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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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650b0d94 No.716[回复]

snibeti snab x--D

650b0d94 No.717

File: 155380057715.png (89.74 KB, 500x522, snibeti-snab-1611649.png)

wtf where's my picture


2d5c7cc0 No.737

you put the image in subject instead of file on the bottom
t.did sames

7e008efc No.712[回复]

Hey guys. Lets discuss your favorite cartoons in this thread. In childhood I enjoyed Winnie the Pooh. I even have a happy meal with donkey plush toy. I didn't watch Christopher Robins yet. Is it any good btw?
7帖子 和 2 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

f47420b5 No.901

this unironically should be new kc. Fuck kohl and their pedo kcmods. and kohlmods are way too banhappy. They banned a turk for no reason today when the biggest problem with kohl is lack of traffic from non western countries


4ebf2598 No.903

File: 155382435929.png (24.63 KB, 657x527, 1508246934001.png)

Hm. KC isn't KC since a long time ago.
Its too much bully tbh.
neo-KC is full of normies who sperg about normie shit.


335f1a24 No.904

I support this


d6bd6ef1 No.917

Q: Why did the Whinaman stick his head in the toilet?
A: He was looking for Pooh!


8538c47a No.919



d6bd6ef1 No.926

*Chinaman, idk how my autism typed a W


91275ee9 No.946

Yo where the chinkwomen at?

0036be5f No.707[回复]

greetings from Auschwitz

977b0ae6 No.704[回复]

Delicious burger(=゚ω゚)=

977b0ae6 No.706

File: 155380006583.jpg (154.66 KB, 1024x619, P7150072.jpg)

Where is image ( ´・ω)


977b0ae6 No.729

File: 155380078953.jpg (374.58 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0018.jpg)




3f4c22b3 No.730


398e938b No.701[回复]

Ni hao friends how is life in People's Republic of China?

2f05a368 No.703

File: 155379998427.jpg (10.29 KB, 240x240, 261700.jpg)

Yes I'd like to know that too also tell me about the industrial output of China during WW!


2f05a368 No.705



5f3ecb59 No.710

File: 155380036825.png (181.75 KB, 442x341, attention.png)

We are establishing inter-board communication lines.

19481918 No.698[回复]


857cc97c No.702

I agree

446b3bf1 No.694[回复]

hello :D
6帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

cd7add66 No.727

Where are the burgers? :DDD


d372506b No.733



0c495d03 No.735

File: 155380095542.png (28.01 KB, 390x359, spurdoMuslim.png)

hello :DD


2ea46a6e No.736



b63d4b8e No.739

Hello Bernds, are there real Chinamen here though?


07ae19fb No.746


2ea46a6e No.747

File: 155380119680.jpg (22.36 KB, 348x346, uwot chi chi huang.jpg)

yes me

ching chong ding dong

67a348b4 No.689[回复]

the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and the State of Israel

67a348b4 No.690

File: 155266411126.png (41.1 KB, 200x200, Pagliacci_von_Wittelsbach.png)



60dd41b9 No.691

Putin, Stalin and Lenin


60dd41b9 No.692

File: 155294108749.gif (105.23 KB, 511x512, 359.gif)



22ecaf88 No.693

File: 155294337796.jpg (15.71 KB, 320x240, 23026-p7ygrd.jpg)

无本文, 无本文

734fde21 No.687[回复]

good thread

af5e5b56 No.688

File: 155265918825.png (189.93 KB, 413x549, calmcat.png)

very good thread sir[spoiler][/spoiler]

df468b5c No.668[回复]

...guys like girls(males)?
18帖子 和 6 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

088b49b8 No.1103

File: 156519498895.jpg (83.42 KB, 1520x1080, E-mail.jpg)

bumping the classic that started it all.
| ω・´)
| ω・´)
| ω・´)


db34fad6 No.1104

My gf is a ladyboy /( ◕‿‿◕ )\


8494e16d No.1361

the classic.. that.. started it all (・ー・)
kotchan.org/int uezs


6511085a No.1362

File: 158042862811.jpg (59.57 KB, 512x512, 23947-kr0cvs.jpg)


3e79bbaf No.1491



ea1eb5fa No.2074

(*´ω`*) kotchan


e78309af No.2084


0c72c877 No.666[回复]

Hello, do you like apu apustaja?

