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『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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555570a5 No.3106[回复]


59b4a7d9 No.3112

there's no wumaos, retard

File: 1633029101025.png (182.83 KB, 500x339, china bans anime.png)

4c483cef No.3090[回复]

really? It sounds like clickbait bullshit

3a2235fb No.3091

It sounds like click bait, but with China, you never know. They seem to sporadically ban stuff and then reverse it a little while later. There was that time they tried to ban motorcycles. You can guess how long that lasted.


afbfa299 No.3093

Just like 80s western parents blame TRPG,but in here they can report to Boardcast department
>ban anime
not exactly,but platforms censor everything from tatto to scantily clad clothes
actually returned now——with “violence scences” censored


126ea943 No.3095



4c483cef No.3096



b05707d9 No.3097


c8cd1317 No.3098



4c483cef No.3101

what did you test?

File: 1632825669095.png (455.25 KB, 1767x723, l.PNG)

20a56258 No.3085[回复]

do you know the 神奈川冲浪里? it become the mostly 反贼's totem on now

File: 1632528006415.gif (1.91 MB, 386x211, 2021_0923_d887b9d7g00qzv9p….gif)

22363302 No.3077[回复]

so do you think biden really have the shit in his pants?

dd040351 No.3079

Maybe not his pants, but definitely in his diapers


fb44fc9d No.3080

you us don't talk about it?


c96f52f2 No.3082

Did Biden actually shit his pants? I haven’t hear anything about it. But I don’t really follow politics much anymore so that might be the reason.


fb44fc9d No.3083

i don't sure but it be a news in chinese internet. i want to know why biden dismiss the journalists suddenly


fb44fc9d No.3084

i found the news.it just be silence because he afraid to answer the quest by himself in the meeting

File: 1632508176486.png (178.54 KB, 1280x720, 1632022071847.png)

8b450333 No.3076[回复]

could someone explain?

dd574b23 No.3078

explain what? 反贼 is meaning the kind of people against ccp,. and in ktv they have not many song can sing, you know ,because they need chinese song


b706cce6 No.3081

and they're old people
which means their young life were under "maoist peroids"
and that's why they mainly sing "maoist songs"

File: 1632430903013.jpg (76.16 KB, 943x882, rat9.jpg)

07988911 No.3071[回复]

>Poland, Germany, France and Japan still use name "Pekin" instead of "Beijing"
Do you have a problem with that, Chinese anons?

694a8eb7 No.3073

Russia and France call it peking too


80b1ea39 No.3074

File: 1632449234287.jpg (17.71 KB, 220x321, 220px-The_Face_of_Fu_Manch….jpg)


008ffc22 No.3075

Pekin sounds oldschool

File: 1630687065457.jpg (35.5 KB, 657x527, 1619218723363.jpg)

8ef12338 No.3014[回复]

>China is rejecting dengism and returning to maoist bullshit
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338dc790 No.3021

File: 1630831009750.jpg (20.82 KB, 720x957, 92972263_10151341337404996….jpg)


a8127548 No.3024

File: 1630966706225.jpeg (194.16 KB, 970x970, 2F9B1F0B-4D7C-4640-AFFC-C….jpeg)

Stop the red pilling!


7521916b No.3025

>getting entire neighborhood addicted to crack
how is it even supposed to work, lmao, just dont buy that crack and you wont be addicted


a8127548 No.3026

The CIA supported both drug production and distribution during the Cold War. Particularly in low income neighbourhoods, with the goal of subverting and experimenting on a population. This can kinda be seen today with the drug epidemic in America. I work in a bad area of town, so crack or other drugs are kinda common amongst the people who live there. It’s bad shit, crack heads are scary as hell sometimes. If I capture one on video, I’ll post here.


a8127548 No.3027

They start of early as teens, and then continue as adults. There are pushers who get people into drugs, as well as communal pressure. It’s shitty, but selling drugs is a common way of making money in poor areas.


6846b67c No.3070

File: 1632280433363.jpg (7.72 KB, 480x392, 41b921267624569d3c55f5ebb9….jpg)


2c73cd3d No.3072

File: 1632431140019.jpg (106.77 KB, 939x928, pepe cross.jpg)

apage satana!

File: 1631140049342.jpeg (287.33 KB, 722x1186, 5fc121a12b4cda8e8652f5057….jpeg)

3d8a6285 No.3038[回复]

This is a thread where we can express our appreciation for Liru the Werewolf.
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302aaf7f No.3046

Nah. Not yet at least. I have to get my life back up before I start learning Chinese or another language again. By the way, how do you say “nigga” in Chinese?


e07e8359 No.3047



9ec262d2 No.3049

So is there no distinction between nigger and nigga?


