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『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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File: 1644116231100.png (226.39 KB, 1204x993, 2077.png)

9e9ed154 No.3279[回复]


ae3d55d4 No.3280

Interesting, how would China manage to acquire India, Australia, and East Siberia realistically?


ffa1f921 No.3282

File: 1644170293608.png (1.03 MB, 640x853, qjv7sfqd2p571.png)

It's not a map made by me btw.
I can only imagine that China could acquire Australia by mass migration of Chinese and economic dependence, Siberia could be annexed when Russia will be too weak to defend itself (economic sanctions?) and India would just gave up with its resistance against China, since they would be "sorrounded". Tbh all of these concepts dont sound too realistic for me but hey - I was trying

File: 1639434107163.png (739.26 KB, 2490x1000, 3397.png)

c81c63dc No.3224[回复]

Do you have some colloquial names for state security agents, chinese anons? Something like "feds" or "glowies"?

b9ad21a6 No.3225



77206157 No.3226

File: 1639557535800.png (272.76 KB, 415x579, 20211215163735.png)

there is a verb,查水表(watermeter check)
from a teleplay scence


c81c63dc No.3227

That's interesting. I'm pretty sure that communist-era Polish police was using the same trick


c81c63dc No.3228

just translated this image


8af56200 No.3281


File: 1642978588470.png (955.98 KB, 1920x1080, Genshin-Impact-Censorship-….png)

fb56dd4e No.3264[回复]

Why are Chinese censors so obsessed about "nudity" in games, movies etc.? Do they really think that covering the shoulders of anime girls from a game will increase China's fertility rate?
1帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

fb56dd4e No.3268

I didn't understand. Can you rephrase it?


506647f0 No.3269

ccp is telling you ,no whatever how well you sell and how big you are, they are just hold you anytime. such as change your designed, steal your idea, and let you get insult but you must feel thankful


c89f3588 No.3270

Banning the naked exposure of game characters is not only the requirement of Chinese parents, but also the backwardness of Chinese sex education. High housing prices, medical costs and consumption costs are the direct reasons for reducing the fertility rate of the population. Just as the collapse of Japan's economic bubble in 1990s, China is now in a similar situation, and the United States is trying to contain China and let the economy collapse.


fb56dd4e No.3271

Ok, I think I got it


e030b463 No.3272

Rumors say that some feminists pushed the gov hard, accusing GI for its "objectification of women", so they have to make a response.


fb56dd4e No.3273

>Chinese gov
>giving shit about third wave feminists


54800ae2 No.3275

In China,some people would report things they don't like,make up reasons like against socialism values,kinda like cancel culture

File: 1643509451721.png (1011.08 KB, 887x1536, Winnie_The_Pooh.png)

c6f1fdea No.3274[回复]

Fuck the Chinese government.

df944e94 No.3277

so funny and original

File: 1642298889777.png (221.2 KB, 1853x697, Captura de pantalla (34206….png)

a36fbdd5 No.3248[回复]

someone from china can confirm this information?

a36fbdd5 No.3249

File: 1642298925180.png (68.22 KB, 1773x305, Captura de pantalla (34207….png)


bcf8e68b No.3250

Fake news.
In fact, among the trending tag now on Weibo (the Chinese Twitter) is Xi'an lowered 57 communities' quarantine level, many complaining theirs not included.


8372e240 No.3251



3b7c9e9c No.3253

Sounds fake as fuck


8372e240 No.3255



9fe54228 No.3262


File: 1636681061235.jpg (50.54 KB, 580x708, cancel culture.jpg)

323505d9 No.3190[回复]

What percentage of China's cultural heritage has survived to this day? How much of this culture has been destroyed by Mao and how much by former rulers/rebellions/changes of dynasties?
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25f9fab9 No.3215

>dont know how much heritage was lost
thats kinda terrifying when you say it like that
it was only a couple decades ago
and now its gone and no one even knows what to look for, let alone where to look for it


cc23e85f No.3216

And still, we have a lot of 'little pink'(young communist) want to destory only left cultural

They say: 'The china cultural let us weak. We need learn with the Soviet union. delete all the old things'

I dont understand. Are they realy love the country or just supid……


25f9fab9 No.3217

File: 1639175667881.jpg (117.31 KB, 2322x1290, external-content.duckduckg….jpg)

