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『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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ea64e7d4 No.2272[回复]

One’s Character is their true inner nature. Fascism prizes the great, strong, firm character over the weak and soft, for that is the character that can uphold our values and honor Truth. One’s intelligence comes second, for a person of great character may not be the smartest, but he will stand taller than the person of weak character, who is more intelligent. In fact, the latter is the perfect description of the intellectual, of the modern man in general.

The person of weak character desperately needs some modicum of intelligence to have the skills for rationalizing why his lack of will power (a trait of a strong character) doesn’t matter or should not be taken into account. It is these people who will try to intellectually justify degeneracy – foremost their own, and then that of others, to secure their own standing. “Faggotry is not a problem” is something only a faggot or a smart idiot will say, ignoring that faggotry is often the consequence of a small and weak character, as is the case for all degeneracy.

intelligence is a tool, and like any tool it can be wielded for good or ill, and what determine’s ones use of that tool is, again, Character. The small man will use intellect to justify his shortcomings and to secure his petty interests, to protect his own hide and swindle others. Thus intellect serves to create ideas like equality and communism. A great man will use intellect in service to a higher task that he seeks to realize, in service to a greater principle that dictates a necessity, rather than a personal whim. Thus intellect serves to create the Organic State.

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a77c5582 No.2264[回复]


edb2261e No.2275

haha post it on kc, i can't because the schizo banned me at random again


a77c5582 No.2277



e044cbbf No.2281

File: 159634610862.jpg (127.38 KB, 800x606, black_repunzel.jpg)

Niggers, lol. When USA dies from them I will go to China.


aed52b8c No.2285

File: 159637521488.png (189.94 KB, 306x293, we wuz hitler an shieet.png)

lmao CCP members must have been watching too much BLACKED.com pr0ns
what a bunch of literal cucks

a hearty KARA BOGA to that


1cc1efc7 No.2339

bbc + ccp bbccp

ce0df4b1 No.2261[回复]

I see that KC imperialism has taken hold here with its countryballs and omsk balls and other KC menes.

How popular and known chankultur is on Chyna? Do you have wojaks and pepes posted as common reaction images and discussed and blamed as symbols of whatever is considered bad in China by the journalists?

ce0df4b1 No.2262

File: 159609857691.jpg (361.71 KB, 1440x1015, chankultur.jpg)

Fugggg forgot to uncheck the stupid ass "No file" checkbox and the file I attached to OP didnt get uploaded, why is that shit even checked by default?


25a5b37b No.2263

File: 159610354872.jpg (10.37 KB, 153x250, 5e62667bd9f98.jpg)

>Chankulture in China
Few people know western imageboard memes,I seldom see Wajok and Pepe in Chinese imageboard.And there're some original memes,like( ^ω^) is a symbol of troll called 阴阳酱
>Blame things
In imageboard like ACChannel which have censorship,many people blame America and western Politcal correct
In this site,some people blame America,some people blame CCP and communism


9f54b234 No.2269

fug, you KC refugee too? how are the things going there after that kzine shitstorm? I saw lots of people went to b. group after kcmod kcmodded again


5e010d74 No.2286

kc is still nonce central
kcmods and admin are fucking pedos
they ban posters for saying things they dont like, but leave jailbait threads up for days, untouched

bernd.group seems like nice place, and the admins a good guy imo. but unfortunately the particular anti-kz clique thats taken up residence there is just as autistic, if not even more so, than the kz faggots themselves.
theyre massive rulecucks too

i dont really get the whole kz drama at all tbh
if anything, that whole fiasco proved that only like 4 people, other than the ones who write for it, actually read the darned thing
seems overblown to me tbh

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c3372c98 No.2256[回复]


dee9e648 No.2257

File: 159606844650.jpg (139.64 KB, 1226x1112, 159478470347.jpg)

Es hora de hacer un honk, honk

8a519705 No.2254[回复]

