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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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9a9a3d09 No.1618

Ukrainian regime stopped all public transport for 2 months.

9a9a3d09 No.1619

Is it possible in your city?


dbb6ae83 No.1620

Unfortunately I live in Wuhan.
Propaganda says everything will back to normal,but my community is still under lockdown,I can't use transport cause I'm still trapped in home.


9a9a3d09 No.1622

File: 159049423696.jpg (180.48 KB, 1280x720, 3409F5C8-1409-41C0-A05E-3F….jpg)

How to get to work? Do people get any help from government?
By the way I’ve read that lockdown is over in Wuhan.


dbb6ae83 No.1623

I study in college(by internet).
People get to work by healthy pass,which implemented in whole China.
I'm Information-poor so I don't know much,btw I don't quite trust media and officials.
"Lockdown is over"means some people have to go back work,but my life didn't change.
My community is restricted,store closed early and I don't have "work permit"to leave community,it's likely to last some time.


dbb6ae83 No.1624

Your picture makes me remember passing by these buildings at December 31.It's also the first time heard about virus.
I thout about bad situations that day,but never thout 2020 would be so fucked.We must live in a weirdest timeline.


b5917ba8 No.1632

File: 159076477537.png (403.5 KB, 803x655, 1577177375920.png)

Wuhanlad, do you know anyone that had their doors welded? If so how are they?


afbc19b8 No.1633

I don't know exactly,I saw some videos from internet.
That might happen,but more likely happened in countryside.

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