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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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dfcd0e20 No.1323

Happy New Year gooks!

0191e1e1 No.1327

Why this board is so fucking dead?(╬゚д゚)


7c7386a8 No.1328

Why is this board even exists? Who benefits?


80d665ca No.1329

File: 157940039185.png (87 KB, 500x439, Facebook-·-4b009d.png)

Not everything need a reason
For each "Why", I would reply with a "Why Not".

If you really need a reason, how about "I rolled a dice 6 times and end up with 6 1s on October 15, 2013 and I'm really mad and salty about it so I loaded up a Kusaba script as an International branch of a Chinese Imageboard."

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