.. / -.. --- / -. --- - / . -..- .--. . -.-. - / -.-- --- ..- / - --- / -... . .-.. .. . ...- . / .-- .... .- - / .. / .- -- / .- -... --- ..- - / - --- / .-. . .-.. .- - . .-.-.- / .- -. -.-- / ... .- -. . / -- .. -. -.. / -- ..- ... - / .-. . .--- . -.-. - / ... ..- -.-. .... / .- / ..-. .- -. - .- ... - .. -.-. / - .- .-.. . .-.-.- / .- -. -.. / -.-- . - / .. / -.. --- / -. --- - / -.- -. --- .-- / .-- .... .. -.-. .... / - .... .. -. --. / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. / -... . / .-- --- .-. ... . ..-. --- .-. / -- -.-- / ... - --- .-. -.-- / - --- / -... . / - .... . / - .-. ..- - .... --..-- / --- .-. / ..-. --- .-. / -- -.-- / -- .. -. -.. / - --- / -... . / -.-. .- .--. .- -... .-.. . / --- ..-. / .. -- .- --. .. -. .. -. --. / ... ..- -.-. .... / - .... .. -. --. ... .-.-.- .- -. -.-- .-- .- -.-- --..-- / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / .-. . .- -.. / - .... . / ..-. --- .-.. .-.. --- .-- .. -. --. / ... - --- .-. -.-- / - .... .- - / .... .- .--. .--. . -. . -.. / - --- / -- . .. / .-- .- ... / .-- .- - -.-. .... .. -. --. / -.. .-. .- --. --- -. / -... .- .-.. .-.. / .. -. / .- / -.-- .- --- .. / .--. --- .-. -. / .--. .- --. . / .-- .... .. -.-. .... / .. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -- . -. - .. --- -. / .-.. .- - . .-. / ..-. --- .-. / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -.. . .-.. .. --. .... - / -.-. .- .-.. .-.. . -.. / -.. .-. .- --. --- -. -... .- .-.. .-.. ... .-.-.- -.-. --- -- .-.-.- -- -..- .-.-.- .- .-. .-.-.- --.. --.. --.. --.. .-.-.- / .. - / .-- .- ... / - .... . / .---- ..--- ..--- - .... / - .. -- . / .. / -- .- ... - ..- .-. -... .- - . -.. / .-- .... . -. / - .... . -.-- / ... - --- .--. .--. . -.. / .... .- ...- .. -. --. / ... . -..- .-.-.- / .. / .- .-.. .-. . .- -.. -.-- / ... .... .. - / -- -.-- ... . .-.. ..-. / -... . -.-. .- ..- ... . / .. - / .-- .- ... / .- / .--. .- --. . / --- ..-. / . -..- -.-. . .-.. .-.. . -. - / --. .- -.-- / -.-. --- -. - . -. - --..-- / -... ..- - / .. / .. -. ... . .-. - . -.. / -- -.-- / ..-. .. -. --. . .-. / .. -. - --- / -- -.-- / .- -. ..- ... / - --- / ... .- - .. ... ..-. -.-- / -- . / -... . -.-. .- ..- ... . / - .... . / ...- .. -.. . --- / -. --- / .-.. --- -. --. . .-. / .-- --- .-. -.- . -.. .-.-.- / .-- .... .- - / .... .- .--. .--. . -. . -.. / .. -. / - .... .- - / . .--. .. ... --- -.. . / -- .- -.. . / -- . / -.-. .- -- . / -. --- - / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .. - / .... .- -.. / -. --- - .... .. -. --. / - --- / -.. --- / .-- .. - .... / - .... . / .-.. .- ... - / . .--. .. ... --- -.. . / - .... . / .- ... ... .... ---帖子太长。点击这里 查看全部文字。

180c671f No.2255

De todas maneras, el capitalismo sigue siendo mejor :^).

be77dfbf No.2243[回复]

Yo nunca vi televisión porque es muy fome
Yo prefería estudiar y hasta leer
Pero mi padre que es un loco y vende teles
Para mi santo me vendio un televisor.
Y descubrí un mundo nuevo y fácil
Que estaba en la televisión
No necesito amigos que me amen
Es la pantalla la que cumple esa función.
Después de un tiempo engordé me puse feo
Con el control ejercitaba solo el dedo
No me bañaba y comía porquerías
Hasta que un día explotó el Televisor.
Y descubrí un mundo muy complejo
Que estaba en mi imaginación
Le revendí la tele a mi viejo
Ya soy feliz y ahora creo en el amor.
Un saludo de la sonora de tommy rey
Para todos los niños de 31 minutos
Esos son mis hermanos guarenes
Yo opipipipipi
Yo nonononono
Top, Top, Top, Top
Top, Top, Top, Top
Top, Top, Top
(Dale bolicarpo)
Y descubrí un mundo muy complejo
Que estaba en mi imaginación
Le revendí la tele a mi viejo
Ya soy feliz y ahora creo *en el amor.(*x3)
(Ai que rico es el amor)
(Ai que rico)
Un saludo para guaripolo el favorito
De los niños de 31 minutos
(Ai que rico)
(Mira como bailan los monitos)
(Todos los niñitos)
(Y la sonora de tommy rey)
(Ai que rico)
(Eso lolo)

