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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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5555cca5 No.1756[回复]


5078f81b No.1757

You're gay


5555cca5 No.1758

gay = good
straight = bad


55ac7e0f No.1775

you're gay Gay


5555cca5 No.1778


14e6b94b No.1811

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3cb9e839 No.1755[回复]

do you guys produce any decent movies?

73428795 No.1776

战狼(Wolf Worriers)
It's a cringe patriotism theme movie
Most of Chinese movie are cringe and censored


bbb06252 No.1787

Black Coal, Thin Ice (2014)

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86c1af63 No.1753[回复]

Last night when I went to the bathroom I stepped on something, when I turned on the light I saw that I had stepped on a snake.


99dffea5 No.1754

no snakes in finland
op = faggot

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98e95719 No.1747[回复]

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c89dc4a7 No.1745[回复]


c89dc4a7 No.1746

Ok lets say economy is fucked due to people not being able to afford anything apart from white bread but shouldn't there be something good in a country? Not even one good tradition ? Nothing goes further than a plastic chair on street for a street wedding, there are rules of shitistan that suffocates person, this air stresses us all

Atleast the nature could be good but even the most remote areas are filled with plastic bottles. Everywhere is infested with people who dance to shitty helsinki music, can't see anything worth redeeming.

Ok then having sex could be easy, like in africa. you could die from AIDS but atleast you'd have a happy life, nature's beatiful, it has a culture of its own, people aren't barbarians , you can feel something good.

Even the flag smells of swedish socks. How can be nothing good in a country? It is like a joke, people are barbarians , no manners or intelligence.View on streets are unpainted and unfinished beton buildings. There is no place in this land where you can scream " I AM ALIVE ! "

Even while purchasing meat you're almost going to get 2 years guarantee, and on top of that there is pressure and stress, evil stupid and uncultured people, horrible city planning ,islam and mosques. When you add it all together i can't even breathe.

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511b06bf No.1743[回复]

>Your post contains one or more blacklisted modules.


be4d828c No.1744

wtf is blacklisted module?


f65409a5 No.1749

Nooooo blacklist is RaCIst
you have to say BlOcKLisT


be4d828c No.1752

Why can’t I write the r-word?

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061abc1d No.1738[回复]

WHAT THE WTF IS THIS!?!?!!?!!??!?!?

5802c8ca No.1740

File: 159207556939.png (119.67 KB, 1614x194, Screenshot_2020-06-13 YOU ….png)

I wanted to quote the r-word, did not even post but got this too
Probably they they have a list of such words


5802c8ca No.1742

I did not post any links btw
just quoted that word


567c8dcf No.1827

Get banned for shitposting


061abc1d No.1828

File: 159264917113.png (72.86 KB, 293x339, teeme – kopio.png)

i have never shitposted

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66b52c3d No.1731[回复]

my friend (girl) pressured me to donate blood

i went blood donation mobile van with her

female nurse asked if i am sexually active i told her to bend over and i'll show her they threw me out and said they got my ID number

i told her to add me on facebook if you got my id then nurse started crying i went to buy burger king with friend (girl) but she ditched me there

currently devouring a whooper

01745059 No.1733

and than you wake up


8583f6dd No.2324



78968a75 No.2332

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6ed96bf7 No.1724[回复]

yeah (;´Д`)

6ed96bf7 No.1725

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6ed96bf7 No.1726

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01e6cee3 No.1728

I hate women.

9482dcff No.1721[回复]

can i get a lot of 药娘s in china if i am foreigner?
2帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

37ce90f7 No.1727

>Drug mother
what is that?


c4986d64 No.1730

That means MtF transgenders who take hormone drugs
娘 means girl


1971b637 No.1732

redpill me on chinese 药娘s plz))


c4986d64 No.1734

The circle of 药娘 is kind of underground,that word is used to describe young generation of MtFs
And,you know,these underground LGBT community some time……too open about sexual things
One of my friends is a MtF trans,she is a decent person and told me something she heard about


2be8e932 No.1735

can i book love hotel hourly as foreigner or will they reject me?
i wanna fuck women but have no place


47b728b9 No.1737

Turk pls


574941cc No.1748

I'll execute him with stones
For Allah!!!!!

d86e92f8 No.1716[回复]


a339c527 No.1717


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985bd0d6 No.1715[回复]

me pic

1197b494 No.1712[回复]

