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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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File: 144346920569.jpg (45.96 KB, 500x669, 1417261991350-1.jpg)

899253c6 No.415[回复]

Do Chinese like black grils?

0297f2af No.416



de7b6eab No.429

I don't think anyone does really


e7ff9245 No.434

File: 144370592467.jpg (85.55 KB, 676x753, ribalen.jpg)

beautiful lipstick

File: 144346294995.jpg (83.78 KB, 700x919, fac9fbf30bfeeebdbce01b8d54….jpg)

5f51a657 No.413[回复]

>no webms allowed, no porn

Post fitbirds then.

48b3ee24 No.1895

webms = bad
porn = bad


4db8c9cf No.1910

File: 159390236598.jpg (33.98 KB, 480x480, how real woman look like f….jpg)


d6213c67 No.411[回复]

Are there chinese people with long heda?

Post examples of asian long heda.

d6213c67 No.412

File: 144345946484.jpg (24.39 KB, 486x442, longheda.jpg)

Also please somebody fix missing OP pic.


c5122221 No.414

newfags can't OPforce

ae9e3720 No.404[回复]

Do the Jews control China too?
Do Chinese people know about the Zionist Occupation Government?
/( ◕‿‿◕ )\

a17e04c9 No.403[回复]

Do chinese people like cats?

d3eb5bf7 No.469



23ff0c9a No.476

File: 14487891656.jpg (424.89 KB, 960x1280, t8875wx.jpg)



3848809d No.662

yeah we love pussy

f56c81cb No.399[回复]

That feel when no cute HK gf.

26848a7f No.401

File: 144344798336.png (41.93 KB, 656x773, 1368596396.png)

That feel when no GF ever


c14c1241 No.402

File: 144345560058.jpg (210.64 KB, 685x1024, 1237816063767.jpg)

HK high school girl


9b81ba26 No.407

I hear they're evil ( ´ー`)


8d045ef7 No.409

Holy crap, plz adopt!


8d045ef7 No.410

File: 144345871581.jpg (7 KB, 231x218, 1409280671776.jpg)

Test of attached image

d792a1bf No.398[回复]


993ea960 No.395[回复]

anime thread( ̄∇ ̄)

993ea960 No.396

File: 144341624268.png (183.53 KB, 521x401, 1428536439001.png)

my image is gone.


993ea960 No.397

File: 144341663234.png (788.13 KB, 1080x1080, 1435417548001.png)

this was meant to be the original post.( ´ー`)

55376baa No.391[回复]

what?!here are six online?

229b0bf5 No.394


c7603601 No.386[回复]

゚ ∀゚)ノ

ec31df71 No.387

>Respect our rules: no Porn, Politics and Religion related posts are allowed.

what else is there even to talk about??


ca9797ca No.388

File: 14434025958.jpg (37.21 KB, 597x843, 1435439493001.jpg)

Polish Death Camps.

588dba61 No.384[回复]

Hello Tschina, zis is Austrian economic delegation. Plihs send us meny stuff for gut price and Kwality.

Wi will give yu classic Mozart in return!

588dba61 No.385

File: 144339172640.jpg (26.48 KB, 200x160, austria-china-crossed-flag….jpg)

Olso plis accept sign of international frendship and gutwill!


649562a0 No.389

gib austro hungary back


053427cc No.684

yes, also that one street in china that was austro-hungarian sovereign territory

44569701 No.383[回复]

greetings to red china

5ded7ca3 No.382[回复]

putin huylo

63ed1091 No.380[回复]

China stronk!
110 stronk! Best T8 tank!

63ed1091 No.381

File: 14433886058.jpg (433.21 KB, 1920x1042, wot.jpg)



a050236a No.392

the best is 95 tank.but i don't know military equipment| ω・´)

ac9a9b2e No.376[回复]

where 10 pages hold all posts for half a year

ac9a9b2e No.378

inb4 not a single reply from chinaball

File: 14433870662.jpg (38.14 KB, 640x480, Image9.jpg)

9e5382bd No.364[回复]


c18a08fa No.1893

File: 159387073438.jpg (91.49 KB, 555x470, 14433870662 – kopio.jpg)

edgemaster genius jealous


bda811c8 No.1898

bruh graphic porn is forbidden in here


c18a08fa No.1899


b176334f No.363[回复]

Mongolian invasion xDDDDD

28cf9226 No.360[回复]

Casey Tyre was here.

67ead92b No.355[回复]

no chinks here
jews lied to me again

d9a9b2cd No.390

This is the chinese concentration camp for shitposters

153a3159 No.346[回复]

le casey army is here
u got raided⊂彡☆))д`)

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