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『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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File: 15955008469.jpg (45.53 KB, 378x532, based.jpg)

77e9e99c No.2172[回复]

reported all anti chinese hate speech in turkish twitter/facebook/instagram to police

got some ugyhurs deported back to china

you can't be anti chinese in my country i don't allow it

ed0450d1 No.2173

China strong


f3cd05c8 No.2179



1cff3de3 No.2186

Before this flash-radicalisation happened for goatfucker Allah, now it does for Pooh the bear.
CIA, requesting drone strike on OPs location.


2151a830 No.2195

File: 159565793929.png (591.78 KB, 680x679, corona-chan-gwall.png)

Rule cuck. No-fun Nancy. (*´∀`)


6ecd516a No.2216

shut the fuck up wh*Te dog

d5d3fcac No.2165[回复]

China NO.1!

425d0be2 No.2166

Social Credit+5


34ff5861 No.2171

nazis = bad
Social Credit +6 000 000


baadd856 No.2174


File: 159545405893.jpg (107.35 KB, 710x1024, EdfwNuMUcAYXhim.jpg)

269f8b7c No.2162[回复]


269f8b7c No.2163

File: 159545415537.jpg (38.44 KB, 750x533, EdfwNz2U8AU1aSR.jpg)



269f8b7c No.2164

File: 159545416822.png (81.11 KB, 744x418, EdgawsOXoAAioh8.png)



3d64640b No.2169

File: 159548998954.jpg (142.41 KB, 948x533, punky-brewster-wtf-is-this.jpg)

You have no idea how much weirdness there is in the world.


9f2c8a28 No.2175

>swooping in on your dead uncles ex-wife


8857035a No.2177

Lmao sounds like some ancient tribe common-law


a179b7af No.2180



a20684ee No.2367

There will be tears for this.

6cd19f03 No.2160[回复]

Ban gays

b625c718 No.2170

I'd be the only poster then, so bad idea.

File: 159541064941.jpg (97.69 KB, 682x1024, china.jpg)

5073fb30 No.2155[回复]

“We must give in to the demands of those foreign students and if they complain to the University that the female companions are not cooperative, we would lose our scholarship and might even be expelled. Many were coerced into having sex with those foreign students. I have witnessed first hand, a foreign student beating a female companion for refusing his sexual advance.”

Though not explicitly stated in the sponsorship, sex between foreign male students and Chinese female companions is so commonplace that, “every night, we could hear those Chinese girls moaning in the foreign students’ dormitory,” said a former University student who wished to remain anonymous.

Almost all female companions were virgins, most not only having had zero sexual experience with the opposite sex, but even zero romantic relationship prior to their entrance to the female sponsorship program. Many suffered not only psychological trauma but also physical assault in addition to frequent sexual abuse.

“One time we were all invited to attend a party for foreign students. They forced us to drink a lot of alcohol. When one of the female companions refused, she was slapped really hard across her face. Another tried to intervene, but the guy grabbed her hair and dragged her across the floor. We were all really scared. If we leave, they threatened to complain, and we would all be disciplined by the University,” Nancy said.

china literally forces young virgin chinese girls to fuck foreigners



5073fb30 No.2156

File: 159541105078.jpg (82.78 KB, 692x1024, china2.jpg)

University has a zero tolerance policy against Chinese students who are disrespectful to foreign students. Any Chinese student who express resentment of foreign students will be disciplined up to and including expulsion from the University.

“When they got really drunk, they started to tear at our clothes and fondle our breasts. If we tried to resist, they would hit us. Several foreign students took turns slapping my nipples really hard and I was in tears. The party continued until midnight and some [female companions] were so drunk that they had passed out. None of us were allowed to leave until we have all had sex with at least one foreign student.”

In order to encourage more foreign internationals to come to China, and to brand China as a welcoming home for those foreigners, sex between local Chinese women and foreign men is not only tacitly condoned, but openly and actively encouraged, as Chinese national TV frequently showcase beautiful Chinese women being involved in sexual and romantic relationships with foreign men.

“Three of us [female companions] were pushed on the bottom row of their bunker beds, and they took turns having sex with us. None of them used a condom. We felt violated, and wanted to report the incident to the police, but if we did that, the University would have expelled all of us.”

“In order to not make a scene, all of us took morning after pills. There was one really unfortunate girl who didn’t. She was forced to have an abortion, by the University, and it became a campus-wide scandal.”

