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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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1f872e08 No.2017[回复]

is it hard to find pr0ns on the china?
or do you guys have your own pornsites behind the GFW?
and are those sites also owned by CCP?

7c63f79f No.2018

Also fix our grammar pls are you a Chinese in disguise


77000237 No.2020

Easier then find politcal things
Porn is forbidden,but GFW can't block all
>have porn sites behind GFW
yes,servers are always in north America
>porn owned by CCP

22532a36 No.2015[回复]


d1388cc4 No.2021

File: 159478662920.jpg (103.98 KB, 761x516, jd-versus-diablos.jpg)

Живи сегодняшним днем.
Пост-джокерские собаки.
Играть в охотника за монстрами.


4d77be93 No.2029

Is Hyena some kind of meme?


5e060477 No.2035


d92c42ea No.2037

File: 159484332670.jpg (287.68 KB, 1024x1024, jd-hot-tub.jpg)

Wonder why my replies in 2036 got removed out of the thread and my file stripped? I was in Reply mode.


776dabe0 No.2039

🤔Why do you post hyena pics?


61d311e7 No.2042

File: 159487437098.jpg (255.29 KB, 957x766, possum-captain-smooth-tail.jpg)

People always use dogs and cats, and these things are old for memes. So I try to use something different. The other two animals I use alot are komono dragons and possums. Hyenas can be made to look funny, cute, sarcastic, or nasty, so they are like a blank slate to the person making an image from them. Once I get a tablet, I want to rival pepe with a character based off a hyena. Everything I've done so far is with Gimp, but I want to start using Krita or MyPaint for drawing. You have to make new content for people to take notice. Keep moving forward. Not one wants to see the same thing again and again.

Also, joker dogs are aligned with the possum-posse, another one of my creations. Have you heard of the possum-posse?

File: 159469952655.jpg (21.37 KB, 200x200, 9C460417-D748-43EE-9590-43….jpg)

4344caa6 No.2007[回复]

Who are all these newfags?

94efc5b3 No.2008

File: 159470041069.jpg (138.11 KB, 900x438, possum-fluffed-did-you-kno….jpg)

Someone shilled on a number of chans we use, so you got people from there. I don't remember which ones exactly, but it's the zchan, 8camel, 9fans, chantopia, onee crowd (which is more or less the same bunch).

File: 15946975991.png (783.77 KB, 768x768, me r8.png)

02e536b3 No.2004[回复]

post ur social credit score
mines 420

2a50c845 No.2006

File: 159469887590.jpg (229.85 KB, 1200x800, squirrel.jpg)

I like squirrels.


dde629b6 No.2009



c11cdd98 No.2016

I wonder why am I not jailed yet


dde629b6 No.2028

I'm coming for you,in the name of Emperor Pooh!


369f4e53 No.2034

me 888

File: 159468617810.jpg (141.38 KB, 369x560, will.jpg)

13c853b0 No.1998[回复]

what do you think about will smith?

fc857679 No.2001

i think hes a cultist
scientology is big gay


76373cdf No.2005

File: 159469871893.png (143.64 KB, 380x285, do-not-want-380x285.png)

He is ugly with retarded children. (゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)


fc857679 No.2010

File: 159470192981.jpg (57.4 KB, 850x400, suns not hot bruh.jpg)

>retarded children
to put it nicely


bbcbefc6 No.2011

File: 159470346192.jpg (60.14 KB, 517x636, foghorn-aint-the-sharpest.jpg)

Would you rather be rich and dumb or poor and smart?


