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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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File: 159025529560.png (4.17 KB, 360x87, Screenshot_2020-05-21 PigP….png)

7c2c642a No.1612

this shit site is an obvious honeypot yet they even banned me from a linux forum for stating that it is. a forum i was in for over 15 years.
reddit privacy subs also removed it called it low effort and banned me.

my arguments

1- it is made by a jew who became a millionaire by illegally selling peoples data.
2- they used a tracking cookie even though they said they did not
3- they donated 30k$ to tor project now tor uses PPG by default
4- based in US. it can get comprimised and with gag order we wouldn't know.
5- its not even open source.
6- FUCKING GOOGLE added it as search engine option. GOOGLE BANS EVEN THE SIMPLEST ANTI TRACKING MEASURES from PLAY STORE. they were PLANNING TO BAN ADBLOCKERS but they added fucking PPG.
7- partners are Verizon, Yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon AWS . ALL PRISM.


7c2c642a No.1613

File: 159025533976.png (321.02 KB, 567x701, EX8Ofa9WAAIQ1JL.png)



6f9ed213 No.1686

stop stealing my arguments bro


5ffdd18e No.1688

Just use startpage


7c2c642a No.1696


5ffdd18e No.1697

>not using Baidu
-20 social credits

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