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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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9a9328d6 No.2680[回复]

Fuck you chinks

388df061 No.2681

Fuck you little Muslim


2b55682f No.2682

Ohhhh, Turkey Junior just got angry. What are you gonna do? Invade Armenia again?


bc77e46d No.2683



23f52a46 No.2685

Fuck you, beaner.

File: 1618833949945.jpg (111.95 KB, 900x614, turkish-fm-cavusoglu-in-ch….jpg)

11389ac7 No.2668[回复]

when sino turk alliance to wipe wh*Tes off map??

8bbca923 No.2678

bruh, you're islamized greek, you're white too

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d4514631 No.2673[回复]

If I go to China being a young white western man with money. Will a pack of chink girls in hot sexy qipao jump to me desperatedly in order to suck my cock?

90c1f1cd No.2674

>> in hot sexy qipao
I sir, would doubt this part.


4ac75ff5 No.2677

I have bad news for you, anon

b47a87e3 No.2669[回复]

welcome to 4chan

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3d5342e4 No.2663[回复]

you will waste ze money on ze yet another recycled generic anime girl for the 203020349094 time in ze yet another boring generic gacha game number 9123940498430293040840174294937593989 and you will be happy, gweilo.

ae58a966 No.2664

Whole mobile game market is cringe
Sadly most of game companys in China are mobile game companys because of investment,censorship and shit


5e6cd0c7 No.2665

>playing mobile games


be323e31 No.2666

8960748e No.2511[回复]

3帖子 和 1 image reply 省略. 点击回复查看

17c03413 No.2524

never gonna make you cry
never gonna say goodbye
never gonna tell a lie and hurt you


604931d0 No.2530

File: 1609561000217.gif (1.05 MB, 518x518, QQ图片20210102121609.gif)


f74320ea No.2535

I found sometimes can't post without VPN


5720749b No.2541

vicious pooh


6b2089f0 No.2604

Nice browser
Is it something like Firefox vintage edition?


64bb7af9 No.2644

It's Palemoon. Similar to Firefox before Firefox had those major changes way back when. It's being actively developed. I like it because you can customize it easier than FF without having to dive into about:config.


There's binary builds on its website so you don't have to build it yourself:


cbe374d6 No.2659

based windows xp user

File: 1614540197528.jpg (1.04 MB, 1920x1080, 1920x1080.jpg)

630359fd No.2594[回复]


Clearnet: https://anonboard.be/
Tor: http://anonbrd2gmsia547epkpebsyayuo75pet4ymis2uomuimarld7n3bkqd.onion/
I2P: http://23reicfqj2yrq6bushimyfo3jnxkcxz77ruqdl474wlvkhulrnmq.b32.i2p/

b3648334 No.2605



b3c1b395 No.2639

Cool site.


3fe3125e No.2656


c4d56ccd No.2649[回复]

Does your chinese CoViD vaccine works?
Sinovac. I heard it's only 50% effective and immunity drops after 6 months.

c4d56ccd No.2650

Unlike other vaccines, it's a whole virus. Other vaccines are just based on the spike protein production and the antibodies against it. The virus is chemically destroyed and most of it is left corrupted. Depending on the destroyed parts of the virus it could be more effective against the new variants, or less.


c4d56ccd No.2651

So it would be like this.
Other vaccines: More effective against the original virus. Less effective against the new variants.
Sinovac vaccine: Less effective against the original virus. More effective against the new variants.


c4d56ccd No.2652

Other vaccines only target the spike protein. This is what precisely the mutated variants change with each mutation. Sinovac has the whole virus, produces more antibodies against the different parts of the pathogen.
I would still like to know more about this vaccine, as it is the one being applied in my country (Pfizer too, but only to some healthcare workers and 80+ years olds).


63cf636d No.2653

So Sinovac is not mRNA then? What do Chinanons think about the theory that sars-cov-2 escaped from a lab? What do you think of the Yan Report?


785f701e No.2655

>escaped from lab
Possible,but hard to say
>Yan's report
Yan is just a speculator like her boss Miles Guo

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d4beed47 No.2610[回复]

How come Chinese people like boobs so much, when your own women got little to none?

d4beed47 No.2611

File: 1615159540392.jpg (502.79 KB, 4088x2515, 1615156705115.jpg)

What do Chinese people do when they play with tits of Chinese women in the bed? Do you only grab the nipples with the fingers or what?


