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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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09c0d443 No.2738

Whoever you are,stop posting cringe 3D model loli
FBI gonna find you,pedo

672b6a9e No.2739

You may notice that they're constantly changing the fonts in the picture.
We have OCR and bans them almost instantly, but some manage to slip because of the font, but rest assured that those will also be banned and the font data feed into our OCR so next time they're forced to switch to another font.

I, for instance, am interested to see how many fonts they'll use to get around our OCR since clearly direct links and spams won't work here.

And we actually have more tricks under our sleeves…


2766584b No.2741

I'm not posting cringe 3D model loli

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