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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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5686e198 No.3254

Are Chinese people making fun of John Cena or is this only western thing?

47cd4be5 No.3256

you can't see common western show in china when you only use common way. and…

polish, you are not western


5686e198 No.3257

File: 1642447267129.png (332.74 KB, 1618x1131, 44454.png)

>polish, you are not western


47cd4be5 No.3258

you are posting in a chinese /int bro


5686e198 No.3259

Yes, and?


911a7d0f No.3260

and i am yellow, white than you


928585b9 No.3261

File: 1642713902136.jpg (838.36 KB, 1600x1143, Yh858-tqEYE.jpg)


3f15196f No.3295

File: 1644836350442.jpg (2.07 MB, 1440x3078, IMG_20220214_185856.jpg)


1ffbc35e No.3299

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