97db90ce No.3050

File: 1631221683947.jpg (1.06 MB, 1200x1600, liru_renkin_san_kyuu_magic….jpg)

man of culture


29cb736a No.3055



e07e8359 No.3062

黑鬼(black ghost)
尼哥(homophonic with nigger,also means brother ni)
内个/尼格/倪哥(also homophonic with n word)


866b98a7 No.3067

File: 1631952210922.jpg (229.73 KB, 720x900, JDLiru.jpg)

I'm going to start putting those in the name field when I post.

File: 1630963858438.jpg (69 KB, 401x580, 3991e6-chinese-propaganda-….jpg)

b3c07034 No.3023[回复]

Do Chinese people really identify themselves with CCP?
Do Chinese people really believe that CCP liberated China, not Kuomintang?

67468b7d No.3028

like "双重思想"/"Doublethink" in 1984
The keyword here is blackwhite. Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this. But it means also the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary. This demands a continuous alteration of the past, made possible by the system of thought which really embraces all the rest, and which is known in Newspeak as doublethink. Doublethink is basically the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.


ab03b175 No.3029

There are different types of people,commuism is like a state religion


2373400f No.3030

But are there die-hard communists left? Like, people who support the party no matter what. Kinda like the red guards. I used to talk to this Chinese girl who’s father was in the party. But she didn’t seem to care about communism, and her dad just saw the party as a way to move forward in life.


ab03b175 No.3031

"hardcore maoists"are actually dislike current CCP for freemarket n shit
Pro-CCP people only believe in "Socialism with Chinese characteristics"
>support the party no matter what
Yes,they're called wumao


c2d8c046 No.3032

But don’t 五毛 do it just for money? I don’t think that’s really true support.


ab13c098 No.3033

That word is a generalized
Anyway they are doing similar things but for chauvinism belief

File: 1624734548256.jpg (31.91 KB, 546x572, lying flat.jpg)

e4e0f28b No.2761[回复]

Are you "lying flat", chinanons?
13帖子 和 1 image reply 省略. 点击回复查看

3a42136b No.2882

File: 1628135962057.jpg (47.49 KB, 578x449, lying-flat.jpg)

I was going to paste the Urbandictionary URL but I can't copy paste here for some reason.


ec6a313c No.2883

I’ve had that issue too. Can the admin look into this? I can’t copy or paste at all


e38df0f9 No.2884

Sadly it's a feature to prevent tasteless people from spamming.

There's a very easy way to get around it, I won't reveal it here, but spammers never bothered to do so.


664147fd No.2886

File: 1628192300523.jpeg (80.14 KB, 1280x720, A9CE42A9-B649-456C-849F-F….jpeg)

I didn’t consider the anti-spamming aspect lol. Now it makes more sense. I did figure it out, but I won’t say either. Thanks for looking out for us, Uncle FairyAMascot! May you rise like the sun for thousands of years!


ec6a313c No.2995

File: 1630226915518.jpeg (96.86 KB, 355x369, 809EC33B-C6D7-41E2-9BBF-3….jpeg)

Just got fired at work. Why? Apparently I stole something. What was it? I honestly don’t know. The only thing I can remember is forgetting to scan a 58 cent drink. Maybe it was something else, but idk. Anyway, I have a new job starting on the 1st, but shit, I’m in a weird position now. Maybe TQ Anons can relate?


ec6a313c No.3011

File: 1630477917407.gif (1.29 MB, 229x302, 27275F1A-33D3-44C2-965E-E4….gif)

About to go to my new job in 6 hours. Wish me luck!


6c905856 No.3013

File: 1630507003193.gif (149.71 KB, 150x150, psc.gif)

go for it,anon

8a3c3dc8 No.2988[回复]

what is this song?
4帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

0d4385f4 No.3001

You cannot post webm files on this board.

Do it in /int22 instead.

Also congrats on postID 3000, I guess.


33de4345 No.3002

I can post a link but it is soooo looooong and full of random numbers/letters and I can't even copy/paste here.


0d4385f4 No.3003

Copy/pasting is disabled on this site to cut down spam, or more precisely, to force the spammers to come out to play in person, and not using a machine or automated script.
Note how there's close to none link spam and the only pedo spammer is reduced to just post pics (which will typically got OCRed and deleted automatically too).


33de4345 No.3004

Thanks, but it says "invalid webm uploaded" there.

I put it here (NSFW)


33de4345 No.3005

Yes, I just discover this board and I suspected it was a spam counter-measure.


0d4385f4 No.3006

If you mean Chinese situationism.mp4, the song is 不变的情缘,
the song in the video is sung quite off so it's not easy to find based in the video.


33de4345 No.3007

Yes it's pretty out of key but I like this version (with the video it's just magic). I will dig it based on the name maybe I will find it.
Thanks very much for your help my friend.