8b6467ac No.2252

nooooo, que haces loco

File: 159606020876.png (499.04 KB, 477x480, Screenshot_2020-07-30 YUNG….png)

2aa00fbc No.2242[回复]

1帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

11e1e060 No.2273

epic score - gobal tempest and creator of worlds
discovered those when playing dow ua


f40ed090 No.2287


22324962 No.2288

SCREAMER DONT CLICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VIRUS DONT CLICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


22324962 No.2306


f40ed090 No.2309

File: 159671649172.gif (932.81 KB, 320x221, lik.gif)


0d9b3a3b No.2348

a7c73ad0 No.2240[回复]

'''Add .ws for clearnet.'''

File: 15960260232.jpg (57.22 KB, 552x960, faceless-man-hospital-bed.jpg)

3966c615 No.2236[回复]


f983bc22 No.2237

fuuuuck you


3966c615 No.2238

u in vid?)

8d2c2d45 No.2233[回复]

Someone spammed/kotori/with Tiananmen copypasta and a copypasta about Dragonball yori
>Firstly,"Tiananmen"can only piss of Reds and we're not
>Secondly,the Dragonball copypasta look interesting,but you sapammed too much,stop being such gay,for you and for us

8d2c2d45 No.2235

Tiananmen is not sensitive word here,or you can't even post it,we talk about these thing in/lucia/(politcal)

File: 159599567848.jpg (366.71 KB, 1200x1576, einstein.jpg)

0560c913 No.2231[回复]

爱因斯坦的思想让人大开眼界,读后感。中国是一个 "奇特的群居国家" 它的公民 "往往更像自动机而不是人",他写道。他说,连孩子们都 "没有精神,看起来很愚钝"。在评论了所谓中国人的生育能力之后,他感叹道。

"如果这些中国人取代了所有其他种族,那就太可惜了 对我们这样的人来说,光是想一想就觉得无比沉闷"。

2帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

a6e6bb27 No.2246

epale mi pana chileno :3


b6bdced0 No.2247

¿Cómo estás ( ´∀`)?


463ce0df No.2248

que pedo compadres latinoamericanos les invito unos tacos


b6bdced0 No.2249

Está bien, siempre he querido probar tacos.


a6e6bb27 No.2250

aqui sobreviviendo solo para comprar una harina y hacer arepas, y tu? :0


a6e6bb27 No.2251



b6bdced0 No.2253

>aqui sobreviviendo solo para comprar una harina y hacer arepas
Ojalá traerte a mi país y que vivas buena vida, querido veneco negro color llanta ;_;.
>y tu?
Bien, bien, solo tratando de sobrevivir con el tema del coronacyda, kek.

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c2cbd254 No.2229[回复]


5ad96fdd No.2230

Hello world!(^o^)ノ

File: 159584151258.jpg (75.02 KB, 960x720, 92c0644b23ed1c81a0d1cc5d68….jpg)

4814d105 No.2217[回复]

how come taiwan girls are so much sexier than mainland monkeys?


fbb7b016 No.2219

just because your sexual interest from the woman who have no selfesteem。from their naive ideology and laziness in thinking。from their stupor
the strong woman = good
hypocrisy woman = bad
you guys have not the really special eden for seraphim woman。including the china mainstream society


4814d105 No.2220


2b06befc No.2206[回复]

I feel the vibe of cold war
Well,guess I'll just grab some popcorns and watch what's next.We populace can't change the world(Especially in China)anyway
3帖子 和 1 image reply 省略. 点击回复查看

d38875c8 No.2223

No, we need to destroy Leftists & BLM black supremisists. Right here at home. If the Muslims start again they can go too. All are terrorists.


73a8261c No.2239

nothing ever happens, 2016 was le evil russian hacking elections, 2017 was le evil assad's syria gassing citizens, 2018 was le evil north korea with doomsday nukes, 2019 was le evil iran that also has doomsday nukes, now it is le evil china that released airborne AIDS
i wonder what country that is scary to americans will be bombed with negative propaganda in 2021... hmmmm... perhaps venezuela?


72d70d78 No.2260

California! I say it goes back to Mexico for the price of 3 avocadoes.


