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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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35fcb470 No.2477[回复]

I wanna learn Chinese ,is hello Chinese app good? Any yips and tricks?

804ca0f1 No.2473[回复]

When I see western "leftist"tankies flatter China,I really feel weird
They know nothing about China,it's State-capitalism with communism bureaucracy,actually the opposite of these so called"librel left"
Especially those LGBTQ supporting tankies,bruh China literally have crime of hooliganism to put LGBT in prison in the*most communism years*

804ca0f1 No.2474

As for DPRK,even Chinese normal people think DPRK is more authoritarianism then us

File: 159882957380.jpg (6.82 KB, 259x194, завантаження.jpg)

5369adc5 No.2472[回复]

Hi there
Can you tell me about Chinese personal computers of 70s-80s? Was there smth like "home computer" in that time?

00a592ee No.2475

70s-80s China don't have home computers,they appered in China in 1992
I remember 2000s,I went to relative's home,play Microsoft Pinball with my cousin in a cumbersome old computer,just look like this picture

b5227a23 No.2469[回复]

Bi sounkouroun lou la donkégna, ah, ah
Bi sounkouroun lou la donkégna, ah, ah
I madji I ma yélé
I kanan n'bila nara ro
N'bo n'bolo bila
Kanfalani yana sara le ila
Yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
Yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
Bi kamberen lou la donkégna, ah, ah
Bi kamberen lou la donkégna, ah, ah
I madji I ma yélo
I kanan n'bila nara ro
N'bo n'bolo bila
Gnin kisse gbela sara le ila
Yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
Ké woyé boli lalé, N'na doni kassi kan, Woyé boli lalé (Eh! Eh!)
Ké woyé boli lalé, N'na doni kassi kan, Woyé boli lalé (Eh! Eh!)
I kanan n'bila doni kassi kan
Woyé boli lalé (Wo dén té soron)
Nyé n'ta soron akono
Mi ma ta I yonfé (Wo dén té soron lonkéléna)
Sini Mory la diyandé
Timba bara wouloukounta
Souba ma kata I yala
Ah sara le ila
Yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
Yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké (Djely mousso ni kédjou to wara bo)
Yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké (M'ba mofila téma yan féou)
Yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
Bi kamberen lou la donkégna, ah, ah
Bi sounkouroun lou la donkégna, ah, ah
I madji I ma yélo
I kanan n'bila nara ro
N'bo n'bolo bila
Kanfalani yana sara le ila
Yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
Yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
Ké woyé boli lalé, N'na doni kassi kan, Woyé boli lalé (Eh! Eh!)
Ké woyé boli lalé, N'na doni kassi kan, Woyé boli lalé (Eh! Eh!)
Ké woyé boli lalé, N'na doni kassi kan, Woyé boli lalé (Eh! Eh!)
Ké woyé boli lalé, N'na doni kassi kan, Woyé boli lalé (Eh! Eh!)
I kanan n'bila doni kassi kan, Woyé boli lalé (Wo dén té soron)
I kanan n'bila doni kassi kan, Woyé boli lalé (Wo dén té soron)
Nyé n'ta sorona kono, mi ma ta I yonfé (Wo dén té soron lonkéléna)
Nyé n'ta sorona kono, mi ma ta I yonfé (Wo dén té soron lonkéléna)
Sini Mory la diyandé, Timba bara wouloukounta, souba ma kata I yala
Ah sara le ila
Yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
Yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
Yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
Yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
Yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké

662cca28 No.2470

I can't read


414fdffd No.2471

newfie language

69d0f0ff No.2458[回复]


de7dc9fb No.2460

VIRUS!!!!!!!!!!! DONT CLICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


bbc6c393 No.2461

lmao ok


de7dc9fb No.2462



0a0cf39c No.2464

Sorry, 6 tries to pass Cloudflair captcha and I give up. They've got some new 'enter the words you see' thing, which seemed easy but it didn't let me in. Then it did the usual find the planes bit, and 'round and 'round it went. js & cookies on. You'll have to fill your own void today. no homo.


