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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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File: 1625639677844.jpeg (1.98 MB, 2677x1379, 740DF715-3394-405D-845B-6….jpeg)

7d042fe8 No.2782

Is this kinda like the Shanghai Int. settlement for this board? Anyway, what’s this chan about? I’m new here, and everything is confusing. Your post on 28chan got me here.

828b7ca6 No.2783

no idea


72dda849 No.2785

A Chinese imageboard but the server is not in China


1f5364fc No.2786

this is a very high style board about history ,military,police justice and hot news


7d042fe8 No.2787

That’s fine, I’m not here to trollpost. Just kinda wondering from chan to chan because I don’t want to go back to 4chan. >>2785
Then I’m in luck, I was looking for a Chinese imagine board like this. Thanks! And of course the sever is not in China lol. You would be having a lot more “共产党万岁”s then.


7d042fe8 No.2794

How do I get a Chinese gf? For some reason, Asian women are the only women I get along with.


f6eb1a65 No.2801

if you have enough money 。xi will send you at lowest four


7d042fe8 No.2802

I have 11 USD in my pocket, and a 2004 mustang gt. How many containers do you think he’ll send? Also, I notice that Chinese keyboard period.


1f5364fc No.2803

in my professional opinion,you will get a lot of fits。but come on, vagrant,you still have more。
like to find a generous noble as your whoremaster


7d042fe8 No.2804

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The funny thing is that I’m actually looking for a long-term relationship. Like, not just a “pump and dump,” if you know what I mean. It’s contrary to what most people on 4chan want, but hey, I’m oldschool like that. I mean, who under 20 listens to rock and roll anymore? Now I sound like one of those “born in the wrong generation people” lol. Sorry if my reply misses what you said, your English was hard to understand. But don’t worry, I’m sure you work hard on your studies. Here’s a cute girl to make you happy!


1f5364fc No.2805

so gently,you are sentient。are you?
i dont think all kinds of oldschool had tried show me what is the legend of their underfoot love

good luck!


7d042fe8 No.2821

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I try to be nice lol. Too many mean people in the world for me to not do it. But yeah, oldschool is the style I’m going with until something big happens in my life(like getting a Chinese gf). Then, I might change something. But for now, the 60’s-80’s are alive again in me. My car is pretty much the only culture thing that isn’t in that timeframe. Underfoot love? I’m sorry, I don’t really understand. Is it something bad? Or good? If you want, you can include what you wanted to write in Chinese as well. It will be easier to connect between the two language, and I’ll get some reading practise as well. Thanks for wishing me luck, I wish you the same thing! Good luck, friend! Here’s a meme a Chinese girl from 4chan sent me. 再见!


1f5364fc No.2823



bcfc3600 No.2825

Fusako Shigenobu is cool
so sad she is a radical far-left terrorist


7d042fe8 No.2858

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Where did everybody go? I had to leave for a while because my dog died, and I come back to a ghost town. There’s some activity, but nothing too recent. Anyway, I hope all of you are doing well and just busy or something like that. I’ll wait here for you to come back. Don’t worry!


7c2ff532 No.2859

File: 1627629776417.jpg (77.51 KB, 580x580, 1624886348825.jpg)

Still here


7d042fe8 No.2860

File: 1627650807329.png (907.25 KB, 600x884, C791FB1A-85F2-4EB0-91CE-68….png)

That’s great! At least someone


7d042fe8 No.2862

Anybody else around?


71666d58 No.2885

It's really easy to forget that this board has an /int/.


31c7f140 No.2890


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