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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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d1a23473 No.1873

how hard is it for me to find and have sex with transgirls / crossdressers in china?

424b871c No.1874

how hard is to find and have sex with female (female) in china as European man?
btw op is gay


7a666642 No.1876

I want to know that too.
Is Hong Kong even safe now anymore for them and me?


a1f23990 No.1881

gay as fuck
I'll stone you to death for Allah!


e6742990 No.1882

File: 159372133078.jpg (107.53 KB, 1080x1440, 21e2df91b5294850c34c5b193b….jpg)

its ok you can but only after SEX(`・ω・)


e5d61372 No.1901

i dont think that our little yellow friend would allow trans people to even exist in his country


fe3cd123 No.1902

File: 159388535425.jpg (512.51 KB, 1999x3000, tru_347_01004.jpg)



fe142eeb No.2114

File: 159518772554.jpg (448.01 KB, 1363x2048, 1.jpg)


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