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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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File: 155583597257.jpg (32.3 KB, 600x683, spedepasanen.jpg)

11fa94fd No.1030[回复]


1d3126e9 No.1031

Allah ouakbar, frère autiste !

cc85316c No.1028[回复]

Why does the Greatest Britain there is not have a flag here?

The Queen would not approve.

cc85316c No.1029

File: 155583506970.png (296 B, 17x18, gb.png)



fc944a27 No.1032

Le Britistan est haram !


cc85316c No.1033

File: 155583689065.jpg (40.25 KB, 303x394, concerned dog.jpg)

Non mon frere. It is you!

c5f68da9 No.1023[回复]

Can great China annex Greece already?

240df68f No.1042

lol you get annexed last when money and debts don't have any uses anymore.
( ` ・´)

929cac11 No.1013[回复]


408bfe54 No.1014

Yes, those fking Hungarians destroyed Roman Empire and betrayed the communism.


babf02c0 No.1017

Han dog found


408bfe54 No.1020

better than you pigs


b59b9d68 No.1021

Shit tier bant

60149379 No.1006[回复]

Stop putting thise Uyghurs to the concenteration camps you fucking chinks

0c92ce6a No.1007

We also don’t like keeping those terrorists in education schools and wasting our taxes. We would appreciate it if you guys could take those terrorists away.


60908f2e No.1008

It's a place well deserved for those fanatics.
Look up any bordering region to Malaysia and how the religion of peace tries to subdue the kuffar population to start their own independent holy state.
Even in Indonesia those lunatics forced themselves a semi-independent zone, where they can enforce even stricter holy goat fucker laws.


60149379 No.1010

Al-Qaeda is long time dead


f88a5dd4 No.1012

Then you can be the person freeing them


60908f2e No.1075

File: 155984349166.jpg (5.78 KB, 230x110, so xenophobe it hurts.jpg)

Oh Canada...


54632e0e No.1092

Fuck muslims

2d55d119 No.1000[回复]

1000 GET!

8c02c8c6 No.1001

File: 155496969061.png (322.57 KB, 666x502, how to quit anime.png)

einfach nur episch

37ab7c0c No.995[回复]

hey guys,where are you from?

80675d20 No.998

File: 15549121755.jpg (41.04 KB, 600x791, 1525709669619.jpg)

Well, Austria.
How are you? What do you guys normally talk about on the other boards or what are the general interests of Chinese imageboard culture?
And most important of all, gib me your meme so I can spread them elsewhere :3


37ab7c0c No.1002

My english speak is not good.So many websites you can go.You know,China has a large population,they go diffrenet websites.For example,if you like sports you can go "虎扑",if you like ACG and videos you can go "bilibili",and "百度贴吧" just like "4chan".Well,i don't konnw what is "meme" means,does it mean "URL"?


ffe508af No.1003

Bilibili needs my fucking phone number but I never fucking expose myself to the Chinese botnet


89537b35 No.1004

well, 百度贴吧 is more similar to reddit
I think recently most popular meme in China might be “abstract word” which comes from a person who’s angry while live streaming.
This is the video with English subtitles

4778cd7c No.992[回复]

So, serious discussion now please.
What do Chinese themselves think of the social credit system and are they aware that instead of more freedom, we in the west just shifted into last gear to police state town?
Soon that whole world will either be a 3rd world shithole or an ant colony, fuck I rather take the shithole then.

7f0b5912 No.993

...it's not so serious like your imagination.
social credit system hasn't deployed to all places in China. It's still a testing thing. In most cities, we are following regular credit system. That's the credit system estimated by bank/finance org etc. You also have it right, I mean credit card...


4778cd7c No.996

Ah... I guess I understand then.


26b0c0e5 No.1005

File: 155506502292.jpg (622.86 KB, 1471x854, F6B27408-D11D-4BFA-BA74-36….jpg)

It’s just a matter of choice. We Chinese prefer order and safety with the cost of freedom, while you guys prefer freedom which may bring chaos


4778cd7c No.1009

Eh, recent developments took away a good chunk of freedom and all in all our governments are installing tools that can be realigned to more oppressive functions everywhere.
All it takes is one larger conflict or crisis and we will be under total lockdown.
Guess the next free place will come, when we take on space in 500 years.