>little pinks
lol i like that
and i can relate. at least half college age kids nowadays in the states are the same way
they remind me of the bully kids on the playground who wander around knocking over everyone elses blocks, for no reason other than to see them be knocked over

now i agree that sometimes the best idea is to knock over everything and try to build something new out of the pieces, and many times starting fresh from the ground floor can give some interesting new perspective at least, artistically speaking.
but its that second part, the "building something new" part that seems totally alien to our pinkos, or really any pinkos
they dont worry about building anything
they wake up, masturbate to whatever flavor of communism they subscribe to, then walk out the door in search of something to knock over

as some ex-KGB dude once said: useful idiots


6ce11b6f No.3219

> Knock over everything and try to build something

As you are an communist, Im not superised at all of your idea. Actually, It's happend in 1966-1976. It's detoryed so many china cultural, even now, we were still confused by who we are.

I admit its have some good respect.(forgive my engilish)

But in the same reason, We must suffer day by day. For information control, indoctrinated, hypocritical social atmosphere. and Witch hunting(web ver.)by little pinke

Most of us dont belive communist, Even a word


c2af73a3 No.3220

File: 1639246598163.jpg (80.63 KB, 533x755, tolkien_photo.jpg)

>Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made


2ac517f6 No.3221



b72edbb6 No.3241

File: 1641300783763.jpg (30.69 KB, 780x438, cover7.jpg)

30bfc727 No.3174[回复]


f76e74cb No.3236

look like no one like it here…it is a meme too dank


70ac326b No.3237

I’m still here fren
Just not a lot of activity on this chan


70ac326b No.3238

Happy New Year btw


84b86a42 No.3239


File: 1633894304791.png (580.41 KB, 1015x768, historic and contextual ma….png)

8130731c No.3103[回复]

is it correct?
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fab72874 No.3109

kinda one-sided,but reasonable
>Midwest populated since 11th century
Chu Kingdom was since about 10th century B.C.


8130731c No.3111

File: 1633970448219.jpg (152.42 KB, 1075x813, every chinese city.jpg)

how about this


d1d6b73f No.3113

You forgot the pollution pipe running into the river


2ff53f65 No.3115

lmao that's pretty accurate


66a214be No.3136

Western Han not a Taoist dynasty
just the early policy during the first three emperors is 无为而治(government dose not intervene in folk).无为 is the code of Laotzu political idea.
in fact the dominant religion in western han is Shamanism.


62953fe2 No.3222

File: 1639422297419.jpg (27.79 KB, 294x212, 1633970448219.jpg)

by the way
where can I find such places in China? You know - remote villages, free from modernity, pollution and human masses


62953fe2 No.3223

do they even exist nowadays?

File: 1638036969372.jpg (124.91 KB, 1080x1080, Peng-Shuai.jpg)

b049fc0c No.3197[回复]

Where is Peng Shuai?
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88cbb21c No.3207

You are right, we have some people like to do this.
most is old men or low education


69141df1 No.3208

Well, same here


ffb33740 No.3209

Most likely gold digging, rape would have given her a better story. Read her story. They “feel in love,” had an extensive relationship, and then he raped her? What? It doesn’t make sense why he would woo her like that and then do it.


ffb33740 No.3210

Well, she’s not old, and I don’t know about her education. But since she’s in university, I would think it’s alright. The girl in my class is just weird. She’s run out of class a couple times for no reason. And one time I swear I saw her masturbaiting under the desk. Very messed up, all of it.


ffb33740 No.3211

Ah, I see.
Makes sense, it’s just weird and gross.


e8adbec7 No.3212

You dont even need think
Its rape by power, And high offical tirred of young girl, juse want some new

and she's 35 years old, not an low education woman or college student


8b4e89d5 No.3218

>mostly old men and uneducated
truly, bydlo is universal
though bydlo: unity

i remember seeing some pic, on some /int/ somewhere, of a collage of lowclass football fans from all throughout europe and the UK. they were all practically indecipherable from one another. shaved head, no shirt, enormous beer-gut, and all pasty-white like they hadnt seen the sun in years
language barrier aside, they might as well have all come from the same island.
ironic, as theyre the most likely to be inclined towards reactionary politics and fucking hating each other

