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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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a810dee1 No.3034

What do the Chinese people really think about non-Asians making slanted eyes? Is this really a big deal for them?

48bdab74 No.3035

in fact that more like monoglian. they are famous warrior and cold man(in history)
chinese like big eyes as they pretty, especially the rich men and the ccp class, as you know, they always be fat .
for the low class, slanted eyes not a very big quest. the internet more like to laugh at them because most of them poor and thin. and they will like the really handsome one ,not the high class leader. in the place more like the business, they leader will not be "most of them is fat" ,too


a810dee1 No.3036

I didn't understand


f8db92bd No.3037

fat man like big eyes


c40abffb No.3041

And poor man like small eyes? No wonder I like Asian girls lol.


d8514f4a No.3048

File: 1631177211694.jpg (64.43 KB, 500x500, 49ttja.jpg)


21943c31 No.3144

File: 1634567651953.png (307.18 KB, 400x400, 588d6eb8834637d39959346d91….png)

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