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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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9945af75 No.3324

What’s it like working as a car mechanic in China? I’m getting very tired of working in the US. Here, people rarely respect you and just see you as a tool for them. They come in expecting good service without paying or really deserving it. Is China the same?

b0d52166 No.3325

It seems that Chinese people are friendlier than Americans.
If you are a normal people(not too poor or super rich),living and working in China will be the best choice.
(errr,I'am sorry that It's hard for me to use English correctly…..)


9945af75 No.3326

Seems to be, at least from what I have seen m. In America, everyone seems be only care about themselves barring a small group of people. Nobody wants to help, and just tried to move up any way they can.
Don’t worry about how you type, I don’t care about that sort of thing. We’re all learning after all. :)


0c6d1806 No.3332

I genuinely doubt if it's going to be any different in China. If anything you'll paid less than what you do in the US.


d2ef07d8 No.3333

I don’t mind getting paid less, unless it’s a very drastic difference. How much money I get doesn’t really matter. What matters is if I’m helping people or not. Idk, I’ve just gotten tired of rich people on Mercedes and BMW thinking everybody exists to serve them.

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