23ee6946 No.2075[回复]

how often do you browse kotchan the russian 998fun?
me: everyday

a66fb22b No.3186

File: 1636541705579.jpg (117.74 KB, 960x1280, 4105-se3js3.jpg)



ebb04e3e No.3187

Long time no see,Greekanon


a66fb22b No.3188

File: 1636626224881.png (105.29 KB, 458x436, give cat .png)

same to you my korean friend

File: 1636052138116.png (755.06 KB, 1349x2455, Screenshot 2021-11-04 at 1….png)

13227894 No.3177[回复]

Mainland gov is fragile as always, I see

9d2f186a No.3178

File: 1636084233966.jpg (46.51 KB, 498x496, QQ图片20211105114951.jpg)

I love that meme


40493525 No.3180

Due to dissatisfaction with the control of the epidemic, the suspect in violation of the law posted a photo on the Internet that insulted the police, publicly insulting the image of the police. The police summoned xxxxxxxx to the police station in accordance with the law, and upon questioning, he confessed to the illegal facts that insulted the police. The behavior of xxxxxxxx has constituted quarrels and provocations. According to the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China", the Public Security Bureau imposed administrative detention on xxxxxxxx for 15 days in accordance with the law.

File: 1634997771725.jpg (269.11 KB, 800x800, attention grabbing image.jpg)

0ca409e7 No.3156[回复]

What are the most popular chinese imageboards? doesn't have to have English boards. Please tell me.
4帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

ab0a8595 No.3162

just like most websites in China
used to be a better place but pretty fucked up now


e5a6c5df No.3164

File: 1635297492031.jpg (20.38 KB, 300x300, 1581982146365.jpg)

I think you didnt understand
The point of every imageboard is full free speech and full anonimosity of users. Imageboard without these two things doesnt make sense to me at all


e5a6c5df No.3165

I mean these two things are the main difference between imageboards and the other websites. What's the point of creating an imageboard if you can't have those


a712cb48 No.3166

Let's just say in China you simply cannot host a site that has discussion elements (forum, board, etc) that allows people to register for an account without a cellphone number anymore. It's been this way since around 2014 or so.

You are free to start such a website abroad, but then if it becomes well-known enough it'll be blocked by GFW.


34f2ef09 No.3167

File: 1635308546558.png (140.13 KB, 731x824, 20211027121736.png)

just a forum with client-side anonymity
>free speech
well,that's why that mod created this place


34f2ef09 No.3168

places I know
adnmb3.com(fucked up now)


a60441eb No.3169

most popular simplified Chinese imageboard (with censorship and registration): adnmb3.com

most popular simplified Chinese imageboard: kukuku.uk
most popular traditional Chinese imageboard: komica.org

3053a175 No.3150[回复]

i heard that poland has recently banned criticism of nazi?
poland anon, are you here?

8d6c651c No.3151

Huh? Where did you read that?


3053a175 No.3152

a chinese cyber police in reddit


21035426 No.3153

Oh,I guess it's“western free speech is fake”moment again
sounds like a typical wumao


8d6c651c No.3154

File: 1634849035746.jpg (34.81 KB, 550x422, 322332242.jpg)

great source of informations

40a0f65f No.2896[回复]

Hi Chinanons. I'm sick of the dumb shit we have to deal with in the west. Our governments have a planned extermination of the people that made our nations great in the west. Remaining native westerners are dying embers in the once blazing bonfire that was western civilization.

I work in cybersecurity, how to leave and work in Asia? Will they think I'm a nigger and avoid me because I'm white?

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350676a4 No.2921

Oh sweet, a schizo thread


33871a46 No.2926

File: 1628833521634.jpeg (1.11 MB, 640x6011, C4B96D66-3AF8-46A0-9E60-7….jpeg)

Nah, you haven’t seen schizo yet. They would be yelling about the lizard people secret burger king genocide, with the goal of reprogramming Trump thru his anal third eye.


