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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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ddd531bb No.3359

So, how is your gaokao going?

46badac9 No.3360

in summary,its fuckin terrible this year.
Students from provinces which aren't very rich in the southwest have got the most difficult exam questions while ppl in the rich places like Peking have got very easy exam questions


d25e4d48 No.3361

Isn’t it like that every year?


07e680ec No.3362

im a student who is preparing for the coming biology exam,which is the last one of this year's gaokao.im in nanjing.i think maths exam is especially TERRIBLE,but others don't matter so much.
not correct.exactly there're some differents among the provinces,and exactly the level of a part of questions(not all) is depend on that if a province is rich in a way.but the poor area may get some easier questions,and poor guys could get more chance to go to a better colleges.poor guys usually get more help in china,because the main purpose of the government is not to raise money,but to help more people for a better life.
……but maybe i could not get help because nanjing is not so poor and i didn't hardwork enough at school.
thats all.im gonna prepare for the coming exam.after that i'll eat something good to celebrate for the coming loser life.


07e680ec No.3363

why im i care so much about this…it's strange because ive told myself not to see the english words after the english exam…


10294677 No.3364

Maybe you’re actually good at English and want to study it, but you tell yourself you don’t like it? You could have a knack towards it, just have to free it.


10d87093 No.3371

Knowing english, even in the simplest form, is very useful since it's lingua franca of the world and majority of science papers and international documents are wrote in it


10d87093 No.3372

are written*


10d87093 No.3376

Not gonna lie - it's very hard for me to comprehend that Chinese culture is so rooted in all of this exam culture, which is with them since the most ancient times. For us exams are more like formality or just one of many steps in your life, meanwhile Chinese look very much obsessed with them


aaca4ade No.3392

It's about choices and possibilities.

Education surely allows more choices in future. I'd say the majority is studying for the degree rather than the knowledge. Better degree is more likely to get you better job.

In my country, the inequality between social classes and different region is so drastic, and considering how far we have come over decades, many people have this hope of finding a better position in society. In the ancient time and now, exam seems like the most equal way of competition for fame and power.

If we could live a easy life that doesn't require a high degree, like being a mechanic or running a small shop, maybe people would be less obsessed with exams.

The core is how economy and political system shaped our mindset. We have seen huge changes in the past decades, and I think there are more to come.

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