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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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8b5c0d0c No.1852

How come the Chinese are allowed on the internet? I thought you were behind the great firewall.

752b83f0 No.1854

This imageboard didn't get attention from GFW cause it's small
BTW,we can use VPN to browse blocked websites


95950b66 No.1856

I remember in Thailand, literally every rural cafe or restaurant has an WiFi point for customers that runs through an VPN to allow unlimited access.

Is VPN so common in China too?


69faf99a No.1857

Not very common
it's grey area,and many people rather use censored substitutes of popular websites


69faf99a No.1860

If a cafe or reasaurant serves VPN to customers in China,it will definitely be shut down

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