In a survey, most female graduates of University prefer foreign men as lovers, sex partners, or husbands to local Chinese men. Alumnae to one of the most prestigious universities in China, many went on not only to become highly successful career-women, but also caring housewives to successful foreign men.


5073fb30 No.2158

china = good
ccp = good

japan = bad
usa = bad + evil



6e57c665 No.2222



18279d41 No.2225

File: 159591609935.jpg (140.25 KB, 775x766, blaced.jpg)

>40 MILLION INCELS in china
>CCP offers 3 girls per foreign student, they get expelled if they don't agree to anal sex

>In 2018, the buddy program got an upgrade. One international student could have up to three Chinese study buddies. For those who applied to the buddy program, 141 of them were Chinese (mostly female), 47 of them were international.

>In July 2019, the Chinese media was flooded by an document of the buddy program, and vast resentment has grown against the university's practice. Rumors include that, each international student could be assigned three Chinese girl friends, and many false accuse against female students in Shandong University.

>Later in mid of July, the official Sina Weibo of Shandong University made an apology, which mentioned "improper options" in the application forms of buddy program, specifically, an option to "develop romantic relationships".
>In 2019, during an on campus recruitment event, a speaker from Wanda made an improper comment that "the girls of Shandong University are beautiful, I indeed believe the foreign students are enjoying their lives here" which received criticism.[example needed]


TRULY 5000 years of CUCKOLD history, not even SWEDEN is this cucked


state enforced cuckoldry

imagine that you are only allowed to make one child due to one child policy. you put all your hard work and savings into her so she could go into top university in china. then she gets there and gets pimped by CCP cuck who gets off pimping young chinese girls to AFRICAN+PAKI bulls. and if you speak against it your daughter will be expelled, your social credit score will plummet and you will get sent to camp while your wife will be forced to marry an UIGHUR to commit genocide against them :D


29e5455b No.2226

File: 15959161845.png (110.32 KB, 708x547, black bulls taking over ch….png)

Did you know Tianmen Square happened bbecause of BLACK BULLs fucking chinese women?

>Animosity towards African students began in the 1960s, when scholarships provided by the Chinese government allowed many students from China-friendly African countries to study in Beijing.
> Many of these African students were given larger educational grants than native Chinese students, and hostility towards the Africans was a regular occurrence.

chink incels couldn't cope with fact BLACK BULLs taking all the women so they attacked them but they all got beaten up by TWO BLACK BULLs

>On December 24, 1988 two male African students were entering their campus at Hohai University in Nanjing with two Chinese women. The occasion was a Christmas Eve party. A quarrel between one of the Africans and a Chinese security guard, who had suspected that the women the African students tried to bring into the campus were prostitutes and refused their entry, led to a brawl between the African and Chinese students on the campus which lasted till the morning, leaving 13 students injured.[1]

>The Nanjing protests were groundbreaking dissidence for China and went from solely expressing concern about alleged improprieties by African men to increasingly calling for democracy or human rights.[4]

>some elements of the original protests that started in Nanjing still evident in Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, such as banners proclaiming "Stop Taking Advantage of Chinese Women" even though the vast majority of African students had left the country by that point.[5][6][7]

after BLACK BULLs got all the women and got their degrees for it the coward CHINKs started protesting because of their cucked government and got ran over by tanks





4b4f79d6 No.2227

>CCP offers girl to foreigner
Nope that's just Shandong University,at least I don't see such thing in my University


29e5455b No.2228

how do you know??? are you a girl?

6f4f57fd No.2153[回复]

(つ ᰩ ᭄ ⊂ )
U ω U

9f6819a9 No.2199


File: 159536816091.jpg (561.67 KB, 2056x1362, 1595339200136.jpg)

0c6729e3 No.2146[回复]

What is the ideal x.998fun male/female look?

e26e3d93 No.2150

Can't post due to legal reasons.

59f27fc1 No.2143[回复]

I'm disabled.

2c76b57d No.2147

File: 159538665848.png (203.21 KB, 470x313, LifeAlert_Fallen.png)

Do you require assistants? If so, how many? (=゚ω゚)=


35cc8300 No.2152

・゚( ノд`゚)


936c390d No.2350

Me ligs don't work.


c69ff371 No.2364

File: 159703713147.png (829.77 KB, 1000x750, trump-weed-pullers-of-amer….png)

It's OK. You can still post on image boards all day long.


c41f272b No.2386

File: 159726319580.jpg (94.44 KB, 828x809, EXcBRCaXsAIGhTY.jpg)


25eeabd5 No.2141[回复]

I dont like black people

406ede7f No.2148

File: 159538675497.jpg (39.01 KB, 501x373, sheeeiiitt.jpg)

No one does.

