775d29 No.1086

File: 156102240143.jpg (64.37 KB, 1050x597, POWERPNT_2019-02-24_20-30-….jpg)

ä¹ è¿‘å¹³


68eb85dd No.1093

File: 156370409647.jpg (57.65 KB, 400x403, neat.jpg)

I'm here as well.


35c95947 No.1094

I'm real Ukrainian


19951a07 No.1095

File: 156378935253.jpg (110.22 KB, 605x649, 3qRI3AqPBFg.jpg)

Hello there>>1094


0b672512 No.1096

I am white disgusting pig.


19951a07 No.1101

Tell something interesting about China


ff17a678 No.1126

Since someone dropped the link to foreign boards, there are a lot of us.
China isn't really very popular with outside world, though.


45895ae0 No.1155

I'm really a burger.
Burger = american on most chans(=゚ω゚)=


8fdaad33 No.1157

sup faggots


8691c1ca No.1159

I am not real but I exist


385043c9 No.1166

File: 15665470364.gif (427.42 KB, 857x994, 1563542482467.gif)

But what does it mean to be real ?


24f5f8e7 No.1170



97c07563 No.1172

File: 156655192847.png (248.81 KB, 248x459, 1500850958596.png)



b078b0fe No.1286

How can foreign countries be real if China isnt real?


521c4b81 No.1291

File: 157606387274.png (184.31 KB, 563x548, phoenix wright mirrors be ….png)



53d5aea8 No.1295

File: 157606747917.jpg (155.41 KB, 700x714, 1123.jpg)

Hello comrade balalayka ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )


e1e4389d No.1297

The real question is- how many *real* chinks are lurking here?


c2363546 No.1298

File: 157607269314.png (94.33 KB, 494x700, 1557668556490.png)

Hello, is this China?


521c4b81 No.1310

I think two, the Canadian (proxy?) admin and the Chinese mod. The rest are from KC.


7377d203 No.1324

сам соси


5319f7ab No.1330

Пизлос пацаны


f885ea78 No.1445

Burger reporting. :)


521c4b81 No.1468

Haha, sam sosi bernd posting without his Swedish proxy


99d5fd4f No.1471



a9d84237 No.1482



049e6e70 No.1788

Bonjour, où est le bureau de tabac le plus proche ?


d30f9fb6 No.1797

slava ukraÑ—ni


eeac029c No.1798

Winni el pupu xD


c0f1efb2 No.1799

i am here


cf908e06 No.1805



767f7bf5 No.2322

the realest 黑鬼


767f7bf5 No.2323



86a274d9 No.2334

File: 159686071864.jpg (239.07 KB, 896x1000, gb-pooh-gets-stuck.jpg)

In the pipe, 5x5!


4608e5ce No.2345

File: 159690860157.jpg (31.5 KB, 474x359, average americans.jpg)

idk why im unknown tbh
im burger


5cac09cf No.2347

Je n'ai rien tenté, tout fonctionne.


667862c6 No.2435

File: 159797773658.jpg (4.16 KB, 177x168, donald.jpg)

hello there


80969da6 No.2476

Hi hehe(*゚∇゚)


e160ab86 No.2480

File: 159908791755.jpg (54.91 KB, 784x785, 1599077070438.jpg)


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