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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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32ffda2f No.1653

Do you have negers in China? What’s your opinion on them?

f81f337e No.1654

You mean Africans?My university have many foreign students from Africa.I seldom communicate with them and I don't quite care.
But I do know there are many racists in Chinese Internet called 皇汉(kind like western alt-rights),they are very antiforeign especially to Africans


3b22dfdd No.1661

Never seen one in Beijing but heard people say that there's a lot


85238d8a No.1662

File: 159140085912.jpg (13.53 KB, 225x225, 9e787f8220c3f49be5d1e76a08….jpg)

are there any newfies in china?)


6836caa1 No.1670

when we talk about Guangzhou,first thing come into my mind is nigger.They are low contributed to local,and increase crime rate.Most important,they took our bitches. Send them back to Africa.If u r nigger,not offensive,but fuck you.


ab406edb No.1671



85238d8a No.1674

File: 159156629239.jpg (29.27 KB, 720x474, laughs in racial diversity.jpg)

>drops the n-bomb


27f0ba57 No.1698


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