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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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File: 1633894304791.png (580.41 KB, 1015x768, historic and contextual ma….png)

8130731c No.3103

is it correct?

8130731c No.3104

File: 1633895482671.png (345.64 KB, 1366x768, ideological bases.png)


fab72874 No.3109

kinda one-sided,but reasonable
>Midwest populated since 11th century
Chu Kingdom was since about 10th century B.C.


8130731c No.3111

File: 1633970448219.jpg (152.42 KB, 1075x813, every chinese city.jpg)

how about this


d1d6b73f No.3113

You forgot the pollution pipe running into the river


2ff53f65 No.3115

lmao that's pretty accurate


66a214be No.3136

Western Han not a Taoist dynasty
just the early policy during the first three emperors is 无为而治(government dose not intervene in folk).无为 is the code of Laotzu political idea.
in fact the dominant religion in western han is Shamanism.


62953fe2 No.3222

File: 1639422297419.jpg (27.79 KB, 294x212, 1633970448219.jpg)

by the way
where can I find such places in China? You know - remote villages, free from modernity, pollution and human masses


62953fe2 No.3223

do they even exist nowadays?

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