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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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ce0df4b1 No.2261

I see that KC imperialism has taken hold here with its countryballs and omsk balls and other KC menes.

How popular and known chankultur is on Chyna? Do you have wojaks and pepes posted as common reaction images and discussed and blamed as symbols of whatever is considered bad in China by the journalists?

ce0df4b1 No.2262

File: 159609857691.jpg (361.71 KB, 1440x1015, chankultur.jpg)

Fugggg forgot to uncheck the stupid ass "No file" checkbox and the file I attached to OP didnt get uploaded, why is that shit even checked by default?


25a5b37b No.2263

File: 159610354872.jpg (10.37 KB, 153x250, 5e62667bd9f98.jpg)

>Chankulture in China
Few people know western imageboard memes,I seldom see Wajok and Pepe in Chinese imageboard.And there're some original memes,like( ^ω^) is a symbol of troll called 阴阳酱
>Blame things
In imageboard like ACChannel which have censorship,many people blame America and western Politcal correct
In this site,some people blame America,some people blame CCP and communism


9f54b234 No.2269

fug, you KC refugee too? how are the things going there after that kzine shitstorm? I saw lots of people went to b. group after kcmod kcmodded again


5e010d74 No.2286

kc is still nonce central
kcmods and admin are fucking pedos
they ban posters for saying things they dont like, but leave jailbait threads up for days, untouched

bernd.group seems like nice place, and the admins a good guy imo. but unfortunately the particular anti-kz clique thats taken up residence there is just as autistic, if not even more so, than the kz faggots themselves.
theyre massive rulecucks too

i dont really get the whole kz drama at all tbh
if anything, that whole fiasco proved that only like 4 people, other than the ones who write for it, actually read the darned thing
seems overblown to me tbh

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