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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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cc820b37 No.71

>Mod expects us to take him seriously when he has A FUCKING LEAF next to his name

a1672a4d No.86

I'm a Chinese living in Canada building the international boards on a server located in Singapore.

Talking about "Globalization", Eh!


fd0e85b9 No.88


Do you support equal rights for Japanese?


a1672a4d No.90

I do.


fd0e85b9 No.91

What is your stance with North Korea?


a1672a4d No.95

A Joke.

Seriously, asking any Chinese that's not a "Official News Source", you'll get a similar answer, if not harsher.


fd0e85b9 No.96

Most Chinese people aren't big fans then?
I thought you guys protected them


a1672a4d No.99

lol why do we protect them when they executed officials that are pro-China?

Of course, I don't know what our government is thinking though, they probably don't want to break the status quo.


fd0e85b9 No.101

Sorry to be dumb but what is the Status Quo to you? I want to know


a75b6014 No.102

>finally being able to post in an /int/ board without being deleted/having to pay fucking 20 bucks

mgonna like this board


fd0e85b9 No.103

What are your thoughts on Indochina? Why do you not annex Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia?


a1672a4d No.105

Okay, IMO Chinese government want to enforce something that can be best described by the terms "Harmony" or "Stable" (和谐 and 稳定 in Chinese).

The two terms are extremely vague but can be summarized as they want less events and changes as possible, and anything that would spark such changes would be dealt with.

For example, talking about North Korea. It's no secret that most Chinese want the country "liberated" and Chinese take them over (lol). Some Chinese also want to invade Japan out of revenge. But these won't happen in a long time since conflict is definitely NOT something that the Government wanted.

However, if there are no such hatred towards outside, the netizens of China will probably direct their concentration to various things happening within China, such like pollution, corruption of officials, and so on. Which is ALSO the Chinese government won't want to see because this causes the country being less "Stable".

Thus, we got the Great Firewall and the censors.


a1672a4d No.106

...And that's why the government never censor hate speech towards other countries (i.e NK, America, Japan)
They do censor politic-related and porn-related stuff on Chinese Servers though.


fd0e85b9 No.107

Damn so they don't want unpopular opinions getting out about their officials or choices then is that what you're saying


a75b6014 No.109

Tbh, im not chinese, i am just a foreigner living in beijing. but i know that the PRC tried in the 70's and since they got assblasted, they just decided to leave indochina alone as vietnam's ground.

economically though, they try to impose themselves since deng xiaoping


a1672a4d No.115


They're afraid of changing the status quo because they know no matter they do, people gonna complain (We do have 1.4 billion population and that's a lot of people complaining even if only 1% of people did). True, if they do nothing, people will still complain but a sudden change will always leads to more complaining, and they're afraid of that.


fd0e85b9 No.117

This is a dumbass question but has anyone that's ever spoken out against those decisions and corrupted politicians disappeared?


4875f82a No.118

but that would not be reported in news or sth like that,just rumors.


a1672a4d No.120

In fact, yes.

In fact, this government (the Xi government) did this exact thing by tying several former high-ranked officials for their corruption deeds, including the former Mayor of Nanjing (my hometown). As for if it will startle the rest of corrupt officials, only time will tell.


fd0e85b9 No.125


And what about Hong Kong and Taiwan? Do you consider either of those your rightful land?


10b6f1d0 No.127

y'know, when I saw the china thread on 4chan I only expected shitposting.

I'm having a very nice discussion on AC's /mu/ and I'm learning a lot here.

this wasn't so bad after all.

Also, you goverment should deal with pollution and corruptions. It will make them even more stable in the long run.

Small steps, friend. Small steps.


4875f82a No.134

hard to say.
actually if you ask "do you think HK and Taiwan a rightful land of China", 10/10 would say yes.
but people seems dont want to join PLA if a war towards Taiwan's army really goes on...


a1672a4d No.135

IMO they are.

And yes, I'm all into international exchange of ideals. And I'm a supporter of Freedom of Speech. Hence this entire site.

This entire site's only purpose is to let people post something that they don't want, or cannot post over at the main AC Channel (Politics, Religion, Love Affairs), due to that server is set up in Mainland China and need to went past the censors.

The only thing that can't be posted here is porn. But you could do that in a different board I set up - No need to tell you guys that secret since there are better place for porn anyways... But if you really want to know, it's in Sizuru's Eyes.

The online censoring sometimes target the weirdest stuff you'd imagine with the weirdest reasons, that's why it's so strict over there and we need to set up our own /int/ here.


47410019 No.138

File: 14367718264.png (445.65 KB, 1040x540, Revoutionary thoughts.png)

Where do we draw the line between lewd and porn?


a1672a4d No.139

File: 143677218146.jpg (338.2 KB, 826x1776, f5a64022fa4c7d2bb4968095c4….jpg)

Anything past this would be deleted by my standards.

I have a pretty loose standard, I believe the other mods here would be stricter.


47410019 No.141

Thanks for the clarification.
Maybe you should sticky an example, no?
The wording could be interpreted rather loosely.


a1672a4d No.142

I'll just delete anything past that.
Since I do believe people who visit chans know the difference between fanservice, porn and CP.


b0540563 No.807

Top tier banter thread from 2013, lads


c251eba4 No.810

Quality thread


41926cb1 No.811

2015 actually.


a778fdc6 No.812

even here the frogs are iq89

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