0b017e1a No.2466

Still broken.


b45f6e92 No.2481

It must be how you've configured your proxy which is causing detectinos because I always get in without even seeing the captcha.


90b79c4d No.2483

Usual CF captcha, but it works today.

a74e80fd No.2452[回复]


f62c8957 No.2453

File: 159832151297.jpg (482.71 KB, 979x753, diff-strokes-what-clickn.jpg)



3f8ca0be No.2459

VIRUS!!!!!!!!!!! DONT CLICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


81401bdb No.2465



dd417c85 No.2467

i will always rate this Finn dude


3f8ca0be No.2468

good boy

File: 159804931954.jpg (114.86 KB, 1280x1024, bao qing tian2.jpg)

3dc12995 No.2444[回复]

burger here

i remember when i first stumbled upon kc/int/ years ago, i was blown away to hear how soviets had their own version of the NES, called the "dendy". it was basically just a cheap bootleg NES manufactured in USSR, to get around USSR law which prohibited importing any western cultural shit like that.
most of the games for dendy were just romdumps of western NES games with crude translations (or totally untranslated), but some were romhacks that swapped the sprites for characters that soviet kids were more familiar with. and then there were a few that were actually just original games, albeit usually pretty wonky.

about ten or so years ago, i went down to NYCs chinatown and bought in some weird chinatown shop, for like $30, some little handheld thing called a "dingoo A320". it was a cheap little piece of shit (ya get what ya pay for), but it honestly emulated 8-bit games pretty well so i used to play it a lot when i was on the road.
the guy at the store wasnt so good at engrish, but he kept telling me:
>"gib $10 more, ill give you game"
figured it would just be a bunch of roms (and it was), but why the hell not? it was so cheap already anyways. and so he hooked it up to his computer and gave me a bunch of roms of weird chinese translations of old NES games. but a few of them were outright original games. one of the ones i remember playing the most was called "Bao Qing Tian" (picrel), which was apparently some old chinese tv show.
like the russian dendy games i was talking about before, this game was pretty wonky, but it was mostly fair enough and fun enough to where i used to play it a lot. there were a couple other chinese games i used to play on the dingoo, but since i cant into chinese, its hard for me to remember any of the names.
also, the dingoo finally broke (RIP in pieces), so i cant even look at the files on it anymore even if i wanted too ;_;

anyways, blogpost aside, im curious to hear what exactly was your guys experience with vidya during the 8bit/16bit era. i would imagine that emulation was pretty big over there, as importing physical games was prolly way out of most peoples price range, if not outright impossible/illegal to get. ive heard that nowadays in china its all just mobile phone games (which are almost all entirely garbage), so im not too interested in that particularly帖子太长。点击这里 查看全部文字。

3dc12995 No.2445

File: 159804963176.jpg (260.95 KB, 944x739, bao qing tian1.jpg)

heres another screencap (apologies for the crappy filter) i found online of that same game
idk, it was a fun little action-platformer, even if those hanging barrels at the beginning were absolute bullshit.


0a0cffb0 No.2448

im just a poor boy。no electronic game can play


3dc12995 No.2456

why dont you emulate?
its F R E E


e795b6ac No.2463

For the cool stories about importing,forget about it.Most of Chinese first FC were counterfeits.It‘s a totally replica of FC,white and red plastic body.The most famous manufacturer is Xiaobawang 小霸王,Jackie Chan once been the poster guy of them.FC usually called red and white machine红白机.Usually the rom contain 4 to 64 games.Well only less than 10 years,the chinese FC was overed.

File: 159797805124.jpg (81.54 KB, 510x585, 156352441041263300.jpg)

7e9488c9 No.2437[回复]

>[☑ No File]
Delete this shit, mods, pls

d0f1b462 No.2440

[☑ No File] = good


533a904a No.2442



533a904a No.2443



a2304c70 No.2449



d0f1b462 No.2451

bad = good
good = bad

File: 159796846555.png (236.9 KB, 1010x865, Screenshot_2020-08-21 int….png)

3734a78f No.2433[回复]

very very good

3734a78f No.2434

File: 159796766175.jpg (51.17 KB, 768x433, elderly-china-woman-knock-….jpg)

23afc8f9 No.2431[回复]

File: 159796749757.jpg (67.31 KB, 1199x2133, 1597954936490-0.jpg)

f1f95c87 No.2430[回复]

redpill me

822436aa No.2418[回复]


8b397846 No.2419

VIRUS!!!!!!!!!!! DONT CLICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


45f88921 No.2422

File: 159789702446.jpg (183.21 KB, 1024x701, seal-of-disapproval.jpg)

Fake & gay!