82ae7136 No.2932

You're in Poland, stfu


350676a4 No.2933

No, he's not. He's American like you


d1d83edd No.2935

File: 1628895261752.jpeg (19.33 KB, 200x293, 6F770601-0C27-426D-9C42-F….jpeg)

Cześć! All is good in funny cow country!


d1d83edd No.2936

File: 1628895371999.gif (84.64 KB, 220x184, F9E4FAA1-FF6A-42D8-903D-F7….gif)

Nah, he’s right, I’m a subverter. I also run the 5 Minute Crafts YouTube account. Isn’t that crazy?


b85f2f94 No.3149

File: 1634228387054.jpg (102.21 KB, 830x468, 4160803424_b17ed67aa4_b.jpg)

9e6fc498 No.3130[回复]

Why has the Party not increased the cult of Sun Yat Sen after Mao's period?

2c43083b No.3132

Cause he is not a communist
and mao is deified


9e6fc498 No.3148

File: 1634653968066.png (2.46 MB, 2048x1367, 000_Hkg9051702.png)

Too bad
I like him

File: 1634562563785.jpg (10 KB, 247x259, benin kot.jpg)

882124ef No.3142[回复]

Do you have mandatory vaccination in China?
Can I expat to China and work without corona vaccine?

619b6add No.3143

not mandatory but almost
>without vaccine
ok,but troublesome in some ways


f1d21240 No.3145

Damn, you have that QR-code thing too?


9b089ea8 No.3146

mandatory, just use other way to mandatory.

this place's vaccine have only bad effect


5f84777f No.3147

yes,QR code is very popular in China

File: 1631042932984.png (469.21 KB, 700x630, white guy.png)

a810dee1 No.3034[回复]

What do the Chinese people really think about non-Asians making slanted eyes? Is this really a big deal for them?

48bdab74 No.3035

in fact that more like monoglian. they are famous warrior and cold man(in history)
chinese like big eyes as they pretty, especially the rich men and the ccp class, as you know, they always be fat .
for the low class, slanted eyes not a very big quest. the internet more like to laugh at them because most of them poor and thin. and they will like the really handsome one ,not the high class leader. in the place more like the business, they leader will not be "most of them is fat" ,too


a810dee1 No.3036

I didn't understand


f8db92bd No.3037

fat man like big eyes


c40abffb No.3041

And poor man like small eyes? No wonder I like Asian girls lol.


d8514f4a No.3048

File: 1631177211694.jpg (64.43 KB, 500x500, 49ttja.jpg)


21943c31 No.3144

File: 1634567651953.png (307.18 KB, 400x400, 588d6eb8834637d39959346d91….png)

ff5b07e8 No.3137[回复]

Can I come to China and fuck your women Chinese bros?

b8ea5d1b No.3138

What an original and funny post, not stolen from 4chan's /int/ at all


8bd64994 No.3139

Can you post the original pic on nsfw int? It’s deleted for me


9322901a No.3140

No it was mean


e5f115c6 No.3141

/int22/is for nsfw

File: 1634168229389.jpg (7.46 KB, 230x219, 1232132132132.jpg)

045ce0da No.3120[回复]

>now whole youtube is filled with very similar social credit memes
yeah but the Chinese are the ones who copy everything for profit, huh?
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9f2e4a6c No.3122

File: 1634190847910.jpg (27.25 KB, 548x539, 20211014134746.jpg)

the“Social credit”in western imagination don't exist
just a financial policy about loan
not a wumao,just feel strange:why would CCP cost money to build a cyber-dystopia system,when they can simply increase public order expenditure?


9f2e4a6c No.3123

you won't lose some points after posting "improper content" in China
you'll just get a phonecall from police,sometime would be MDH


62e3bdda No.3124

What’s the MDH?


9f2e4a6c No.3125



045ce0da No.3126

I know that "social credit" in western imagination doesn't exist, I'm just talking about memes on internet which are very similar to each other because creators can get easy money from views


f85d0a2b No.3128




b23b81c9 No.3129

every popular meme:
interesting→popular→similar things everywhere→cringe(烂梗)

File: 1633882021113.png (61.97 KB, 744x567, 687474703a2f2f6162737472.png)

810ab081 No.3102[回复]

Where do you read news and informations about China, anon?

24e1dede No.3105

r/hanren in reddit

if you want make a report for news, don't forget ask the people directly


d1f45422 No.3110

I read news from different places
But I don't fully trust medias

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