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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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File: 159518253051.jpg (49.48 KB, 552x960, asia-man-uncomfortable-imp….jpg)

29df36d6 No.2107[回复]


ea09fc8e No.2110

5000 year of culture


29df36d6 No.2111



6522bc4f No.2118

File: 159521728267.jpg (263.94 KB, 1111x836, komodo_dragon_checkem.jpg)

3087f79e No.2106[回复]

>tfw no tomboy gf

45782ec0 No.2117

File: 159521707961.png (234.11 KB, 562x378, sad.png)



c778e442 No.2136

File: 159533953423.jpg (74.61 KB, 720x450, tomboy.jpg)



1b136953 No.2137

redpill me on chinese tomboys)


7708c5e9 No.2139

File: 159534379352.jpg (16.29 KB, 280x210, 23-02-17-017-1.jpg)

I'm too autist for girls irl
BTW I like Kusakabe Misao,best tomboy waifu


1b136953 No.2144

good boy

c53737da No.2103[回复]

When thinking of immigrating, I tend to wonder which country to go, but forget it is not every country forbid multiple citizenship...

50dd0ace No.2105

come here bro if u are chinese

643cb1cf No.2093[回复]

( ´ρ`) I Am Lord Poop Butt. This Land Now Belongs To Me. All Who Stand In My Way Shall Feel My Wrath.

280d269e No.2101

File: 159512255367.jpg (70.69 KB, 670x435, drake-rodents-vs-possums.jpg)

gtfo, rodent. This is already the super-secret place for possums and joker dogs.

a695bee0 No.2092[回复]


7d1fb652 No.2094

dicksword is big gay tbh
kys yourself


33b9dac0 No.2102

I have lost my IP. ( ゚∀゚)


2b218188 No.2104

( ´_ゝ`)


af0e4071 No.2126

Why your typeface is different


a35e3a4a No.2135

kys faggot


e39cc2de No.2142

your typeface is different too

90f46912 No.2085[回复]

you guys are complete pussies. You said you wanted a race war, well now it's here and you pathetic incel losers are just sitting at home jacking off. You faggots are all talk. You guys won't do shit because you're nothing but a little pussy!

66086197 No.2087

File: 159505280870.jpg (312.67 KB, 1600x1066, Komodo Dragon2.jpg)


e81d570b No.2089

>Race war
Why?I love peace
though I'm an autist incel for sure


5764f821 No.2095

nah race wars are gay imo
im not gay, so no racewar

File: 159502636719.png (152.4 KB, 480x480, 1460084182354.png)

ce4e8c30 No.2079[回复]


3d097d2a No.2086

Something is fishy :-DDD


0156df20 No.2088

in Chinese,touch fish(摸鱼)means mess around:D


840bff65 No.2090

File: 159505526187.png (55.39 KB, 492x508, spurdo-shitbost.png)



bc2a68da No.2097


10788351 No.2076[回复]

Hello dear Ching Chongers!

i have noticed you stole an entire village from us.
Please give it back!

ec7f80dd No.2077

File: 159502478835.png (554.13 KB, 555x642, possum-fluffed-04.png)

I am hiding here while the civil war goes on, on the alt-alt chans. Don't tell anyone I'm here.


389349bb No.2083

Where village?

9fa9b59b No.2068[回复]

I'm sure we are aware of the Tienanmen square copypasta, it's commonly used to ward off Chinese users by turning the government against them.
Thing is, does it actually work?
3帖子 和 1 image reply 省略. 点击回复查看

f18ce5a5 No.2073

reds = good
nazis = bad


8b8b4152 No.2080



8740391b No.2082

They're just same bad


f18ce5a5 No.2091


d517a608 No.2096

File: 159510155467.jpg (88.84 KB, 980x653, thinking.jpg)

>turning the government against them
i couldve sworn their government was ALREADY against them


b34f5bf6 No.2129

Serious question


b34f5bf6 No.2130

Ah I see. Thank you, so it's just an internet myth that the CPP will cut off their internet.

0c4157d5 No.2065[回复]

I like Chinese people. They are much better than Koreans.

1a4a782d No.2066

File: 159499883181.jpg (92.67 KB, 800x600, chinese tarp.jpg)

arr rook same


f61a5e09 No.2067


0a16c271 No.2062[回复]

check out my new album, i remixed a bunch of 8 bit NES music tracks into schizo style


c9ccd1ef No.2052[回复]


58145466 No.2053


8427defb No.2051[回复]

I am from America and I want to see Chongqing. What do chinese anons think about the city?

91179913 No.2054

City in the mountain
foggy weather
locals have incredible resist to spicy food
hot pot hot pot hot pot
complex flyovers
Burning ass


8427defb No.2071

File: 159501155396.jpg (954.86 KB, 1600x1066, 41627858001_ee8d68f175_h.jpg)

it looks magnificent do you live there?