Why do you hate commies? I for one think that communism and other totalitarian regimes are better for people like Bernds.
>guaranteed job
>guaranteed housing
Meanwhile in neoliberal shitholes like Ukr*ine you have to work very hard to get these things. Small apartments? 50k dollars. Job? Maybe 500$ if you are not in IT.

ce335987 No.1713

Absolute power result in absolute corruption,so bureaucrats may rather embezzle than really help people,I rather choose the "Third Way"
Also CCP is quite State-Capitalism now,that's ironic


904f4197 No.1718

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american brainwashing has infiltrated even commie chinkistan

freedom doesn't matter when some random neger shoots you on the street but ameri-brainwashed chinks will never understand they are as bad as ccpbot wumaos

i dont care about politics as long as i got house food and internet. all the world is same.


4f230d41 No.1719

I'm centrist,just don't trust communism
House is still expensive in Chinkistan,internet is locked by GFW,and they starve many people to death in 1970s
Leftists want social equity,that's benefit,I simply think they could choose a better way


a5c96b7e No.1720

its the same everywhere but you chinks live worry free lives most of the time which is good

if you lose your job in capitalist world you lose your insurance, and employment gap makes you unhireable forever

when people say capitalism they think of US but not 100s of countries that are poverty ridden shitholes even worse than china
commie style works better if you are shit country.

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37094d84 No.1711[回复]

me browsing chinese yli right now

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d4d38cd0 No.1708[回复]

redpill me

7690939c No.1709

Huang also interacted with Greta Thouberg and leftwing dissidents,that article sound like slippery slope


d4d38cd0 No.1710

9e08714e No.1704[回复]

Ok real facts now, how you guys feel about Tiananmen Square Massacre in 4 of June 1989?

5ceeed8a No.1705

its good
crush the opponents of state
anti ccp people think people hate china because of ccp
most people hate china because of how chinese look, how soulless they are, bad sense of humour and bad culture. north koreans are loved and respected in comparison despite being even worse shithole.


99be416a No.1706

Protesters were too peaceful,not enough to fight against state machine
Pretty sad and regret


99be416a No.1707

Okay you commie sandnigger


42db0441 No.1736

naive little kids who failed to realize the funtional physics of this world and tried to force their taught imagination into the reality.

As some of them turned into mobs and killed even burnt soldier(s) to death. it is obvious they gonna get fucked up by the excessive and oppposite force.

few died
few hurt
even fewer fled to foreign countries
most just dispersed without violent conflict

some joined cpc later in life and now finding a realistic way to apply their idealology.

all of them are now living a normal human life

In the west, fractions of the incident were cherrypicked and propagandarized with an intention to help to construct the fundamentals of a new cold war mindset that might become useful in the future against China.

In China, the opinion is HEAVILY DIVIDED due to different levels of understanding of the incident and personal experience in life.

people who actually been through the incident know talking cant do shit, u need put in smart effort to change reality.

cpc has a comprehensive record of the incident, but in the party the opinion about the incident are still split, and it is impossible to draw a conclusion that satisfys every group, so they aint gonna public shit, for now. since DengXiaoPing, propaganda shit was never their priority anyways.

bd8321e9 No.1702[回复]


d762e92d No.1703

it is kc tire

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df9c24c5 No.1699[回复]

I feel exhausted 100% of the time.

d7ea8349 No.1701

Everything will be fine

65f65520 No.1685[回复]

can anyone help me with chinese government scholarship application

i will buy you 6pack of tsingtaos

get me in with your guanxi

f948ce6e No.1687



65f65520 No.1689

File: 159163423775.jpg (35.64 KB, 552x550, xi.jpg)

i will beg xidada personally to give me scholarship i will become chinabot

last time i spammed kara boÄŸa and in 2 years race riots in america began


f948ce6e No.1690

What’s your social score?


65f65520 No.1691

File: 15916377035.png (104.34 KB, 864x694, 1591635143460.png)

if they track my posts from my HUAWEI router or XIAOMI phone i think i have high score because i am shilling CCP and dabbing on wh*Tes for years now


c7c85f03 No.1693

bro get me into a chinese university with scholarship
i don't care about politics


d397cb49 No.1694

Isn't that's easy?Most foreign students are from 3rd world countries in my university


c7c85f03 No.1700

don't know, never actually tried

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dc89e206 No.1684[回复]

Is it hard to get drugs in China?

006f0e39 No.1695


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