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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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6fe0b6b5 No.1493[回复]

take care of yourself(`・ω・)

a7bc5671 No.1494

take care of yourself too.

File: 15837915919.jpg (113.1 KB, 1081x1390, adolfo-hitler-P3Y0GE.jpg)

42d22859 No.1488[回复]

*Sips* This is cool because i'm getting that positive vibe, that i had for most of 1939. I'm getting it back now, i'll be honest for a few months there i was feeling very apprehensive, i was feeling very you know uncertain of the future, but now i'm getting that groove back and that vibe back i'm ready for fun stuff, i hope you guys are ready too, because it's gonna be poppin' on x.998fun every single day, we're gonna have so much fun going on, alright. Alright that's really it guys, um thanks for reading the thread. Without further adieu thank you to the following Anons whose contibutions helped me, you know to be able to do this full-time going on in the future.

ps check em

90dac6d6 No.1489



42d22859 No.1490


267ea823 No.1483[回复]


abbb59bc No.1484


42bd3a9d No.1481[回复]

671d4265 No.1476[回复]

What's your opinion on Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau?

9ff3b2a3 No.1478

One Glorious China


b0a88d39 No.1479

Taiwan = China
Crimea = Ukraine


4daf90e8 No.1567

I don't care
Cause I hate Chinese goverment to,I hope one day they end up like USSR


a6c5c30b No.1570

File: 158842962425.jpg (36.33 KB, 714x512, 69d31754c7d95bb322ef52cec1….jpg)

Chinese goverment = good
Nazi German goverment = bad


e11ca2dc No.1590

Raid him

File: 158349327123.jpg (28.37 KB, 458x708, Нестор_Махно.jpg)

2fc53cbd No.1473[回复]

How do you manage gommunism in China? Share your secrets.

48a1ef73 No.1480

thats not communism

c950f3a8 No.1467[回复]

finnaly, a place to banter with asian bros

how ya doing?(゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)

c950f3a8 No.1469

File: 158349284058.jpg (127.09 KB, 990x744, 0b740631888c7cf80fdbc75a78….jpg)


File: 158349266314.jpg (17.38 KB, 250x248, huehuehue.jpg)

e75164a8 No.1465[回复]

Russians are so low IQ they can’t even post images!

7c51d316 No.1474

File: 158349332321.jpg (6.46 KB, 227x300, OP is a fag.jpg)

Image posted :DDD :DD


e230d064 No.1477

File: 158349524366.png (43.13 KB, 190x200, t_050bed164fdfc4689eb972b9….png)

Help me Kyiv, how do i post images?

7e9d6d63 No.1464[回复]

where is my aliexpress package?

4ee82a3d No.1475

Ask Ali from your neighborhood.

12ea02f7 No.1461[回复]


12ea02f7 No.1462

File: 158349245752.png (244.73 KB, 1112x1013, borntoeat.png)


63a70616 No.1460[回复]


9212542b No.1452[回复]


5a8afb32 No.1454

File: 158329798457.jpg (60.76 KB, 1080x1070, 175e5f3fe771689603ceed0ecc….jpg)

that's good
t. bat eater

7edf7468 No.1451[回复]

I had Chinese gf once, but we broke up, because I refused to marry her. I just didn't want my son to have a small dick.
True story. I am 留学生。

7edf7468 No.1453

File: 158324714093.jpg (63.15 KB, 690x388, 1407140160001.jpg)

forgot the OP pic

File: 158302065940.jpg (126.67 KB, 933x933, ER9wooLVAAAH8B5.jpg)

26af808e No.1441[回复]


e97d119d No.1439[回复]

I wish to know what is happening in Ukraine

151fc166 No.1440

It’s cold, also dark here.