3c50d9b8 No.1018

That will cause totalitarianism.That's not about different choices of west or east,it means civil liberty is being repressed.Big gov leads to serfdom.


26b0c0e5 No.1019

Wise totalitarianism is better than chaotic democracy. Every gov leads to serfdom, no matter big or small. India, Southeast Asia and Latin America countries has small gov also.
And what’s your liberty means, specifically?


d99817cd No.1022

什么是“wise totalitarianism",政府是官僚机关而不是一个不可分割的个体,极权主义导致政府以及社会官僚主义化,对于哲人王治国来说,最重要的的就是信息,而官僚主义正是信息产生和传递的最大障碍,这样运行的官僚机关也必定是无效率且贪腐的.就拿经济来说,大政府思想指导下的计划经济早在苏联创立之时就被米塞斯认

3302574e No.990[回复]

1000 get


ebe6e821 No.983[回复]

Wo ai ni de pigu zhong guo ren

7d90a8a0 No.984

File: 155430788815.png (899.01 KB, 908x723, dugnhp.png)

Ni hao, ni hao!
( ☉д⊙)

14cd8144 No.981[回复]

These rules on int are old. I read admin’s new rules. Everything except CP (including links) is allowed.

f477d303 No.982


efb83e37 No.976[回复]

bepic benises pls (。◕∀◕。)

b8617a61 No.970[回复]

Hey China, who is this and where do I find more of her/him?
1帖子 和 1 image reply 省略. 点击回复查看

b8617a61 No.972

File: 155406473961.png (503.9 KB, 720x720, yerrow-gf(bf)-2.png)



b8617a61 No.973

File: 155406475489.png (357.05 KB, 1280x720, yerrow-gf(bf)-3.png)



b8617a61 No.974

File: 155406476890.png (295.11 KB, 1280x720, yerrow-gf(bf)-4.png)



cc2e042c No.978

stop postings traps you'll get the admin gulag'd ((( ゚д゚)))


b8617a61 No.980

File: 155423703948.png (32.03 KB, 640x560, chinafrogs.png)

Rule one says anything goes.
Rule two that says porn is forbidden gets overridden by the higher tier rule one.


69269ef0 No.994

I think he's 惠奈酱


b8617a61 No.999

Thanks, I'll try and look it up!

976db887 No.966[回复]

What non-Chinese websites do you or other Chinese people use to read about world news?

( ̄︶ ̄)

00b3fc7e No.987

bbc npr newyorktime


9142cd4a No.989

ft wsj bbc zerohedge

File: 155398487316.png (309.12 KB, 914x914, kohlchan.png)

38226445 No.964[回复]


We need more Chinese posters.


37d8bba5 No.965

Visit us please China


9bbb9021 No.969

File: 155406417820.jpg (504.99 KB, 1111x1166, white man handing over the….jpg)

I for one, welcome our Chinese overlords!
In exchange for all the yellow pussy and femdick there is :3


5fa6ce75 No.1025

File: 155582530177.jpg (129.09 KB, 1500x1122, 11.jpg)



5fa6ce75 No.1026

File: 155582532567.jpg (80.65 KB, 1000x750, 22.jpg)



7891585b No.1027

File: 155583464241.png (345.49 KB, 640x434, taxi kot 2.png)

Please be friend and come.

a71bedc4 No.963[回复]

>tfw no bf

6866c108 No.961[回复]

How did you find out about this place ? ( ゚д゚)

7cf4b252 No.962

Let's say curiosity(`・ω・)


0b9e68aa No.977

Saw it on the internets.(*゚∇゚)


a4097656 No.979

File: 155422628335.jpg (82.46 KB, 790x495, 118_wmv_14_0.jpg)

The CIA ( ・_ゝ・)

28c47142 No.945[回复]

Is this a Chinese or Taiwanese imageboard?

605ffc61 No.958

Chinese of course

93036878 No.935[回复]

the average polish poster on 998fun /int/. what does xie think of this?
11帖子 和 1 image reply 省略. 点击回复查看

5b7304cc No.949



38af373a No.950



e94ebd8a No.951



025f848f No.952



a95a4581 No.953



ba6393df No.954



cd469eb0 No.955


c5228a6e No.934[回复]


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