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a924669e No.2958[回复]

I want Chinese gf so much it's unreal.

18f757fd No.2960

Mainland Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese or Taiwan Chinese?
Also there's many other options like Singaporean Chinese. Hell, even Han Chinese from Mainland can be different


18f757fd No.2961

And why exactly Chinese?


a924669e No.2962

Chinese are the best


3f387c89 No.2963

File: 1629388415426.jpg (30.37 KB, 640x480, 48412c67f9f9777f34248dece8….jpg)


2c52c372 No.2965

Not OP, but I’ve always liked rural mainland Chinese girls for some reason. I knew some in college, and they were always calm but able to have some fun if it wasn’t crazy. Plus, most of them cooked very well. Are there any Chinese stereotypes about rural women?


e92408ab No.2982

File: 1629950275565.jpg (62.52 KB, 840x560, download (101).jpg)


e7c04553 No.2984

File: 1630030989126.jpg (19.62 KB, 400x400, 0a0f7011ce624bdb9b47d63adf….jpg)

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e7dab96c No.2912[回复]

Lurking chans? That's bad for you, citizen

f4c83168 No.2915

File: 1628727703743.jpeg (89.43 KB, 400x580, F1973676-D556-473B-B50D-E….jpeg)

But I ai beijing tiananmen. I can’t lose social credit points! I fought in great firewall of 2012! Have some respect for elders!


e7dab96c No.2920

File: 1628821559925.jpg (2.8 KB, 158x100, 1628793772868.jpg)

Ok, sir, you're clean then


9f9d1b4b No.2924

Thank you, I sing song of your praise when I work in 1672462 information office! Onwards to destroy all Xi Mingzi deepfakes and nudes online!


9f9d1b4b No.2925

File: 1628833324766.jpeg (104.98 KB, 417x580, D2805BA5-964E-4993-8652-4….jpeg)

Forgot image :(


45730eb2 No.2983

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a628e46a No.2871[回复]

Chinks mad.
21帖子 和 10 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

a1527aaa No.2952

File: 1629226484377.jpeg (119.44 KB, 958x1600, 04397F56-F7E0-4354-BC31-A….jpeg)

Kinda makes me wonder how many Nazis actually did stuff like this. Anyway, here’s another pic of a collaborator girl. Also, I have a job interview tomorrow so wish me luck! I’m so done with my old job, you won’t believe.


2fdefdc0 No.2953

File: 1629247844182.jpg (22.67 KB, 604x482, 1590735834695.jpg)


a1527aaa No.2966

File: 1629436973722.jpeg (196.97 KB, 1280x853, 728B6940-758F-4FF8-AF87-7….jpeg)

Sorry for being gone for so long, but I’m back now. The interview went very well, at least I think. They wanted to hire me on the spot, but I needed a week to take care of some things at my old job. Maybe that’s a bad sign for them, but it shouldn’t be anything major. How have you been, Nazi-朋友? Find any German women?


a1527aaa No.2974

File: 1629755418747.jpeg (690.2 KB, 1168x1170, 1B2FC520-181B-4F6B-96DF-7….jpeg)

Where did Hitler-bro go? I miss him


967bc8ff No.2975

File: 1629787146882.jpg (49.87 KB, 573x585, 2a74a7fd264ab827a4d6a51993….jpg)

was taking a long nap, lots of kikes to prosecute lately


a1527aaa No.2976

File: 1629788519339.jpeg (43.22 KB, 474x346, 9F2CC48C-A68A-4CFE-9883-9….jpeg)

You’re back! That’s great! How have you been? Besides putting kikes to sleep, I mean. As for me, I’ve been great. I said goodbyes at my old job, and I’ll start working in the new one on the 30th this month. Also, I finally managed to negotiate a good deal for my dream car. The only caveat is that I have to wait it to be made, so it will take a couple months for it to arrive. But I’m very excited still. Maybe I’ll sneak something nazi related onto it, but idk. Also, I might be going on a date soon, but I don’t really want to jump ahead on that one. She’s a nice girl, but I don’t know if she wants to get intimate. Anyway, have a good one!


967bc8ff No.2978

File: 1629865786632.jpg (48.65 KB, 577x433, download - 2021-08-25T0028….jpg)

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46a05bc8 No.2955[回复]

Isn't it funny that on 4chan's /int/ Chinese emigres are spamming threads about "muh China stronk, usa we war you" but on 998fun's /int/ no one is trying to make such shit?

9f533a17 No.2956

File: 1629344193693.jpg (2.8 KB, 141x156, QQ图片20210617191730.jpg)

Cause they're schizos


6f053472 No.2957

File: 1629348687605.jpeg (6.83 MB, 4032x3024, D917B8BA-40D9-4B92-A375-3….jpeg)

It’s all just paid schilling. Haven’t you heard of the 五毛? This site is too small for them to care about. Here’s a picture of a lizard I found


46a05bc8 No.2959

Also probably
Cute lizard

File: 1627940374281.png (94.2 KB, 866x1024, Baka!.png)

df9bed35 No.2865[回复]

New board just dropped!

