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『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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878bba93 No.3352

Chinabros, help me download this jap tv series.
I've been trying to find it all over the western internet for years, but there are no torrents or working links anywhere. Finally found what seems to be a good source here https://www.zhanxixi.com/thread-234810-1-1.html but even with translate on I can't figure out how to access the torrent files. The only other link is for Baidu cloud, and that seems very promising but it requires some kind of Baidu Netdisk program installed and an account?
Can you help me out? This series is impossible to find in the west. How do I download it?

fa9e64ac No.3390

If you want to download by torrent,the website require you to pay.

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