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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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cd8123bb No.1247[回复]

It’s my board now.

3dae3398 No.1261



72039780 No.1262

>bumping an 11 year old thread


ba71267d No.1265

File: 157385384667.png (115.48 KB, 640x560, dreddfrogs.png)

Murricanis in charge of reading the date.


3a3281d9 No.1268



c1d8d3a1 No.1276



fb8b7a88 No.1288

File: 157606369770.png (44.88 KB, 667x700, american measurements.png)


2bc58174 No.1245[回复]

Life in Ukraine is no fun

2bc58174 No.1246

Can confirm


f22da690 No.1249

Don't Ukrainians hate China


f22da690 No.1250

Don't Ukrainians hate China


2bc58174 No.1251

No, why would we hate China?


21c71e38 No.1256

Well, maybe I got it wrong.Welcome to china


21c71e38 No.1257

Well, maybe I got it wrong.Welcome to china

fbcf518c No.1242[回复]

What’s an average wage in China?
1帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

b76143e6 No.1259

Probalby the same


7103a263 No.1260

File: 157366893391.jpg (6.33 KB, 270x144, hahahaha.jpg)


917f7243 No.1269

probably 500 per month


917f7243 No.1270

500 dollars


41821ec2 No.1271



74ad4eb6 No.1289

So basically China is as poor as Russia.


ebb0670c No.1305

lol it sure as fuck is not

af159f4d No.1232[回复]

What’s your social score?

c8898c62 No.1234

>falling for liberal meme


9e92bb94 No.1235

File: 157176204536.jpg (8.57 KB, 177x200, hom.jpg)



17282e7f No.1236



f7ad3029 No.1240

What does Omsk flag mean here? Just proxy or really Omsk?


e88c216e No.1241



17282e7f No.1244

I’m not a proxy but still Omsk

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d34b9a29 No.1228[回复]

do you like Naomi Wu? i mean visually, not as a person. do you know her real chinese name? has anyone doxxed her? is her face considered pretty by asian standards? how pretty?

037e0cfe No.1237

normal.just like normal bitch in china


037e0cfe No.1238

normal.just like normal bitch in china


037e0cfe No.1239

normal.just like normal bitch in china


9d69cda3 No.1254

She is ugly

f2ad2c35 No.1227[回复]


9cc53607 No.1231


60f39746 No.1218[回复]

It’s a dead board
1帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

bd6b1c3d No.1220

How is life going in China?


512dc6fc No.1221

Personaly,not bad.


60f39746 No.1222

File: 15707015515.jpg (6.52 KB, 236x213, .jpg)

Are you a communist?


c0bae42d No.1223

I can't answer you,I don't know much about communism or capitalism,so I can't be confident that I'm a communist


2788e8d2 No.1224

And the same for most Chinese people.
It’s difficult to explain communism and capitalism are not contradictory in China.


b512d7d5 No.1225

Are you member of communist party?


eb4c6570 No.1229

No,but I'm a mumber of The communist youth league.But I'm nobody,they may have forgotten me.

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c84f5838 No.1211[回复]

a6cf7a56 No.1203[回复]


707a5251 No.1197[回复]


fd41e06b No.1198

mr azeri, would you be so kind as to tell me what's going on in that youtube video? *wink wink*

4e520bcd No.1195[回复]


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7a32720d No.1193[回复]

It really do be like that

fb5525df No.1194

this one's pretty good xDDDD
but don't spam the board ok?

File: 156665331147.png (214.16 KB, 1600x1067, 8DEA8893-519D-4F29-9377-94….png)

04747f48 No.1190[回复]

4帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

87935659 No.1897

File: 159388050693.jpg (23 KB, 268x351, 00-33-54-054.jpg)

I invite you for a helicopter ride


fbad05a9 No.1900

ty, ur a true friend)


33b35b4a No.1903

libertianism is better


fbad05a9 No.1907


261178ba No.1914



127334c7 No.1967



0178521d No.1970

Njet, Molotoff.

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c6a84539 No.1186[回复]

>What a shame for Hong Kong

e3c24178 No.1187


0f6897a8 No.1177[回复]

seems there are some foreigners in this board who really like to talk about politics.
i want to know how your country reported the recent events in Hong Kong. do you think it is a riot as reported by all mainland media (most part of which i do not believe), or it is a legal demonstration?

05ea5ee9 No.1179

For common Filipinos, they think it's a pro-democracy protest. Majority don't really care about it much and expect it to die down sooner or later since China will inevitably use force on them.

Filipino-Chinese community talks about it a lot. Generally they think the protest is a set up by America to stir up trouble in China because America is losing its relevance in Asia.

c55e6cee No.1171[回复]


354c9b77 No.1173

a sudden surge of visitors I see, where do you guys come from, KC or ?

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52dac5d9 No.1168[回复]

Chinese be like
>oh no a website says that a country which was never a part of the PRC is not the PRC aaah

52dac5d9 No.1174

File: 156657595825.jpg (352.05 KB, 640x900, D15E2064-BEF9-465A-8A0F-D5….jpg)

Imagine being this insecure


cee07a94 No.1188

Oh no the United Nations says that Taiwan is a part of PRC


52dac5d9 No.1189

Do they


e268c7c6 No.1192

File: 156665627185.jpg (283.5 KB, 640x800, C8EA43C2-5D3C-4A45-88CF-12….jpg)


57ab326a No.1200

CPC controls the PLA
so,overthrowing CPC needs the support from army
the army still have the 3RD destructive nuclear power
and people still demands the glory of the old empire
since CPC sucked,economy definitely broken too
there is only one way

Imagine a Nationalist Chinese government CLAIMING ALL HISTORICAL TERRITORIES
1936 all over again

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b3357d30 No.1162[回复]

18帖子 和 8 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

a4d30ed2 No.1215

shit!N98 fat fat


751e7664 No.1226

File: 157110996623.jpg (66.59 KB, 720x960, 285159_355613367862739_149….jpg)



4389ece9 No.1320

early or late,it will be


24a36a45 No.1322

你想說的是“sooner or later the PRC will cease to be"嗎


14a71617 No.1578



1612f6db No.1589



89cb2979 No.1600


94bbdbb6 No.1158[回复]

rules are dumb

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d4e63798 No.1156[回复]

ITT: we post our favourite characters

As you can see, my favourite character is Xi Jinping, a Chinese politician serving as General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), President of the People's Republic of China (PRC), and Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC).

2ee60a78 No.1160

Tiananmen square protests of 1989
Fuck zhangies


2ee60a78 No.1161

Tiananmen square protests of 1989
Fuck zhangies

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