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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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ccf9953f No.3296

War: Ukraine Russia !!!

2204de59 No.3298

Nothing will happen


2204de59 No.3309

Looks like I was wrong


340d8126 No.3310

Actually, what’s the Chinese opinion on Ukraine right now?


4619aeeb No.3311

a large porpotion support Russia on the Internet for anti-usa.


de8b353a No.3312

most are either apathetic or support russia for the sake of anti-US or NATO, and a visible portion chose to stand with Ukraine.

And the neutrals… I don't know, like i am sympathetic towards ukraine people, but neutral in political position, both sides are playing a shit show. There ain't no place for neutrals on internet.


25e80127 No.3316

File: 1646174001566.jpg (1.47 MB, 1164x1800, fallout-clipart-fallout-va….jpg)

People love war. This is the only conclusion I can come up with because once one is finished we simply start another. Often times there are multiple wars going on at once. There is no day on planet earth that does not have a war going on, someplace, somewhere. Even if it is a small war, it is still a war. If I were a space alien, I would not want to bother with the war-like creatures that are humans on planet earth. Clearly, violence is in their nature.


25c8055a No.3318

hope this war end soon


dd6b0e2a No.3319

I think your request won't be listened, sorry


baea21dc No.3320

All of us do, friend. Let’s just hope it ends soon and peacefully.

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