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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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eff67981 No.2613

What do Chinese people think of the crazy Western people that think China will dominate and subjugate the world and become number 1 world power and conquer all of Asia through chinese imperialism and that Xi Jinping will make the Chinese Empire electric boogalo (like in the pic) and he created the coronavirus to destroy the West with lockdowns and controls the UN/WHO and Biden is a chinese puppet president controlled by the power hungry Emperor Xi who wants to brainwash us all using 5G towers and Huawei phones.
AFAIK China is just a poor "socialist" shithole like my country and many other countries. So over than half of the things the people claim they can/will/are doing is fake and gay.

cc72149a No.2615

If China really going to dominate the world,they'll do tons of propaganda first
Media keep saying they'll change Taiwan but nothing happend for 20 years,so I don't think things will change in visible future


820c6c3f No.2621

Yeah, Taiwan says a lot about real might of China

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