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『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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f059c374 No.3284

Not gonna lie, I feel kinda sad that most of the threads on this board (including mine) are about politics. I wish we could talk more about history and culture of China instead

ee41ed8e No.3285

if it, i guess you need to show your interest about a certain content to us in begin.


24f82384 No.3286

ok, so:
What's the deal with Ming dynasty? Why is it so famous? I guess it was a golden era for China then but why?


ee41ed8e No.3287

ming is a VERY bad ,weak dynasty, the emperor of ming have too much power, and build by many bad noble so they can only support the emperor that don't go to rebellion. contract ,ming have a very bad economy, even ming ban the people be a sea trader in 13th~17th
someone say ming die for the peasant uprising because famine caused by climate change, but it can't expand why ming can be conquered by smell tribe 300 years


2b64fed9 No.3288

So it wasn't a golden age at all. Weird, I was sure that western popculture references to Ming dynasty so many times because they were the best times for ancient China
(What do I mean by popculture: every time when someone breaks a priceless vase in a cartoon someone else says: "Oh no, my vase from Ming dynasty!")


22ee416a No.3300

File: 1645068807270.png (378.8 KB, 1143x3213, Screenshot 2022-02-17 at 0….png)

Well, what about this wiki article? It clearly says that Ming dynasty had its own golden ages


ee41ed8e No.3301

poor poles lacking political common sense
let me tell you: in china ,a reform if don't originate by the 士大夫(similar intellectuals),that it only mean it done by the emperor. what emperor do is only for his power, let the social more bad, or emperor do too much ,so he need admit mistakes, the mistakes will blame others, then emperor is "correct one forever"
when the reform signed as your pic be more,that only mean the emperor/dynasty make more bad things
if reform done by the士大夫, it never record


22ee416a No.3303

Normally I would try to understand your broken English but since you're offending me with your paternalistic attitude (without any reason) I can only say "I don't want your informations anymore"


ee41ed8e No.3304

this is my attitude:add common sense first ,otherwise your can't get anything, no matter how simply stereotype you search
that you can find other .but remember now, you lacking common sense .if you don't admit, i want to end the quest ,too


9a5eec7d No.3305

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22ee416a No.3306

File: 1645384486848.png (512.27 KB, 658x485, Floppa S.png)

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