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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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File: 156654804979.jpg (221.14 KB, 990x990, 94C4E1FC-4835-4355-8929-94….jpg)

52dac5d9 No.1168[回复]

Chinese be like
>oh no a website says that a country which was never a part of the PRC is not the PRC aaah

52dac5d9 No.1174

File: 156657595825.jpg (352.05 KB, 640x900, D15E2064-BEF9-465A-8A0F-D5….jpg)

Imagine being this insecure


cee07a94 No.1188

Oh no the United Nations says that Taiwan is a part of PRC


52dac5d9 No.1189

Do they


e268c7c6 No.1192

File: 156665627185.jpg (283.5 KB, 640x800, C8EA43C2-5D3C-4A45-88CF-12….jpg)


57ab326a No.1200

CPC controls the PLA
so,overthrowing CPC needs the support from army
the army still have the 3RD destructive nuclear power
and people still demands the glory of the old empire
since CPC sucked,economy definitely broken too
there is only one way

Imagine a Nationalist Chinese government CLAIMING ALL HISTORICAL TERRITORIES
1936 all over again

File: 156654629333.jpg (114.51 KB, 860x861, 61EDC1A3-2E1E-425E-8A0C-D5….jpg)

b3357d30 No.1162[回复]

18帖子 和 8 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

a4d30ed2 No.1215

shit!N98 fat fat


751e7664 No.1226

File: 157110996623.jpg (66.59 KB, 720x960, 285159_355613367862739_149….jpg)



4389ece9 No.1320

early or late,it will be


24a36a45 No.1322

你想說的是“sooner or later the PRC will cease to be"嗎


14a71617 No.1578



1612f6db No.1589



89cb2979 No.1600


94bbdbb6 No.1158[回复]

rules are dumb

File: 156654517268.jpg (24.88 KB, 330x330, 02-winnie-the-pooh_w330_h3….jpg)

d4e63798 No.1156[回复]

ITT: we post our favourite characters

As you can see, my favourite character is Xi Jinping, a Chinese politician serving as General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), President of the People's Republic of China (PRC), and Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC).

2ee60a78 No.1160

Tiananmen square protests of 1989
Fuck zhangies


2ee60a78 No.1161

Tiananmen square protests of 1989
Fuck zhangies

b4b07d5a No.1151[回复]

What do you think of chinese outside the mainland?

4d998409 No.1169

Tourists can be a real pain in the ass as groups but individuals usually are alright
Expats/immigrants are great. Usually hard working and polite. They only commits frauds and tax evasions

d6098ba9 No.1150[回复]

This board has been officially graced by the presence of the most powerful people in the world.

Please welcome me

7d7a4800 No.1152

File: 156654200818.jpg (335.84 KB, 1417x1207, douglas-macarthur.jpg)



0766f54c No.1153

>3.CP would not be tolerated and will be insta deleted and banned, plus you'll be reported to Canadian Police upon discovery.
>Canadian Police

What are they going to do? Make people apologize about it?


ef9bfbe8 No.1154

they just shutdown this site, like every other imageboards

7923a4d5 No.1148[回复]

sup everyone

e1643a35 No.1137[回复]

evacuate the dance floor pope is here
to free Tybet and Hong Kong and declare Taiwan independence

e1643a35 No.1139

File: 156593570650.jpg (47.19 KB, 669x1000, jp2 smoke 2 .jpg)



e1643a35 No.1140

File: 156593583420.jpg (80.41 KB, 718x537, jp2 pogódź się z tym .jpg)



939af14a No.1141

little pole, you finally come, welcome nah


e1643a35 No.1142

File: 156593614998.jpg (86.02 KB, 350x350, jp2 cop .jpg)

im here for little chinesse boys


939af14a No.1143

but first you must show me cute polish boys DON'T, cp is strictly forbidden here


fb0dbfe9 No.1144

File: 156594056550.gif (311.97 KB, 320x180, e7def086c9177f3ee5fd69667e….gif)

So... you want some young pioneers?

5792253c No.1125[回复]

hey ching chong

e8beb288 No.1134

hey proxy tranny faggot

98cecc3b No.1119[回复]

Hello Chinese fellows.
If you want a nice int board ban all Brazilians and Mexicans.
Thank you.

93e6ec52 No.1121

This is true.


93e6ec52 No.1122

This is true.

e781b9e8 No.1114[回复]

Fellow Chinese, share your feels.

How is the Mainland treating you?
Have you acquired gf?
If you did how? I'm getting desperate over here. ゚ ∀゚)ノ

ed3ee30b No.1113[回复]

Fellow Chinese, share your feels.

How is the Mainland treating you?
Have you acquired gf?
If you did how? I'm getting desperate over here. ゚ ∀゚)ノ

dafcccbc No.1110[回复]

What do you think about Siberia?
Here nobody knows why its called that, but its a well known fact that every nation surrounding Siberia (from Russians and Finns to Koreans and Chinese) had very similar names for the land for a long time, before they even knew of each other existence. Here people think it comes from Russian "Север" - north - but frankly it doesn't explain why Chinese, Mongolians and Koreans, who lived far away on the other side of it, call it in almost exact same way.
13帖子 和 6 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

d980ea74 No.1131

In Chinese the word is called xiboliya. Totally a foreign word. From the references, there are two sayings in China. First one is that this word may comes from an ancient nation, Xianbei https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xianbei. Another saying is that this mane comes from Mongolian, which means “muddy land” or “peceful land”. I think the first one is more convincing.


d980ea74 No.1132

I think the main reason for Siberia is well know in Eastern Asia countries is every years’ cold wind comes from there. Every time when we hear “Siberian cold current” we know the weather will get cold. The most surprising thing for me is that the milk there is stored in the solid condition in winter.


e4aed9ae No.1133

File: 15655410342.jpg (60.24 KB, 400x400, ZyV94ozskJI.jpg)

По твоему в Китае не платят пенсии инвалидам?


