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7745fcf0 No.2205

Do Chinese not care about privacy and security? Why do you use unencrypted corporate owned and managed WeChat instead of FREE and OPEN SOURCE alternatives like Matrix or XMPP?
Why does every chinese app for android ask for every single fucking permision, why do even PC programs like the infamous Epic Store collect your data in ridiculous amounts?

Here, in Russia, people don't trust apps at all, my babuskha calls me every time an android app requests another permission because she once had $900 stolen from her online bank account by a browser extension.

Does China not have a lot of hackers/con artists /trojans/botnets etc preying on clueless morons dont care about security and privacy?

46335267 No.2207

Ironically,it's because big companies are monopoly in China and manytime we just have to use that
And certification always require real name and personal ID because of censorship
>hacker who prey to careless people
Yes, including cyberbully
>And the funniest thing I see is dissident hackers released Xi Jingping's personal information


2dc628c9 No.2209

>Here, in Russia, people don't trust apps at all, my babuskha calls me every time an android app requests another permission because she once had $900 stolen from her online bank account by a browser extension.
based babushkas
we need some of that attitude in the states tbh
US govt, and their cohorts in the silicon valley death cult, seem hell bent on following the CCP model of total control.
and not a peep of resistance from the masses
theyre all ecstatic about signing away all of their privacy and half their rights just to use a shitty fucking phone app


7745fcf0 No.2212

People here dont care about the rights either. They care about money because without privacy and security random people may learn enough about you to fool cell operators into remaking SIM and giving it to them granting access to bank and everything else, or steal your money in some other way. Tons of stories how people lost access to their bank accounts, websites, etc because our shitty corporations don't care about data enough and their low level employees abuse that.
You can buy anyone's personal data for 500rub online which includes even police databases because corruption is everywhere. That's why most people try to avoid giving data to anyone if they can help.


c22860a2 No.2213

chinese security is quite decent

privacy there are always ways around it.

nevertheless its not worse than what western alternatives do. all ARM and x86 processors made after 2008 have backdoors that are below OS level. 2FA does not work because
a) if you use SMS government can see it directly
b) if you use authenticator app, keys can be stolen via NSA low level backdoors

but since russia is africa with snow it is normal that people can steal info and scam easily in russia. rest of the world isn't the same.

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