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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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77e9e99c No.2172

reported all anti chinese hate speech in turkish twitter/facebook/instagram to police

got some ugyhurs deported back to china

you can't be anti chinese in my country i don't allow it

ed0450d1 No.2173

China strong


f3cd05c8 No.2179



1cff3de3 No.2186

Before this flash-radicalisation happened for goatfucker Allah, now it does for Pooh the bear.
CIA, requesting drone strike on OPs location.


2151a830 No.2195

File: 159565793929.png (591.78 KB, 680x679, corona-chan-gwall.png)

Rule cuck. No-fun Nancy. (*´∀`)


6ecd516a No.2216

shut the fuck up wh*Te dog

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