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『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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File: 159157935119.jpg (81.85 KB, 551x964, EZ892MFU8AEr-me.jpg)

bf89aa61 No.1678[回复]


615acd5d No.1679

me smiling


bf89aa61 No.1683

File: 159156837799.png (337.95 KB, 1012x759, Screenshot_2020-06-08 Awes….png)

f946e5eb No.1677[回复]


eba7e429 No.1680

It's Yunnan folk song,the lyrics is about a failed commit adultery.
And in China there are many memes about Yunnan folk songs.


eba7e429 No.1681

My favourite one is"Take Me Away,Old Driver(老司机带带我)",it's earworm


f946e5eb No.1682

File: 159156643518.png (490.34 KB, 1906x889, 1591553266412(1).png)

e03a7572 No.1675[回复]

File: 159145472765.jpg (35.81 KB, 1059x477, EZ1CNJ_XQAIT8ih.jpg)

c6067611 No.1665[回复]

me rate

ddbfb041 No.1667

>having older wife
cringe bro


c6067611 No.1669

File: 159145467477.jpg (154.83 KB, 831x1039, EZ0MvgHWkAAUBPn.jpg)

eade9934 No.1664[回复]

me tat
1帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

eade9934 No.1668

wtf = welcum to finland


ebc148c5 No.1672

lit tatoo bro|∀゚


240d3a92 No.1673

File: 159155719021.jpg (17.87 KB, 201x250, 4369608A-06BD-4477-88AD-5C….jpg)



e1e8e886 No.1786



40fc4972 No.1789

>That with the name of the convicted criminal
>BLM while being white
How retarded can you be?


8cfe64bb No.1813

File: 159245989066.png (363.33 KB, 999x579, 3455.png)


012a62c3 No.1814

I respect them
But Floyd is truly a criminal,yes you can protrest against cop's abuse but no need to deify a criminal

5f021058 No.1657[回复]

Question to Chinese and Hong Kongers:
Why don't you just find your way to Europe and claim asylum under the prediction that Xi hunts you down for being gay or wants your organs involuntarily harvested for defying the party?

53debd45 No.1660

There are already lots of people doing it, resulted pretty well and i guess they got what they wanted.


4c6c8175 No.1663

Lots of people do that,some of them are truly anti-CCP and be persecuted,some of them just wanna go out.


5f021058 No.1750

Well I don't see any, I want our continent to be flooded by cute Chinese ladyboys!


27130054 No.1751

LGBT is gery area in China
Neither be persecuted or be admited,china is not muslim country anyway
BTW,you're gay


5f021058 No.1851

Well that I am gay is kinda the point here, but there is no cute Chinese ladyboy here with me!

Jump the borders to EU and apply for asylum for literally FREE MONEY NOW!

32ffda2f No.1653[回复]

Do you have negers in China? What’s your opinion on them?

f81f337e No.1654

You mean Africans?My university have many foreign students from Africa.I seldom communicate with them and I don't quite care.
But I do know there are many racists in Chinese Internet called 皇汉(kind like western alt-rights),they are very antiforeign especially to Africans


3b22dfdd No.1661

Never seen one in Beijing but heard people say that there's a lot


85238d8a No.1662

File: 159140085912.jpg (13.53 KB, 225x225, 9e787f8220c3f49be5d1e76a08….jpg)

are there any newfies in china?)


6836caa1 No.1670

when we talk about Guangzhou,first thing come into my mind is nigger.They are low contributed to local,and increase crime rate.Most important,they took our bitches. Send them back to Africa.If u r nigger,not offensive,but fuck you.


ab406edb No.1671



85238d8a No.1674

File: 159156629239.jpg (29.27 KB, 720x474, laughs in racial diversity.jpg)

>drops the n-bomb


27f0ba57 No.1698


File: 15912888543.png (86.44 KB, 1680x1005, nimetön.png)

5b274576 No.1651[回复]

>Yhteyden aikakatkaisu

>Palvelin osoitteessa kotchan.org vastaa pyyntöihin liian hitaasti.

>Sivusto voi olla väliaikaisesti saavuttamattomissa tai kovan rasituksen alaisena. Yritä hetken kuluttua uudestaan.
>Jos mitkään sivustot eivät toimi, tarkista tietokoneen verkkoasetukset.
>Jos tietokone tai verkko on suojattu palomuurilla tai välityspalvelin on käytössä, tarkista että Firefoxin verkkoyhteyttä ei estetä.

