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『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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e3c477aa No.2026

how about you n’wa think of freedom expression like this



人与自然间的他人影响的隔阂而不是人与人之间互相欺骗的自由。如果指的是后者这种自由,那也就是赤果果的反社会了。所以言论自由一开始就是建立在信息传播有效性上的,当一个人的言论阻碍了信息传播有效性,但是我们又 只能 任由他洗脑,那是言论自由吗?在西方这种行为很明显叫思维控制,比如中国。这种阻碍信息传播性的自由完全是一种暴力的体现,在可以被理性处理的情况下早就被处理了,之所以处理不了就是因为无可选择,强制接受

98986467 No.2027

too long and untranslated,I don't think they can understand


e75c4057 No.2031


That's the one I use. It seems to do a better job then others I've seen, even with English slang. That said, I mostly agree with


ec23aadd No.2032

bro problem is chinks don't care about truth, they only care about face.
its not CCP that causes no freedom of speech. korea japan and taiwan also has none. asian face/shame culture makes it more important to not offend anyone than to speak your mind/truth.

if CCP allowed freedom of speech then entire party would lose chinese peoples support and will be replaced by some people who won't allow freedom of speech. most people think politics the wrong way. no one rules without the support of their people.

truth is most chink people(all asians) don't care about freedom of speech or are against it. they rather see people who insult president punished than to allow freedom of speech. only japanese are a bit exception due to emperor meiji. if it werent for meiji japanese would be the same, meiji was a smart men who observed asian culture is inferior and copied western ones.

anyway its not a political problem its the problem of chinese culture. you need 2nd cultural revolution to allow free thinking and stop eating wild animals if you ask me

i like china very much btw



ec23aadd No.2033







abd96610 No.2040

this is well translated。is it beacase you have any konwledge of chinese?


abd96610 No.2041

have you ever seen a similar idea anywhere?


f3bd483f No.2043

it’s the same thing >>2031 mention
deepl translation
you put the English text in and see for yourself


abd96610 No.2044

(´゚Д゚`)high tech


7f030cb4 No.2064

this is a pretty slick translator tbh
BO should put this translator in the sticky so more people can understand one another

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