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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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2c7cd2e6 No.1938[回复]

hello frens

2c7cd2e6 No.1939

File: 159432618742.jpg (29.68 KB, 364x479, 孙中山肖像.jpg)

how is this possible that chinese chan can exist?


29613d86 No.1941

Thank Father Sun for it


91c97be7 No.1943

Let's kill some sparrows.


2c7cd2e6 No.1946

Its Sun Yat-sen, not Mao


1fbb5223 No.1947

Server is not in China


9969331e No.1948

And thats it? Nothing more you need?


1fbb5223 No.1949

And GFW didn't notice us,though that may happen,anyway I have VPN

File: 159411364739.jpg (29.93 KB, 357x446, Ek Açıklama 2020-07-07 1….jpg)

dcd2e28c No.1930[回复]

i want her to give me assistance

03fef90c No.1932



0eb0aa12 No.1933

i want to give her dick assistance


0eb0aa12 No.1934

i mean assistance with my dick, not assistance to her dick ( ̄︿ ̄)


8b43210d No.1936

you are gay


ed58803e No.1955

i-im not

64cbc089 No.1929[回复]

gaokao was easy

11767961 No.1931

177117d0 No.1927[回复]

fuck wh*tes xD

177117d0 No.1928

File: 159404212382.png (70.26 KB, 1574x370, pol beliefs in a nutshell ….png)



149da109 No.1937


File: 159402887222.png (390.97 KB, 534x566, jd-yip-yip.png)

fa54201b No.1926[回复]

Fuck amerikkka

83de2a0e No.1951

You have excellent taste in memes. :DDD

bbeb9444 No.1921[回复]

药娘's 药s are imported from turkey

i am proud
sissify chinese male

bbeb9444 No.1922

File: 159396796915.jpg (406.9 KB, 2048x1536, EcK9qxOVcAMzMur.jpg)



1f014039 No.1923

What's Turkey's attitude to LGBT?


35156195 No.1924


File: 159396472368.png (39.62 KB, 685x247, 1593902464961-0.png)

109160fa No.1919[回复]


109160fa No.1920

File: 159396476886.png (661.92 KB, 634x423, 1593902464961-1.png)


File: 159396292710.jpg (46.8 KB, 840x689, handcuff-tibet-beating-chi….jpg)

ecd05669 No.1918[回复]

File: 159391275411.jpg (77.94 KB, 824x559, 1593867109571.jpg)

91316d02 No.1913[回复]

redpill me

2919dde0 No.1916

Vladvostck was took from Qing Dynasty,but China now don't territorial dispute with Russia
And you miss the funniest part——Chinese "internet patriots" always mad about everything against China,but they are silence about Russische Botschaft's this weibo because they're russophile caused by propaganda


cca6a0fe No.2204


Can't be assed to translate it into english. Lörs optionions?

File: 159389917392.jpg (141.35 KB, 720x960, Jeune citoyen allemand –….jpg)

e58d5a68 No.1909[回复]

I wasn't aware that 998fun was still around.
It has some of the nicest and comfiest communities I've seen so far, similarly to Winnish pages, /bant/ and /int/ but without the random polfag and butthurt tranny

809fe13e No.1911

I invite /pol/orcs and make trannies butthurt (with my dick)


e58d5a68 No.1912



7874ff4c No.1925

Its literally the best thing ever regards,

File: 159389910646.png (72.74 KB, 293x339, teeme – kopio.png)

05ff8599 No.1908[回复]

Why do Chinese sites have the strangest hostnames of anywhere in the world? idk what's up with that. If you look at https://github.com/ccd0/imageboards.json/blob/gh-pages/imageboards.json you can see more of these weird hostnames.


Probably because they're free and/or so obscure the Chinese government can't track them.

c00b276a No.1915

998 means "will be rich" in Chinese (sounds similar to 就就发) and is a very common pricing in China. hence the hostname.

The hostname of 466chan, on the other hand... (it's a Kingdom Hearts reference)


383979bc No.1966

nice curiosity

File: 159363659095.jpg (240.05 KB, 1500x1051, south-korea-asian-games-ju….jpg)

302ea053 No.1879[回复]

me gang

File: 15936219977.jpg (76.71 KB, 1500x500, 2.jpg)

d1a23473 No.1873[回复]

how hard is it for me to find and have sex with transgirls / crossdressers in china?

424b871c No.1874

how hard is to find and have sex with female (female) in china as European man?
btw op is gay


7a666642 No.1876

I want to know that too.
Is Hong Kong even safe now anymore for them and me?


a1f23990 No.1881

gay as fuck
I'll stone you to death for Allah!


e6742990 No.1882

File: 159372133078.jpg (107.53 KB, 1080x1440, 21e2df91b5294850c34c5b193b….jpg)

its ok you can but only after SEX(`・ω・)


e5d61372 No.1901

i dont think that our little yellow friend would allow trans people to even exist in his country


fe3cd123 No.1902

File: 159388535425.jpg (512.51 KB, 1999x3000, tru_347_01004.jpg)



fe142eeb No.2114

File: 159518772554.jpg (448.01 KB, 1363x2048, 1.jpg)


39bd4e9f No.1871[回复]


3057d871 No.1872

File: 159362195564.jpg (181.99 KB, 1440x1080, 4.jpg)

douyin overdose

File: 159355430037.jpg (127.81 KB, 992x972, 1593468117180.jpg)

d08d3e6e No.1869[回复]

me rat

0cc758d3 No.1875

typical finn/10


d08d3e6e No.1877



5b4cb3c6 No.2351

File: 159697976038.jpg (208.54 KB, 707x1000, DCIM_0531.jpg)

Pas mal...

0991c1c7 No.1867[回复]

I'm lonely( ・_ゝ・)

05aca8e7 No.1868

me too( ´_っ`)( ̄︿ ̄)

f2b91ddd No.1865[回复]

My computer thinks I'm gay/

cde50212 No.1866

Yes you are


4977ffa5 No.1870

you are gay

97e537d8 No.1855[回复]

What is you opinion on the collapse of the 3 gorges dam that will probably happen soon.

I'll take it as the universes holy revenge against the CCP.

370bb577 No.1858

IDK,I saw many stultify oneself reports,maybe it's true,maybe not
I live in Wuhan,where near the dam and just suffered a lot,so I have mental and material preparation
Anyway,I won't be surprised if alien spaceship land before my home right now,2020 is really weird as fuck


c43f2e46 No.1880

Well,several years ago I only see discusstions about dam on Internet,now some acquaintances are talking about that
That seems more real

File: 159330190756.jpg (141.33 KB, 720x960, Jeune citoyen allemand –….jpg)

b1267375 No.1853[回复]

you are now breathing and blinking your eyes manually.

8b5c0d0c No.1852[回复]

How come the Chinese are allowed on the internet? I thought you were behind the great firewall.

752b83f0 No.1854

This imageboard didn't get attention from GFW cause it's small
BTW,we can use VPN to browse blocked websites


95950b66 No.1856

I remember in Thailand, literally every rural cafe or restaurant has an WiFi point for customers that runs through an VPN to allow unlimited access.

Is VPN so common in China too?


69faf99a No.1857

Not very common
it's grey area,and many people rather use censored substitutes of popular websites


69faf99a No.1860

If a cafe or reasaurant serves VPN to customers in China,it will definitely be shut down

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