415cc0d0 No.2013

rich and dumb,life would be joyful


b085e2aa No.2014

File: 159472628186.jpg (68.09 KB, 931x720, EYlaSTXUYAIzpOb.jpg)


File: 159466214725.jpg (55.46 KB, 576x1024, china girl.jpg)

81323c64 No.1996[回复]

me china gf(male)

ab5ccd94 No.1997

File: 159468248220.png (266.33 KB, 700x700, 14867633417540 – kopio.png)



606997e3 No.2003

>being gay in 2020

a6a794e3 No.1993[回复]

I claim this board for Amicus!

a6a794e3 No.1994

File: 159461716263.png (150.5 KB, 341x388, Amicus-pride-1.png)



b46fde39 No.1995

Pretty gay
I need more

File: 159456133195.png (79.43 KB, 1180x1000, 1594549724869.png)

3fcd90f3 No.1985[回复]


f763c389 No.1987



3fcd90f3 No.1988

redpill me on cyprusian investors in ukraine.


768b8edb No.2000

doubt theyre cyprusian
isnt cyprus just some slav taxhaven?
probably some ruskie mob shit to wash money or something tbh


70002eaa No.2002

oligarchs are hiding money there
Many of them have Cyprus passports


768b8edb No.2012

knew it
t. knew it

f1f35e22 No.1982[回复]

Are you guys really from China?

32d2d267 No.1983


File: 159451402383.jpg (168.09 KB, 1024x621, Tiananmen square.jpg)

9bf7256e No.1981[回复]

I hope China will be free one day

ac9863e8 No.1986

I hope Poland will be free one day


9bf7256e No.1989


File: 159448854242.jpg (159.36 KB, 1382x916, 1594421760777.jpg)

e28caabe No.1977[回复]

me pic

73cbf563 No.1984

File: 159454361463.jpg (32.61 KB, 640x634, 1578732329_91445-.jpg)


File: 159442732735.jpg (173.39 KB, 1080x1440, Ecl3sEeXoAEumcb.jpg)

3aa8c28f No.1975[回复]

me atm

cee474fe No.1991

You have a nice ass, and olive green is my second fav color. Why don't you come over and bring your friend there, too?

1fb8f1e3 No.1974[回复]

A friendly hello from

5c3f8519 No.1971[回复]

I just found this board, how many Chinese posters are there?

38d2f215 No.2022

File: 159478777483.jpg (67.97 KB, 638x426, jd-smooth-operator.jpg)

Exactly one. And we all have to share him so wait your turn.


b88f1783 No.2023

Maybe only me,I seldom see other Chinese flags
I browse /int/ everyday


12cacfd2 No.2025

at least the moderator are there too

File: 159439129864.jpg (118 KB, 2048x1463, 1594340904840.jpg)

c108e793 No.1962[回复]


478170d7 No.1964



1efd67e3 No.1965



02893e04 No.1968



cbe6471f No.1976


34bebbf6 No.1959[回复]

Please visit new kotchan and krautchan

f5cb9cd7 No.1960

Horobets please

File: 159435306941.png (452.58 KB, 585x845, jd-wanted-poster.png)

acee28b3 No.1952[回复]


acee28b3 No.1953

File: 159435316753.png (568.91 KB, 585x845, possum-wanted-poster.png)

Very dangerous 'Net criminals. They are wanted with a high price on their heads. If you see them, please report!

File: 159434956847.jpg (231.82 KB, 1114x729, selfie-cat-998fun.jpg)

5e074134 No.1950[回复]

I'm on world tour. Follow me every place I go.
我在进行世界巡演 我走到哪里,就跟到哪里

c17f372e No.1954


ab2bcc43 No.1945[回复]

Is there Chinese here?
Red pill me on current affairs and the CCP.

1c4f717f No.1969

what happen if I post a famous Chinese copy pasta in there for exemple?


4fd9151d No.1992

I bet the admin regrets shilling this site on Western imageboards. Now all the retards are here.

File: 159432870675.png (59.92 KB, 500x500, Нічано_лого.png)

4446b08e No.1940[回复]

Greetings from the Nichan, my foreign friends!
Welcome to the our /int/:

09126940 No.1961

File: 159438728179.jpg (102.29 KB, 400x400, 1346950606496.jpg)

Yoy, naj bude

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