18b1a4ca No.2614

Maybe people watching boobs in China on PornHub aren't Chinese but they're Europeans being on a business trip


5de9a7fc No.2626

if red and blue were nation states, that would be a interesting world


955b21dc No.2633

This map makes no sense. Have you actually seen women from those places? I've never seen a small-breasted black woman in my life, yet Africa is all red and yellow.

> Russia biggest

I think a Russian made this map.


18b1a4ca No.2635

I'm pretty sure most of big-breasted black women are just fat and from america


6a76c141 No.2643

Black women from Africa are small-breasted because of poor nutrition and hunger/starvation.
Only big-chested black women are from USA. Black women from there eat lot of chicken and shit so they have good nutrition and therefore bigger features.


2b6827dd No.2645

Yeah but neither do most people have big butts
Comparing to that,I still prefer boobs(medium)

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e259200b No.2640[回复]

I thank the chinese for releasing the plague upon the world as it was in need of cleansing.
a shame i could not go with the weak ones.
next time please make it stronger.

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7b03c621 No.2636[回复]

>Alaska summit
Thoughts? Opinions? Who "won"?

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6a897eaa No.2625[回复]

Has the West been Defeated?

313b5732 No.2627

I don't think so
But I'm not west people so IDK


334352c7 No.2628

File: 1615646783044.jpg (138.65 KB, 613x1023, 71B c1oRDlL.jpg)

Remember that similar things were said about Japan


6a897eaa No.2632

File: 1615918058095.jpeg (103.97 KB, 720x811, meandtheboisagain.jpeg)

cuming war you say


25c80458 No.2634

Yes. Someone please nuke the country formerly known as "America" and give me a quick death.

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b210d721 No.2630[回复]

sup supers

241d1442 No.2631

Sir, it's Chinese chan, not 4chan/pol

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7e3e94fe No.2629[回复]

two gendersssssssss

4adce5bf No.2612[回复]

Is true that chinese go to poo and pee then don't wash hands afterwards?

50c9ae9d No.2623

Sounds like Chinese stereotype to India

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eff67981 No.2613[回复]

What do Chinese people think of the crazy Western people that think China will dominate and subjugate the world and become number 1 world power and conquer all of Asia through chinese imperialism and that Xi Jinping will make the Chinese Empire electric boogalo (like in the pic) and he created the coronavirus to destroy the West with lockdowns and controls the UN/WHO and Biden is a chinese puppet president controlled by the power hungry Emperor Xi who wants to brainwash us all using 5G towers and Huawei phones.
AFAIK China is just a poor "socialist" shithole like my country and many other countries. So over than half of the things the people claim they can/will/are doing is fake and gay.

cc72149a No.2615

If China really going to dominate the world,they'll do tons of propaganda first
Media keep saying they'll change Taiwan but nothing happend for 20 years,so I don't think things will change in visible future


820c6c3f No.2621

Yeah, Taiwan says a lot about real might of China

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2662383e No.2572[回复]

lotta chinafags here wow

e84554a0 No.2573

File: 1612601390810.png (7.68 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

lol Amerimutt


32326b51 No.2619

File: 1615246262509.png (6.72 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

hahaha this is fun what are we doing guise

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e96e5ca4 No.2599[回复]

is the US A ok?

8b7a1822 No.2601



68038c45 No.2603

as cringe as chinese boomer memes in wechat


4879c5c5 No.2606

Stupid image.


8b7a1822 No.2607

Can you show them to us? I'm curious how cringy it is


e96e5ca4 No.2618

File: 1615227674995.png (58.87 KB, 193x355, piratepeepachu.png)

me too I would also like to see pls

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39a70ac4 No.2608[回复]

Is it true that guy who made picrel was arrested?

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dcfc169d No.2546[回复]

Is it true that a lot of historic buildings are being destroyed in mainland China today? I hope not

9df6b58b No.2553

Some estate agents may do that,or bad repairing that makes real old buildings look like fake
Cringe archaize streets and 30¥ Instant noodles also spoiling good places


3f5908e8 No.2562

Ok but does government try to protect this cultural heritage by law?


12554f67 No.2600

based kick them out

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