0c72c877 No.667

File: 154704707095.png (275.82 KB, 439x363, fren bus.png)



79c6e111 No.670

File: 154706857740.jpg (47.44 KB, 1024x270, apu communication.jpg)



2ca94319 No.683

File: 155037597518.jpg (62.63 KB, 981x787, saatanan apu.jpg)


86d0010e No.665[回复]

Greetings from kotchan, we're kots there.
2帖子 和 2 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

0fc948bd No.1135

bump (´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・
ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´・ω・`)(´帖子太长。点击这里 查看全部文字。


ff7e7c90 No.1208



d47161ac No.1216

how many channels are there?


c41fb0ce No.1230


e619e509 No.1233

File: 157162615319.png (248.36 KB, 565x600, gisu.png)

| ω・´)


96047ae4 No.1360

| ω・´)


15dc20ab No.1631


179b274d No.663[回复]

Dear Chinese people,

Your women are the best. Simply the best. Fraction of beauties is higher than in all other nations, AND there's more people. Sexual culture is way better than in other countries, too. I don't know why, but psychological barriers that prevent girls from other nations from enjoying sex are just not there for the Chinese. Maybe it is due to commitment culture and family worship that existed for centuries, I don't really know. But everything I know of points to the same conclusion - sex life with Chinese girls is by far more likely to be fulfilling for both parties.

It's simply unbeatable. USA is a joke, Japan tries, but just can't keep up, Russian girls are ageing early and badly, and there is just a tiny little fraction of real beauties among Indians.

I tried to resist it, I really did. But once you realize some things, there's no going back. As shameful as it is, I'll now be forced by my urges to pursue Han Chinese girls. I hope I'll marry one eventually. Chinese men, if I succeed - I'm sorry, but I really can't help myself.


8a70652c No.664

Basically, you are saying that you want to fuck one. Is that correct? ( ゚ 3゚)L


3659c521 No.682

Waito pigu go homu. Be a man and fight Tyrone for your Stacey.

63461916 No.659[回复]

facinating board

63461916 No.660

File: 149183300773.jpg (31.21 KB, 657x527, 23765.jpg)

images are not accepted

585b55ce No.658[回复]

Hello, /int/eresting people! You dont know me, but i need help. The fact is that I created my Anonym's imageboard. I need friends. Forgive me for the unexpected invasion. Now my board very small. The Internet is the only thing that makes me happy in this life. Life in my country is sad. Very sad. Angry people, dirty streets, high price and taxes - it's in the nature of things
. I just need friendship to make life better. I ask the admin not to delete it. If you agree to friendship, we can get links our sites in header/frameset/banners. I'll put the name under the spoiler so as not to disturb others. Sorry for my anglish. Maybe f-friends?

5a5c507d No.677



c26dfa49 No.685

File: 15514645761.jpg (17.92 KB, 800x450, briothermanbikllz.jpg)



c26dfa49 No.686

File: 155146458641.jpg (27.22 KB, 500x500, 61BbqC4jBZL__SS500_.jpg)



85b406b7 No.1054

File: 155823662918.png (440.9 KB, 968x681, jess.png)

A good website in a weary world welcomes people like yourself https://cow.vg/ or @Tor http://2ftgu27lxmjmc3bjlqvzbn4gorx5yku3kylhbsn6g4ggum2e2jgcpoqd.onion/ Share the word, this is not spam but a special invitation to you. This invitation is unique and not many will get it, so rejoice. Our website is especially designed to help you tune into yourself, into your cow. Into the possibilities of milky delight that you will discover within you. Each time you visit our website you will understand more, and more will rise up within you in response. Visit our website, again and again. Visit alone, or with your cow. Try whatever appeals to you in the course of your visit and click something new! something different... each time. Then when you are comfortable with everything on our website use is as a wallpaper for your computer, let it become a part of your imagination, a part of you. The possibilities that this website will open are truly limitless.

98e5bf36 No.656[回复]


3e99145f No.657

hello, it's me.

6792db72 No.655[回复]


3af0a0f7 No.654[回复]

Hello, I'm beginner singer.
I recorded a couple of songs live, I would like to hear your opinion.
Thank you in advance.

File: 146747150542.png (230.04 KB, 821x974, d.png)

9a8a628b No.652[回复]


File: 146271450321.jpg (135.28 KB, 495x707, cat_painting.jpg)

4d6bd139 No.638[回复]

▲ ▲

4d6bd139 No.639

All hail the Cat Emperor of 76573/int/!


5c37e9f8 No.640

no u


4d6bd139 No.641

File: 146272157317.jpg (61.85 KB, 350x278, hello_kitty_40k.jpg)




5c37e9f8 No.642

File: 146272499626.jpg (783 KB, 1113x945, jrpg fans.jpg)

you from krautchan?


4d6bd139 No.643

File: 14627296964.jpg (102.7 KB, 400x400, maybe.jpg)


5c37e9f8 No.645

because I want to know if I should call you a NERD

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