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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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1197b494 No.1712

Why do you hate commies? I for one think that communism and other totalitarian regimes are better for people like Bernds.
>guaranteed job
>guaranteed housing
Meanwhile in neoliberal shitholes like Ukr*ine you have to work very hard to get these things. Small apartments? 50k dollars. Job? Maybe 500$ if you are not in IT.

ce335987 No.1713

Absolute power result in absolute corruption,so bureaucrats may rather embezzle than really help people,I rather choose the "Third Way"
Also CCP is quite State-Capitalism now,that's ironic


904f4197 No.1718

File: 159195077979.jpg (32.94 KB, 480x335, stalin-freedom.jpg)

american brainwashing has infiltrated even commie chinkistan

freedom doesn't matter when some random neger shoots you on the street but ameri-brainwashed chinks will never understand they are as bad as ccpbot wumaos

i dont care about politics as long as i got house food and internet. all the world is same.


4f230d41 No.1719

I'm centrist,just don't trust communism
House is still expensive in Chinkistan,internet is locked by GFW,and they starve many people to death in 1970s
Leftists want social equity,that's benefit,I simply think they could choose a better way


a5c96b7e No.1720

its the same everywhere but you chinks live worry free lives most of the time which is good

if you lose your job in capitalist world you lose your insurance, and employment gap makes you unhireable forever

when people say capitalism they think of US but not 100s of countries that are poverty ridden shitholes even worse than china
commie style works better if you are shit country.

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