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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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File: 1625639677844.jpeg (1.98 MB, 2677x1379, 740DF715-3394-405D-845B-6….jpeg)

7d042fe8 No.2782[回复]

Is this kinda like the Shanghai Int. settlement for this board? Anyway, what’s this chan about? I’m new here, and everything is confusing. Your post on 28chan got me here.
12帖子 和 2 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

bcfc3600 No.2825

Fusako Shigenobu is cool
so sad she is a radical far-left terrorist


7d042fe8 No.2858

File: 1627583800633.gif (421.17 KB, 500x375, 47466892-3100-44CD-8EA7-5A….gif)

Where did everybody go? I had to leave for a while because my dog died, and I come back to a ghost town. There’s some activity, but nothing too recent. Anyway, I hope all of you are doing well and just busy or something like that. I’ll wait here for you to come back. Don’t worry!


7c2ff532 No.2859

File: 1627629776417.jpg (77.51 KB, 580x580, 1624886348825.jpg)

Still here


7d042fe8 No.2860

File: 1627650807329.png (907.25 KB, 600x884, C791FB1A-85F2-4EB0-91CE-68….png)

That’s great! At least someone


7d042fe8 No.2862

Anybody else around?


71666d58 No.2885

It's really easy to forget that this board has an /int/.


31c7f140 No.2890


File: 1625584338994.png (314.41 KB, 588x1120, mommy.png)

6286b13e No.2781[回复]

come home white man
18帖子 和 13 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

c1cb723b No.2815

File: 1625979287698.gif (1.5 MB, 640x360, rose.gif)


ca683951 No.2820

File: 1625982373947.jpeg (27.7 KB, 600x600, C8C27DC8-7E32-4940-B353-9….jpeg)

You know what’s up


f14062e3 No.2824

File: 1626102955019.gif (1.49 MB, 245x230, tumblr_nympn4cdnZ1qg1mbqo2….gif)


592339cb No.2863

File: 1627844961088.jpeg (54.72 KB, 428x720, 4D9B3C20-DDCE-419C-B58E-3….jpeg)

Come back funni Kim man, I miss you


5f500529 No.2864

File: 1627918712015.jpg (47.32 KB, 524x499, download - 2021-07-21T1612….jpg)


ca683951 No.2867

File: 1627977288241.jpeg (80.54 KB, 700x781, 439FE3D0-CCF1-4FB5-9E27-8….jpeg)

Omg you're back! Thank you! How have you been? It’s been a somewhat rough time for me, but I’ll be back to Kim-posting soon, no worries!


5f500529 No.2874

File: 1628022128007.jpg (27.47 KB, 620x400, fltnuazwwpoh8eat1j3k.jpg)

All is great as always in the glorious North

File: 1625656948947.jpg (16.6 KB, 613x344, 1624148077727.jpg)

c6d47172 No.2784[回复]

Any fellow islandbros ?

efb8cb1d No.2826

Rare flag


fa4332c0 No.2828

I wish I born in island


a47669cb No.2845



281dae50 No.2857

Better than being born in isn’tland

File: 1626512927445.jpg (40.99 KB, 700x394, 54957216_303.jpg)

b3845f53 No.2831[回复]

What's your opinion on Coronavac vaccine?
5帖子 和 4 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

1977ef09 No.2849

File: 1626897680732.jpg (69.95 KB, 631x395, download (32).jpg)



d625ea13 No.2850

File: 1626898736676.jpg (84.83 KB, 749x500, download - 2021-07-21T1615….jpg)


bd3b4b17 No.2852

These guys have nothing to do with your tinfoilhatness, schizo


fc43783c No.2853

Better than nothing


e47462bb No.2854

File: 1626980229197.jpg (14.77 KB, 474x264, 148915654_246900486902291_….jpg)


85d52a50 No.2855

File: 1627415229054.jpg (54.15 KB, 407x407, 1624367673694.jpg)


e829bd2b No.2856

File: 1627500133349.png (343.55 KB, 482x640, 31A0550C-05D3-4CB3-93E4-7A….png)