( ´∀`)

b8ed7917 No.2417[回复]

Hello fellow Chinese frens, come and visit us at https://bernd.group/int

f45bee7d No.2420

VIRUS!!!!!!!!!!! DONT CLICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


b582bb42 No.2421

File: 159789689835.jpg (181.17 KB, 885x664, possum-lt-faker-mouse.jpg)

Scum! We drove you from Lynxchan and fight you where-ever you are! Don't show your face around here! (>д<)


ebde914a No.2447

File: 159807075144.png (608.01 KB, 751x484, possum-buffed-07.png)

Unlock tor, you cowards!

( ☉д⊙)

File: 159770611760.png (888.78 KB, 640x835, ClipboardImage-1597704433.png)

189fa680 No.2410[回复]

se lepää
1帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

189fa680 No.2413

wtf = welcum to finland


05c047cb No.2414



189fa680 No.2415



5b68d9d9 No.2416


3ef816c4 No.2423

My best guess is "it rests", comparable to the English "rest in peace (RIP)".


28973c7f No.2426

RIP=Rest illegible penis


189fa680 No.2427

File: 159794620624.png (72.87 KB, 293x339, teeme – kopio.png)


File: 159768554576.png (765.74 KB, 720x1116, 1597671332602-0.png)

96e591c6 No.2407[回复]

me walk

96e591c6 No.2408

File: 159768557724.jpg (208.26 KB, 1098x1052, 1597671332602-2.jpg)



7452cb41 No.2409

fuck them niggas


3059bf97 No.2450

Bruh they're not even black,they're Austronesian
Secondly it's their tradition,they welcomed other ambassadors like that too,it's pretty strange though


26714cac No.2454

is this the "road" part of the "belt and road"?


26714cac No.2455

>it's pretty strange though
thats putting it nicely
one of the most cargo cult things ive ever seen tbh

361ef2ba No.2400[回复]

No modern China without CCP

China will defeat Anglosphere and Anglo dog people!

7233756e No.2403



979a4eca No.2404

free market=good


43c00169 No.2405

belt and road = based and redpilled


d8e84f55 No.2428

File: 15979592411.jpg (226.58 KB, 718x924, cat-vs-chinaman.jpg)

No eat cat, chinaman, please!


3b4a6170 No.2438


also +1


3b4a6170 No.2439

File: 159800669224.png (13.96 KB, 839x181, 2.png)

Do everything on this list except Mongolia and Russia. Throw a nuke on New York instead. Also stop eating cats.


238f2e6a No.2441


7d634dcc No.2398[回复]

If you read this you have mad retard disease.

4bd6e16c No.2399


ee53763b No.2401



971e4a78 No.2402


File: 159757892299.jpg (8.93 KB, 181x278, 342342.jpg)

f945a5f6 No.2395[回复]

ok anon, I'm gonna poop on your mum, where is she?

73e19606 No.2396

But she is your grandma,my autistic son


f945a5f6 No.2397


File: 159757860837.jpg (170.1 KB, 719x1280, 614985e917100f3229c6dc5194….jpg)

f941eb10 No.2394[回复]

She broke my heart

08292428 No.2411

...because I couldn't dance


5b4535b6 No.2424

she didn't want me around...


0d3d7c77 No.2425

but I'm back...


97225409 No.2429

to let you know...


206b0ed2 No.2446

I can really shake'em down!

File: 159749663577.jpg (95.58 KB, 900x661, I+swear+if+it+wasnt+for+th….jpg)

6c1a406e No.2392[回复]

me rate

2269712b No.2393

rated based

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