WHAT THE WTF!??!?!?!!?!?

c9740620 No.1652
still accessible with direct address


5b274576 No.1655

aab2f20b No.1650[回复]

It's the "Nothing happened in Tiananmen"'s day in China,censorship is especially strong in this day
You all know it

File: 159095626547.png (43.24 KB, 485x455, 1590942626161-1.png)

f13069b6 No.1643[回复]

File: 159095379543.png (132.86 KB, 1234x823, 1590940583116.png)

1c433f66 No.1641[回复]

We hadn't had a good old risk thread a long time.
Time for one

Everyone should know the game

Rules in the pic

I hope anons participates and we have great fun :3

File: 159093951751.jpg (168.31 KB, 1066x1861, EY_c5O-WsAAhl60.jpg)

49626364 No.1640[回复]

redpill me

e493074d No.1638[回复]

Fuck you Chinks, free Uyghurs

7b59e183 No.1644

I hate commies too


735cdfdf No.1645

But you’re commie yourself:DD


43345dcc No.1647

no I'm not
I don't believe communism bullshits


03807931 No.1648

Aren’t you a member of communist youth league or something like that?


43345dcc No.1649

"young pioneer"when I was only 10
That'a cult I have to say

File: 15908360156.jpg (103.83 KB, 750x674, 4DA533B5-499E-4FED-BA79-6E….jpg)

888a8a53 No.1637[回复]

Ukrainian "summer"

39390e1e No.1639



888a8a53 No.1646

11C today

c53bdb77 No.1628[回复]


Whats the difference between

238a5e87 No.1634

The later is the 18+ version of the former.
Thanks to some guy-with-no-life reporting porn content to the host last year this site was split and all NSFW content are over at the other.


a5eb1b05 No.1635

Graphic porn is forbidden in here,so 466chan(里里岛)was built, which contains two NSFW boards,LDNMB.com used guide to this site,now guide to 466chan.
WTF he is just talking about this imageboard.


a5eb1b05 No.1636


9f237158 No.1627[回复]

Was letting the commie butthurtbelters into the EU Reich a mistake?

File: 159059725631.jpg (290.48 KB, 1200x1129, 1590585884062.jpg)

684e349f No.1625[回复]

redpill me

2686d6e6 No.1626

That doesn't sound very reliable
Chinese communists'takeover do ascribed to foreign aid,but that came from SovietUnion,they were Slavs
There was only one Jew in CCP,Sidney Rittenberg,a friend of Mao,and he was put in jail for 9 years for so-called"espionage crime"during the Culture Revelation
BTW,he returned to America in 1980 and died in 2019


684e349f No.1630


9a9a3d09 No.1618[回复]

Ukrainian regime stopped all public transport for 2 months.

9a9a3d09 No.1619

Is it possible in your city?


dbb6ae83 No.1620

Unfortunately I live in Wuhan.
Propaganda says everything will back to normal,but my community is still under lockdown,I can't use transport cause I'm still trapped in home.


9a9a3d09 No.1622

File: 159049423696.jpg (180.48 KB, 1280x720, 3409F5C8-1409-41C0-A05E-3F….jpg)

How to get to work? Do people get any help from government?
By the way I’ve read that lockdown is over in Wuhan.


dbb6ae83 No.1623

I study in college(by internet).
People get to work by healthy pass,which implemented in whole China.
I'm Information-poor so I don't know much,btw I don't quite trust media and officials.
"Lockdown is over"means some people have to go back work,but my life didn't change.
My community is restricted,store closed early and I don't have "work permit"to leave community,it's likely to last some time.


dbb6ae83 No.1624

Your picture makes me remember passing by these buildings at December 31.It's also the first time heard about virus.
I thout about bad situations that day,but never thout 2020 would be so fucked.We must live in a weirdest timeline.


b5917ba8 No.1632

File: 159076477537.png (403.5 KB, 803x655, 1577177375920.png)

Wuhanlad, do you know anyone that had their doors welded? If so how are they?


afbc19b8 No.1633

I don't know exactly,I saw some videos from internet.
That might happen,but more likely happened in countryside.

File: 159025529560.png (4.17 KB, 360x87, Screenshot_2020-05-21 PigP….png)

7c2c642a No.1612[回复]

this shit site is an obvious honeypot yet they even banned me from a linux forum for stating that it is. a forum i was in for over 15 years.
reddit privacy subs also removed it called it low effort and banned me.

my arguments

1- it is made by a jew who became a millionaire by illegally selling peoples data.
2- they used a tracking cookie even though they said they did not
3- they donated 30k$ to tor project now tor uses PPG by default
4- based in US. it can get comprimised and with gag order we wouldn't know.
5- its not even open source.
6- FUCKING GOOGLE added it as search engine option. GOOGLE BANS EVEN THE SIMPLEST ANTI TRACKING MEASURES from PLAY STORE. they were PLANNING TO BAN ADBLOCKERS but they added fucking PPG.
7- partners are Verizon, Yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon AWS . ALL PRISM.


7c2c642a No.1613

File: 159025533976.png (321.02 KB, 567x701, EX8Ofa9WAAIQ1JL.png)



6f9ed213 No.1686

stop stealing my arguments bro


5ffdd18e No.1688

Just use startpage


7c2c642a No.1696


5ffdd18e No.1697

>not using Baidu
-20 social credits

File: 159016919779.jpg (26.75 KB, 485x299, 947CD87F-36D2-4ACC-99F3-88….jpg)

2d55d387 No.1608[回复]


5366917d No.1609


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