Same thing can be said about crystals…

812f2e7e No.2833[回复]

what about you english guy talk about some art design of game? i am meaning that "actually prototype 、motive" ,maybe will be some offensive for other player ,even author

yes ,i know this will need the very good talking quality, and possible, many other people hate this kind of talking about art of game, because it will be no order for care about their playing quality

will you have some image?
3帖子 和 1 image reply 省略. 点击回复查看

812f2e7e No.2838

i think it is not improper. and yes, i hope you can post a example of a game(i hope not dark soul)


8b6754d3 No.2839

File: 1626853314115.jpg (217.1 KB, 690x976, 006iGvp2gy1gqa737u9npj30u0….jpg)

what kind of game?SF,fantasy or anime
SNS platform in China is mostly QQ or Wechat
BTW I recommend Pinterest to search inspiration


812f2e7e No.2840

choose by yourself, i just need a example about what kind you will feel the art
that is the reason i hear about the simple chinese is death. even 原神 ,you “created” it without some art_audiences open? can accept the station outland china


51e516ba No.2841

File: 1626858218621.jpg (281.69 KB, 950x1600, ef34a15ffbb31370ea51c35ac3….jpg)

I'll post some concept artist I like
Aaron Beck


8b6754d3 No.2842

File: 1626858410829.jpg (47.55 KB, 500x584, 0522ea524e345de0b88cfe6b80….jpg)

Vitaly Bulgarov:
He is very good at hard surface modeling


812f2e7e No.2843

yes,but …i am not only look for fine arts


2885a3d8 No.2851


5cacad1d No.2829[回复]

Wow it's still alive!
t.been absent since December

33aa38b1 No.2830

welcome back


5cacad1d No.2832

So now we have pre-moderation here?

File: 1624488784740.png (20.71 KB, 745x597, apu chinese.png)

2d002977 No.2744[回复]

Why we don't have interesting discussions here? I would like to talk with other anons about China and far East generally but now all we have here are invitations to fast-dying chans and shitposts
8帖子 和 2 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

e2a424dd No.2756

And seriously, some of us, dont like you poland.

Or…… They dont like anyone who's not the Han nationality. They want kill all the foreigners, just like Hitler

but they are very few


5a50a7a0 No.2757

Somehow,some "Han nationists"are very pro-Poland
They love Poland's policy against immigrants and LGBT


e2a424dd No.2758

They just heat differences


3a343ad4 No.2759

Hmmm, and what about demography
Ehh, whatever, chauvinists are always the same, everywhere


e2a424dd No.2760

I don't know
The number from official said we are still growing.

But they tring a lot of new policies recently, almost write anxiety on their face.

The pop really worries them, I guess


ca68cad2 No.2775

File: 1624991212345.gif (6.32 MB, 480x440, Joachim Löw.gif)


5638fbca No.2776


File: 1615149994282.png (883.28 KB, 990x693, bright-red trucks bearing ….png)

c5935228 No.2609[回复]

>Homosexuality can be called a mental disorder, rules Chinese court
What do you think about that?

c9cc73cd No.2617

File: 1615227621174.png (367.97 KB, 595x389, taboon.png)

which one of the terms are you more afraid of poolander?


c5935228 No.2620

I'm not sure what are you trying to say


2009945e No.2624

Just a people sue about a unpopular textbook and failed
Somehow homosexual would seen as "hooligan crime" in China before 1997 especially in Mao's period


4bf3bfb7 No.2745

Didnt Mao say that "homosexualism is a capitalist perversion"?