File: 159489302341.jpg (63.14 KB, 389x897, kiinalaisen-tatuoinnin-tar….jpg)

5ec1bbf3 No.2047[回复]

me tat

efdec7be No.2048

Ebin, another finn :-DDD


5ec1bbf3 No.2049



3b1828b8 No.2050

File: 159493012680.jpg (55.43 KB, 565x600, spurdokisu.jpg)



a1064e67 No.2055

I want some crayfish( ´ρ`)


5ec1bbf3 No.2060

File: 159498256373.jpg (193.67 KB, 1300x866, close-up-of-a-man-s-hand-u….jpg)

here: *unzips penis* get on your knees


2fde8af8 No.2099


5ec1bbf3 No.2100


0da6ff3e No.2045[回复]




- 高利率,可怕的通货膨胀(100%,物价每年翻倍),政府伪造统计数字。

- 叙利亚人,巴基斯坦人,阿富汗人,伊朗人,中亚人,非洲人,都是世界上最肮脏的人,他们中的一些人回到了自己的国家,因为这里更糟糕。

- 这里是世界上最糟糕的港口之一,除了阿富汗等。

- 土耳其人在公共交通工具上给不给老人让座的人拍照,然后对他们动用私刑。

- 支付宝被禁止,所以你不能自由职业,uber被禁止,维基百科被禁止,facebook/Twitter被审查,并且你张贴反ERDOGAN的东西的时刻,你立即被监禁。





0da6ff3e No.2046

File: 159488969747.jpg (174.66 KB, 688x1024, bbc only.jpg)




连国旗都有奥斯曼袜子的味道。一个国家怎么会没有好东西呢?这就像一个笑话,人们都是野蛮人,没有礼貌和智慧.街道上的景色是未油漆和未完成的贝顿建筑。在这片土地上,没有一个地方可以让你大喊 "我还活着!"。"



e5780cef No.2081

>both feminist whore and extremely muslim
anon is an incel


188b66d7 No.2098

thats a safe bet any day


6046e57b No.2221

well, at least you have Istanbul

31dbe7ed No.2036[回复]

He can be if you want him to be.

You just can't recognize latent potential.

501c758f No.2030[回复]


e3c477aa No.2026[回复]

how about you n’wa think of freedom expression like this



人与自然间的他人影响的隔阂而不是人与人之间互相欺骗的自由。如果指的是后者这种自由,那也就是赤果果的反社会了。所以言论自由一开始就是建立在信息传播有效性上的,当一个人的言论阻碍了信息传播有效性,但是我们又 只能 任由他洗脑,那是言论自由吗?在西方这种行为很明显叫思维控制,比如中国。这种阻碍信息传播性的自由完全是一种暴力的体现,在可以被理性处理的情况下早就被处理了,之所以处理不了就是因为无可选择,强制接受
2帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

ec23aadd No.2032

bro problem is chinks don't care about truth, they only care about face.
its not CCP that causes no freedom of speech. korea japan and taiwan also has none. asian face/shame culture makes it more important to not offend anyone than to speak your mind/truth.

if CCP allowed freedom of speech then entire party would lose chinese peoples support and will be replaced by some people who won't allow freedom of speech. most people think politics the wrong way. no one rules without the support of their people.

truth is most chink people(all asians) don't care about freedom of speech or are against it. they rather see people who insult president punished than to allow freedom of speech. only japanese are a bit exception due to emperor meiji. if it werent for meiji japanese would be the same, meiji was a smart men who observed asian culture is inferior and copied western ones.

anyway its not a political problem its the problem of chinese culture. you need 2nd cultural revolution to allow free thinking and stop eating wild animals if you ask me

i like china very much btw



ec23aadd No.2033







abd96610 No.2040

this is well translated。is it beacase you have any konwledge of chinese?


abd96610 No.2041

have you ever seen a similar idea anywhere?


f3bd483f No.2043

it’s the same thing >>2031 mention
deepl translation
you put the English text in and see for yourself


abd96610 No.2044

(´゚Д゚`)high tech


7f030cb4 No.2064

this is a pretty slick translator tbh
BO should put this translator in the sticky so more people can understand one another

File: 159480608043.jpg (88.36 KB, 900x900, FD93E224-D730-4C13-8D0C-3E….jpg)

b3b2afa6 No.2024[回复]

Me selfie

4441cac2 No.2038

File: 159485666675.jpg (114.76 KB, 1122x663, futurama-not-sure-if-serio….jpg)


61c434b4 No.2019[回复]

that feel when x998fun oldfag( ̄︶ ̄)

c1641f78 No.2127

feels good man


aa8cd01c No.2131

Site was founded in 2013, we are a few years late

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