425ec187 No.1146



e55d7dca No.1147

how its called in minority languages in russia around that area?


ab33b1c0 No.1149

So you have the Russians freezing you every year like we have the Canadians freezing us?


f2eb9bdd No.1175

can you guys at least speak english

01c69ef5 No.1105[回复]

What’s your opinion on Ukraine? We are joining EU in 2024 btw

0f8162dd No.1106

Well, Ukraine is a place of plains, which makes it a good place to develop agriculture and industries, but the lack of mountain and big river makes it a bad place to defense, which makes it a front of different cultures. There’s a saying in China that Ukraine means “borderland” in Ukrainian.
In addition, this country comes from the wars between Russia and Poland, causing the country culturally “mixed” or “divided”. In my view, the country is half west slav and half east slav. Just like the religious there. Half catholic and half orthodox.
I think the best solution for such country in the middle of cultures is to be friend with both sides. This is also what your president now working at. But joining EU is a “choosing side” behavior.
However, EU is a little bit Germanic centered, in which East Slav and orthodox is regarded as “heresy”. And the economic problem is the biggest problem in EU. Even PIGS and Greek was troublesome. I don’t think French and German would like to take over the conflicting country. What’s worse, Russian and Germany has less contradiction than agreement. North stream 2 makes me think that Germany loves Russian natural gas more than Ukraine.


8ba16388 No.1109

File: 156550420214.png (9.3 KB, 297x387, Screenshot_2019-08-11 Goog….png)

>There’s a saying in China that Ukraine means “borderland” in Ukrainian.
That's a well-known fact. Every slav speaker knows that.


06aa96a8 No.1136

>There’s a saying in China that Ukraine means “borderland” in Ukrainian.
That’s not true. Ukraine means “land”, more specifically - “a country”. It’s from Slavic word krajina (a country), and “kraj” - land.


0cedcaa1 No.1138

File: 15659354587.jpg (58.54 KB, 640x540, IMG_20190405_211505_204.jpg)

Thats what krai or kraina means. But if you add "U"?

a7e5653b No.1102[回复]

Hello brothers
I am interested in revolutionary songs from China
there was a song from the opening of the propaganda film Balzac (2002), which is found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUySDK5cpy4
but I do not know the name, could you help me with it?

Additionally, there are many interesting western remixes of Chinese revolutionary songs, called Laporwave.
For instance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8nVB9FwykU
What do you think about these? Do Chinese themselves make such remixes?

afdd02cc No.1107



afdd02cc No.1108



08f067ad No.1199

75e08220 No.1091[回复]


63f13b8f No.1098

Taiwan No.1!


83ae9d04 No.1099

sorry me no understand chinese


2523a812 No.1100

Russia NO.1!

File: 156096380525.jpg (2.87 KB, 250x140, 1409236789472s.jpg)

75840316 No.1081[回复]

In my option, Niger aren;t humans: my explanation:1) short heda;3. they savages4. culture of kill
Thats was my exlaining as to why nigres aren't human beings, exptrapolate your option

96c22b75 No.1082

Not all of them are the same, there are many good black people.


adb4c867 No.1443

True. There's something called the 2-repeat allele of the MAO-A gene that explains the bad behavior, though, but of course, not all Blacks have this issue.

68675d62 No.1078[回复]


f5c020b1 No.1079

File: 156088568046.jpg (155.37 KB, 496x498, FrogsFromJapan.jpg)

/( ◕‿‿◕ )\


baed4c57 No.1088


f380fde7 No.1059[回复]

i want to know how many *real* foreigners lurking here.|∀゚
37帖子 和 12 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

767f7bf5 No.2323



86a274d9 No.2334

File: 159686071864.jpg (239.07 KB, 896x1000, gb-pooh-gets-stuck.jpg)

In the pipe, 5x5!


4608e5ce No.2345

File: 159690860157.jpg (31.5 KB, 474x359, average americans.jpg)

idk why im unknown tbh
im burger


5cac09cf No.2347

Je n'ai rien tenté, tout fonctionne.


667862c6 No.2435

File: 159797773658.jpg (4.16 KB, 177x168, donald.jpg)

hello there


80969da6 No.2476

Hi hehe(*゚∇゚)


e160ab86 No.2480

File: 159908791755.jpg (54.91 KB, 784x785, 1599077070438.jpg)


ec08e112 No.1057[回复]

I welcome my chinese overlords. Send us please more people from the inner mongolia, we can't build the new silk road without them

ec08e112 No.1058

File: 15586913716.jpg (126.89 KB, 806x1178, 1557825126187-1.jpg)

And don't forget they should be unemployed
i can't see any pictures, is that okay?
Nice emoticons tho( TдT)

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