File: 1622799118291.jpeg (131.05 KB, 1125x684, 04868F76-7E33-4679-893A-3….jpeg)

6f285433 No.2709[回复]


c21f430f No.2715

does wigsex means sex with wigs on people's heads?


a3bb511b No.2719

Maybe someone do have this fetish


c73d24c2 No.2743


File: 1623655224805.jpg (65.63 KB, 682x623, QQ图片20210614151850.jpg)

9de7bf1d No.2727[回复]

ROC pride

eb995285 No.2742

world wide

File: 1624102298382.jpeg (38.05 KB, 226x236, 1622554257661.jpeg)

09c0d443 No.2738[回复]

Whoever you are,stop posting cringe 3D model loli
FBI gonna find you,pedo

672b6a9e No.2739

You may notice that they're constantly changing the fonts in the picture.
We have OCR and bans them almost instantly, but some manage to slip because of the font, but rest assured that those will also be banned and the font data feed into our OCR so next time they're forced to switch to another font.

I, for instance, am interested to see how many fonts they'll use to get around our OCR since clearly direct links and spams won't work here.

And we actually have more tricks under our sleeves…


2766584b No.2741

I'm not posting cringe 3D model loli

File: 1617724287412.png (51.87 KB, 421x248, 1614714213702.png)

c680f6ae No.2658[回复]


we welcome any anon.

3f4436db No.2661

invite invalid


780dc544 No.2684

b ge cha bu duo de le


4825a12f No.2732


File: 1623032592920.jpg (99.86 KB, 1080x1059, 1622582763-1.jpg)

6f08b26f No.2714[回复]

Hate niggers
Hate kikes
Hate trannys
Hate lesbians
Hate faggots
Hate arabs
Hate beaners
Hate liberals
Hate commies
Hate chinks
Sinple as.

2b153d63 No.2717

File: 1623075356959.png (36.05 KB, 801x577, intresding.png)


cf1bf0ce No.2718



47824962 No.2724

ow, the edge!

File: 1621986551359.png (3.21 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

d6dc26da No.2696[回复]

Draw you countryball next to polandball, anon

97a3e519 No.2704

File: 1622769496301.png (5.28 KB, 500x250, Oekaki(1).png)


b96a0b9a No.2708

File: 1622798901169.png (2.79 KB, 500x250, 1621986551359.png)


d6dc26da No.2716

not cool, bruh, not cool

File: 1617038751762.jpg (11.37 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

2f832118 No.2646[回复]

Why you on imageboard? Go back to study 16 hour per day for Gaokao!

cfc2b6d2 No.2648

File: 1617064074210.jpg (208.75 KB, 644x913, how-about-no-dog-2.jpg)


385277f1 No.2670

I study 996 for glorious Xi


22ddac5f No.2672

i live in shadow neet ,dress as white collar,i am the crow before doomsday 。when you die ,i rebirth form alive。when you tired ,my illness never stop。in east ,all thing gluttony,you can run,but dead belong we


7478c034 No.2695

Why you on imageboard? Go back to make 50th video tutorial on yt!


f902b009 No.2710

>9 hours a day, 9 days a week, 6 weeks a year
you chinks have it too good

970fd284 No.2687[回复]

Finally back

7ba2612e No.2688

What did happen?


187dc754 No.2689


Server got DDoS'd.
No worries, nothing is lost or compromised
Also we deployed some countermeasures for the future.


7b55a3bf No.2694

DDoS'd by who?

9a9328d6 No.2680[回复]

Fuck you chinks

388df061 No.2681

Fuck you little Muslim


2b55682f No.2682

Ohhhh, Turkey Junior just got angry. What are you gonna do? Invade Armenia again?


bc77e46d No.2683



23f52a46 No.2685

Fuck you, beaner.

File: 1618833949945.jpg (111.95 KB, 900x614, turkish-fm-cavusoglu-in-ch….jpg)

11389ac7 No.2668[回复]

when sino turk alliance to wipe wh*Tes off map??

8bbca923 No.2678

bruh, you're islamized greek, you're white too

File: 1619385257086.png (126.27 KB, 800x769, pepeinteresting.png)

d4514631 No.2673[回复]

If I go to China being a young white western man with money. Will a pack of chink girls in hot sexy qipao jump to me desperatedly in order to suck my cock?

90c1f1cd No.2674

>> in hot sexy qipao
I sir, would doubt this part.


4ac75ff5 No.2677

I have bad news for you, anon

b47a87e3 No.2669[回复]

welcome to 4chan

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