76498d2f No.2140[回复]


aec01a79 No.2151



f52cad42 No.2154

File: 159540465449.jpg (65.78 KB, 721x1014, 1532230147580.jpg)

Max! The bat boy that doesn't have wings. He's so cute. Say something nice about him.


3178a21e No.2159

Adorable boy(=゚ω゚)=What's his name?


68518a90 No.2161

Lemme touch you
I promise don't make you batsoupヾ(´ω゚`)

File: 159534045335.jpg (59.9 KB, 828x750, 9876543.jpg)

2fdb98df No.2138[回复]

Old chinese looking at Europe and America must be like
>the fuck is gender?

540c9f28 No.2168


File: 159532950558.png (976.4 KB, 1299x485, .png)

0f7d2599 No.2132[回复]


0f7d2599 No.2133

File: 159532954114.jpg (199.95 KB, 1299x484, 1595276140013.jpg)



be347643 No.2134

I thought it's 3d model at first time


b01d7918 No.2149

Why did you let those things into your country? You will regret it!


0f7d2599 No.2157

those things = good
nazis = bad


fa34e8c5 No.2167

yeah ,get those Swedish Volvo out


99730498 No.2176

how do you say "BLACKED" in winnish?

File: 159523864126.jpg (374.29 KB, 1202x1063, arab.jpg)

516664e5 No.2123[回复]


File: 159522140940.jpg (120.74 KB, 660x900, base.jpg)

3c15ebb4 No.2120[回复]

imagine wet sweaty sex in chinese summer with no air conditioner

then you ask for water after cumming buckets, and she(he) gives you hot water and says

"hot watta very health, do you know it?"


c43be418 No.2121

File: 159522255436.jpg (18.05 KB, 250x250, so-hot-right-now.jpg)



cdd066c1 No.2125

>no air condition

File: 159518741653.jpg (589.92 KB, 3318x1668, 1595175846618(1).jpg)

cddcdcd5 No.2113[回复]

Greetings fellow gamers of int, how are your ps4 collections going?

b16fc306 No.2115

File: 159521687726.jpg (845.01 KB, 1920x1080, deviljho.jpg)

Good taste. But why no Monster Hunter World?


8437432f No.2119

I'm nintendo stan


b243c891 No.2122

i want ghost of tsushima but everywhere here is sold out ;-;


5bec168e No.2128

Can't you get it on PSN, if you don't mind a digital copy? Most of the time I like a hard copy, but sometimes downloading a digital copy is OK.

File: 159518256780.jpg (152.12 KB, 1440x974, EdRRcWCXYAAaaHK.jpg)

4461afea No.2108[回复]


16881920 No.2109

chad cop


4461afea No.2112



9d4e4a4c No.2116

Imagine having to live in Chicongo.


4461afea No.2124

having to live in Chicongo = good
having to live in auschwitz = bad

File: 159518253051.jpg (49.48 KB, 552x960, asia-man-uncomfortable-imp….jpg)

29df36d6 No.2107[回复]


ea09fc8e No.2110

5000 year of culture


29df36d6 No.2111



6522bc4f No.2118

File: 159521728267.jpg (263.94 KB, 1111x836, komodo_dragon_checkem.jpg)

3087f79e No.2106[回复]

>tfw no tomboy gf

45782ec0 No.2117

File: 159521707961.png (234.11 KB, 562x378, sad.png)



c778e442 No.2136

File: 159533953423.jpg (74.61 KB, 720x450, tomboy.jpg)



1b136953 No.2137

redpill me on chinese tomboys)


7708c5e9 No.2139

File: 159534379352.jpg (16.29 KB, 280x210, 23-02-17-017-1.jpg)

I'm too autist for girls irl
BTW I like Kusakabe Misao,best tomboy waifu


1b136953 No.2144

good boy

c53737da No.2103[回复]

When thinking of immigrating, I tend to wonder which country to go, but forget it is not every country forbid multiple citizenship...

50dd0ace No.2105

come here bro if u are chinese

643cb1cf No.2093[回复]

( ´ρ`) I Am Lord Poop Butt. This Land Now Belongs To Me. All Who Stand In My Way Shall Feel My Wrath.

280d269e No.2101

File: 159512255367.jpg (70.69 KB, 670x435, drake-rodents-vs-possums.jpg)

gtfo, rodent. This is already the super-secret place for possums and joker dogs.

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