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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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cd8c8459 No.536

(;´Д`)Anyone alive here?

d94084d2 No.537

I'm here!


d94084d2 No.541

File: 145278890785.jpg (66.84 KB, 1022x575, nhk misaki.jpg)

I'm still here, I check this board on a daily basis


3ae18b0f No.542

I'm here too sometimes maybe


d94084d2 No.543

File: 145304343879.gif (859.98 KB, 600x313, aaaaaa.gif)



fa16121b No.544

(^o^)ノAcer from AChan,still here.


d94084d2 No.545

File: 145338531899.jpg (921.54 KB, 1000x1290, 1431200141088-1.jpg)

can I have the link to AChan, pls?


90c763ce No.547

alive is an understatement


d94084d2 No.550

File: 145348244177.jpg (955.39 KB, 1024x1446, 1431200226721-4.jpg)

stop being a nerd and post moar then


c8d5d6ad No.553

I'm alive


d94084d2 No.555

File: 145431162237.jpg (88.27 KB, 433x479, 1369450762820.jpg)

I'm glad


c8d5d6ad No.556

File: 145452886856.gif (596.8 KB, 200x475, cubegirl hair.gif)

Thanks I guess.
Sweet trips by the way.


d94084d2 No.557

File: 145454326041.jpg (346.06 KB, 800x800, 1432582189011.jpg)

>Thanks I guess.
You're welcome and yes I was being sincere if you're wondering. I feel like this chan could work out if the admin copped few ads somewhere. You and I could be the "oldfags", I assume that you're also that American who posted in other threads and you're actually autistic enough (like me) to check this board for updates. Just picture it, you and I could be the creators of this chan's culture if it got enough traffic. It would be dope. Ily <44
>Sweet trips by the way.
thank you very much, I didn't even notice

( ´∀`)


843e196b No.558

You need me?


d94084d2 No.559

File: 145462520772.jpg (89.77 KB, 800x600, 1374737807805.jpg)

We need your autism bux, cop a few ads for this imageboad on 4chan/8chan/420chan/whichever big imageboard and/or forum out there.


c8d5d6ad No.561

Whatever culture is created will eventually die.
Just enjoy things as they progress man, regardless if this makes it big or not.
I beat myself up for taking other imageboards for granted 5-10 years ago.


d94084d2 No.562

File: 145506067021.jpg (48.11 KB, 407x431, gup heh.jpg)

>Whatever culture is created will eventually die.
I know but we have a chance of creating a unique culture since this place is pretty o b s c u r e
>Just enjoy things as they progress man, regardless if this makes it big or not.
That's the thing, I can't enjoy myself here that much because there are like 4 posts per week on this board and most of the time it's just shitposting. If we could get 1 post or maybe even 2 posts per day on this specific board then maybe we could produce quality content.
>I beat myself up for taking other imageboards for granted 5-10 years ago.
don't worry man, there are still small imageboards out there that you can enjoy and actually feel like you're a part of the community


bfe8aaeb No.563

I'm too busy with various projects and works to promote this place though. If you want to promote this board, go ahead - you have my permission to do so.

As of now, the best I could do is to come up here daily, kill some CP link posters (recently they are all dead with is great) and maybe fix up something on demand.


d94084d2 No.564

File: 145520246863.jpg (992.58 KB, 971x1200, 1373344661444.jpg)

>I'm too busy with various projects and works to promote this place though. If you want to promote this board, go ahead - you have my permission to do so.

I'm gonna quote Kanye West
"I don't have the money on me right now"
I guess I can tell people that I talk to on the interwebz about this place but I doubt they'll stay here.
>As of now, the best I could do is to come up here daily, kill some CP link posters (recently they are all dead with is great) and maybe fix up something on demand.
>and maybe fix up something on demand.
why are you using Kusaba X instaed of vichan?


843e196b No.565

>why are you using Kusaba X instaed of vichan?

Maybe it's because back then when I was translating, there are still people working on it?

Now Kusaba X sucks since no one work on it. If we switch to something new I need to translate the interface again...(つд⊂)


d94084d2 No.566

File: 145531919414.jpg (538.38 KB, 700x1000, 1398181950157.jpg)

>Maybe it's because back then when I was translating, there are still people working on it?
Oh? How old is this place anyway?
>Now Kusaba X sucks since no one work on it. If we switch to something new I need to translate the interface again...(つд⊂)
Well for now you don't really need to do anything, I guess you'll have to worry about that later if this imageboard gets more traffic. /( ◕‿‿◕ )\


c8d5d6ad No.567

lol wut a loser


d94084d2 No.568

(`・ω・) but I have a girlfriend


843e196b No.569

Script got translated in 2012.
Site open to AC Channel public as an alternative to post forbidden info (love-related affairs, text-only adult content, politics, etc) in 2013.

So yeah, it's been nearly 3 years.


d94084d2 No.570

>Site open to AC Channel public as an alternative to post forbidden info (love-related affairs, text-only adult content, politics, etc) in 2013.
Oh? I'm assuming adult content and politics are allowed because the server is hosted in Canada, right? And if this place is an alternative and more "liberal" place than AC Channel, how come there's no traffic ( ´д`)


843e196b No.571

Because somehow, most people can not remember the site address.

A lot of people there known of this "Inner AC Channel", but cannot get there because they don't know the address. and since this place is not indexed by Baidu (the most popular Search Engine in China), few can find it if they search.

And most of the time they use Baidu to search for the website they want without memorizing the site address or using bookmarks.

Another reason is that we don't have a smartphone app, which I don't know how to do, nor is that worthwhile for this site. Apparently, nowadays more Chinese is on mobile network than on PC. The best I can do is modify the script templates to be responsive, but see last point above.

Not to add this site is blocked by a certain ISP(China Mobile) in China. Yeah, not only GFW, certain ISPs can block websites too.

(The irony is that I have families that work at China Mobile, and they cannot take that off since banning websites are serious political business.)


d94084d2 No.572

Holy fuck that sucks ass, it seems like it would be easier if this imageboard was targeted for baka gaijins. Is at least posting from Tor allowed here, I still haven't tried it. And why did you chose such an obscure name in the first place?


843e196b No.573

If you mean the domain name, 76573 in Japanese is Na-Mi-Ko-Na-Mi, I'm a huge fan of Namco and Konami's music games.

If you mean the site name, long story, It used be called Inner AC Channel, however after an incident I changed the name to avoid the real AC Channel go into trouble. 233.jpg is an emoicon in a famous forum in China depicting a cat laying down and laughing, so it means "LOL" or "ROFL" and is a popular Chinese meme.


d94084d2 No.574

ahh I see

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