Come have fun and act retarded.
Get rare GETs while you can.
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c2f27ab4 No.2908

File: 1628656099712.jpg (25.06 KB, 580x481, 47fdc495d143ad4b88edaf6a8c….jpg)

another dead small chan


1174b04a No.2909

File: 1628699539942.jpg (127.84 KB, 484x644, 7bd223326a1677e02575d3b379….jpg)

it was one of that lunatic patch's boards


2f55db17 No.2914

Funny story, I knew a Reddit mod back at school. He wasn’t popular, but I wouldn’t call him nerdy or friendless. I knew he had a couple close friends he would hang out with, but not many other people besides that. So not all of them are losers I guess, the one here seems cool.


c2f27ab4 No.2918

File: 1628748363114.gif (2.33 MB, 258x361, 005tCm32ly1gptsxo7579g3076….gif)

Nice to see baka board back


50aa302d No.2929

full of kukuku shit


c2f27ab4 No.2947

dead again?
Please don't……


c2f27ab4 No.2954

and now again
feel sad for your site

File: 1628323817432.jpg (118.81 KB, 1080x1349, 1537229245745.jpg)

2f8e3f37 No.2891[回复]

My theory is this board is run by taiwanese. No mainlander is that stupid to snitch out on cp to help western nations.
3帖子 和 1 image reply 省略. 点击回复查看

bfe21ecc No.2895

File: 1628365006887.jpeg (48.62 KB, 419x424, A710C0E4-F7B5-4A05-BD74-4….jpeg)

Hey! I might be going to China for a little bit soon, and I have a couple questions. Would you care to answer? Thank you in advance!


fdb4db27 No.2897

about what


bfe21ecc No.2902

What is the car culture like in China? Do most people see cars as just tools or as an extension of their personality, kinda like clothes? Are muscle cars like the Dodge Challenger or Mustang popular? Thank you again!


a1b5a743 No.2906

Depends on which city you are living in and your network. Muscle cars are expensive for most ppl even in big cities (imported + tax) and thus not that common. For higher income families, your personality theory would apply


5c5322cf No.2911

File: 1628726163987.jpeg (447.59 KB, 722x728, 913408C7-5406-4E01-A11D-7….jpeg)

That’s very interesting, it’s kinda like how some European cars are really rare here. So do the Chinese car companies not make their own muscle cars? I remember seeing Mustang SUVs when I went there. Those didn’t pop up here until late 2020. So most people just see cars as tools? It’s becoming like that here, but a large portion of people still have an emotional attachment. I know I’m one of them lol. Do you have a car?


46184284 No.2945

I relocate frequently in recent years, so I prefer public transports. Plus there are way too many people and cars in big cities, I got headache whenever I tried to find somewhere to park. If we say muscle cars look "cool", most people (as far as I know) prefer "luxurious/prestige" looking cars. There are some people there love muscle cars, but certainly not the majority.


1676b8eb No.2948

File: 1629155461587.jpeg (140.51 KB, 617x1024, 4B030628-09E2-44CE-AA4E-9….jpeg)

How is the public transport system in China? In America, it’s almost always bad in some way. The buses take too long and trains can be dangerous because of the people who ride them. A friend of mine from California even got robbed once on BART, and the police just told him that there was nothing they could do because the amount stolen was under 1000$. It’s like that all over the country, the police don’t do a lot to help people with small crime, only large. But on the issue of parking, I totally get it. I live in the country so parking is almost always available close by, but the people in cities always complain about there not being enough. And if you have a big car, it’s super hard to find space even if some spots are open. But in the country, it’s no problem at all, half the people here drive large trucks. It’s becoming like that here too, the muscle car is being replaced by SUVs in terms of general popularity. I don’t want that to happen, but I’m just one person. What can I do lol? Anyway, it’s nice talking to you!

File: 1628894339864.jpg (46.09 KB, 439x643, train.jpg)

813e3dd7 No.2934[回复]

What would you do, /int/?

74f8eaa0 No.2937

File: 1628896268059.jpeg (645.65 KB, 1514x1107, 7F5FF819-45B7-4AF9-86DA-3….jpeg)

Comeback time!

File: 1628714828337.jpg (507.52 KB, 1031x867, 1628081809690.jpg)

247174d9 No.2910[回复]

Baka! is online again!

Coma have fun and act retarded.

File: 1628436111229.png (27.03 KB, 400x379, e.png)

4d09df22 No.2901[回复]

come have fun!

7119400b No.2904


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