973f191e No.1442

File: 158258378123.png (6.19 KB, 519x194, nimetön.png)

856533d1 No.1432[回复]

On Tuesday February 25 I got a 3 day ban from KC. Well not, permanently, just 3 days. I asked the mods why. The reason was spam. I have no idea what that even means. I was disrespected. Years as a loyal Bernd in both the old and new KC. I was thrown out.
Still I come here. Still I seek Bernd out. Why? I get banned and no one here likes me. But even if you dislike me. You're the closest things to friends that I've got. :(

Why would i go back to 4chan? Where 4chan is literally a business model based off of shitposting. Well i'm not the kind of person that's gonna sit here and say please respond, please give me attention, please do this, please like my threads, please bookmark the thread, please see my other threads please, when do you ever hear me talking like that in my posts?

i hope that someday i'll get out of it i don't know if i ever will. I maybe, i may be living month to month from shitposting to shitposting begging for fucking replies and shit on imageboards for the rest of my life.

This isn't cool because i was getting that positive vibe, that i had for most of 2017. I was getting it back now, i'll be honest for a few months there i was feeling very apprehensive, i was feeling very, you know uncertain of the future, but now i'm getting that groove back and that vibe back i'm ready for fun stuff, i hope you guys are ready too, because it's gonna be poppin' on Kolhchan every single day, we're gonna have so much fun going on, alright. Alright that's really it guys, um thanks for reading the ban appeal. Without further adieu thank you to the following anons whose contibutions helped me, you know to be able to do this full-time going on in the future.
2帖子 和 1 image reply 省略. 点击回复查看

0c2c1a5b No.1435

File: 158264017983.png (61.64 KB, 1060x722, .png)

This board is better. I’m staying here.


856533d1 No.1436



54e8137e No.1437

You'll be welcomed as long as no adult content is posted on this site.

Recently there's a batch of people (some Chinese users that think this site as a heresy, I guess) wanting to get the site closed down by reporting this site to the domain and the host owner with a wide variety of reasons. and they actually succeeded twice over quite a lot of attempts, once a few month ago that leads to me purging all adult content from the site because I got a warning from the host, and the other happened on Family Day and results in my entire hosting account hosting the adult version of this site getting destroyed (BTW the reason they used is that the site is hacked and is now distributing copyrighted material, citing the magnet links of AVs the users share on that site)


856533d1 No.1438

adult content = good


d8ed4011 No.1470

Porn threads are what ruined kohlchan.


d8ed4011 No.1472

Maybe rangeban?
I've never been banned on nu-kc.
Even though I had multiple bans on kc-proper, including month long bans.
I don't think kohlmods ban anything, except the most egregious attentionwhoring (Igor, Audrius, etc, but they still keep shitposting through proxy).


d32f43e5 No.1485

1. post dick with their face it's offensive, not excuse
2. the glowie admin want see ours faces

6db3a4ae No.1410[回复]

My finnish friend hello this is my post

6db3a4ae No.1411

File: 158218950045.jpg (125.84 KB, 900x900, f39473bd1ec3ecdb52078a2709….jpg)

photo of clean shaven clean person


e2b8549b No.1413

I'm wondering what's the time on this board
mine is MSK and now it's 0:45


1b70a03e No.1415

2:16 am in Kyiv

eae45a7d No.1408[回复]


I am surprised by ths mass protest myself. I think its time for this NATO stooge to grease the rope. 35 years in power, its been enough.

File: 158164092939.jpg (239.07 KB, 800x1119, 60083415_p0.jpg)

2c45f4e5 No.1391[回复]

keep minority spirit

File: 158145474383.jpg (4.89 KB, 272x185, Greter.jpg)

b1b7081d No.1387[回复]

What’s your opinion on Greta?
1帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

6205c1ae No.1390

Why people hate such beautiful girl?


1e8e4037 No.1393

cuz she's a bitch
i.e. ignoring rational reality while propaganda her initial emotional feeling


f69fd309 No.1444

Based. Indeed, she's very irrational. And she'll probably stop this nonsense once she gets a boyfriend.


47842731 No.1447

Beautiful?Are you serious?


83371313 No.1448

yes, she’s 7/10


f69fd309 No.1449

She's a good example of the Baizuo/White left/白左 that you all in China are familiar with. Another thing is it's her parents, particularly her father, that is coaching her.


45a85daf No.1466

Pedophiles seem to like her because she looks underage.

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