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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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ea64e7d4 No.2272

One’s Character is their true inner nature. Fascism prizes the great, strong, firm character over the weak and soft, for that is the character that can uphold our values and honor Truth. One’s intelligence comes second, for a person of great character may not be the smartest, but he will stand taller than the person of weak character, who is more intelligent. In fact, the latter is the perfect description of the intellectual, of the modern man in general.

The person of weak character desperately needs some modicum of intelligence to have the skills for rationalizing why his lack of will power (a trait of a strong character) doesn’t matter or should not be taken into account. It is these people who will try to intellectually justify degeneracy – foremost their own, and then that of others, to secure their own standing. “Faggotry is not a problem” is something only a faggot or a smart idiot will say, ignoring that faggotry is often the consequence of a small and weak character, as is the case for all degeneracy.

intelligence is a tool, and like any tool it can be wielded for good or ill, and what determine’s ones use of that tool is, again, Character. The small man will use intellect to justify his shortcomings and to secure his petty interests, to protect his own hide and swindle others. Thus intellect serves to create ideas like equality and communism. A great man will use intellect in service to a higher task that he seeks to realize, in service to a greater principle that dictates a necessity, rather than a personal whim. Thus intellect serves to create the Organic State.

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