8d320f98 No.2265

We may enter Fallout timeline and collect cola caps on wasteland earth
For some people,they blame illuminati/freemanson all the time


f9ac2f6f No.2268

And who do you you think is in charge of your central banking debt money based system?


8f289938 No.2283

File: 159634668682.jpg (388.57 KB, 819x512, 1.jpg)

The (((Enclave)))?


f5e3696b No.2284

but you should never doubt the lengths a dying empire will go to keep their head above water

on the bright side, at least muh space race is back en vogue
that was the only cool part of the last coldwar anyways
fuck the endless nuclear proliferation
i wanna colonize mars and shieeet

venezuela is already toast with crude oil prices as low as theyve been
nevermind the endless sanctions
i dont see the point
the tactic there seems to be siege warfare
starve em out (which is sad cuz the only people who will starve is their peasantry, as their govt doesnt give two fucks)

apparently we just gave back like half of the state of oklahoma back to the injuns.
which, as crazy as that sounds, is pretty cool imo.
out of all the random undeserving minority groups that whine about "muh reperashuns" and whatnot, i think the redman is the only one who actually fucking deserves it.
besides, oklahoma is fucking empty anyways

as for cali, socal basically IS already mexico
and san fran is essentially little china at this point

File: 15957516638.jpg (212.04 KB, 1460x958, bitcoin gopnik.jpg)

7745fcf0 No.2205[回复]

Do Chinese not care about privacy and security? Why do you use unencrypted corporate owned and managed WeChat instead of FREE and OPEN SOURCE alternatives like Matrix or XMPP?
Why does every chinese app for android ask for every single fucking permision, why do even PC programs like the infamous Epic Store collect your data in ridiculous amounts?

Here, in Russia, people don't trust apps at all, my babuskha calls me every time an android app requests another permission because she once had $900 stolen from her online bank account by a browser extension.

Does China not have a lot of hackers/con artists /trojans/botnets etc preying on clueless morons dont care about security and privacy?

46335267 No.2207

Ironically,it's because big companies are monopoly in China and manytime we just have to use that
And certification always require real name and personal ID because of censorship
>hacker who prey to careless people
Yes, including cyberbully
>And the funniest thing I see is dissident hackers released Xi Jingping's personal information


2dc628c9 No.2209

>Here, in Russia, people don't trust apps at all, my babuskha calls me every time an android app requests another permission because she once had $900 stolen from her online bank account by a browser extension.
based babushkas
we need some of that attitude in the states tbh
US govt, and their cohorts in the silicon valley death cult, seem hell bent on following the CCP model of total control.
and not a peep of resistance from the masses
theyre all ecstatic about signing away all of their privacy and half their rights just to use a shitty fucking phone app


7745fcf0 No.2212

People here dont care about the rights either. They care about money because without privacy and security random people may learn enough about you to fool cell operators into remaking SIM and giving it to them granting access to bank and everything else, or steal your money in some other way. Tons of stories how people lost access to their bank accounts, websites, etc because our shitty corporations don't care about data enough and their low level employees abuse that.
You can buy anyone's personal data for 500rub online which includes even police databases because corruption is everywhere. That's why most people try to avoid giving data to anyone if they can help.


c22860a2 No.2213

chinese security is quite decent

privacy there are always ways around it.

nevertheless its not worse than what western alternatives do. all ARM and x86 processors made after 2008 have backdoors that are below OS level. 2FA does not work because
a) if you use SMS government can see it directly
b) if you use authenticator app, keys can be stolen via NSA low level backdoors

but since russia is africa with snow it is normal that people can steal info and scam easily in russia. rest of the world isn't the same.

File: 159568290921.jpg (631.65 KB, 1280x720, 9yaxc_Moment.jpg)

c51ca059 No.2197[回复]

redpill me

31f1d186 No.2198



c51ca059 No.2200


5820437f No.2201

bro i got 1.8% finn aswell its error in chip


bf1f0a0a No.2202

Maybe cause we're all living in Eurasia?


238ae455 No.2203

People have been traveling around in those areas for a long time. It's well known those people mixed. Probably your great-grandfather was shuck'in & jive'in. (^o^)ノ


bb367bf5 No.2215

their chips are broken

giving random indian and finn dna to everyone

i am 66% greek 31% west asian(anatolian) 3% central asian

File: 159563819523.png (414.8 KB, 598x428, 1595626210433.png)

2aab714a No.2188[回复]

redpill me

770e8825 No.2191

It's straight up Communism! Burn them! Do not let those seeds take hold.


b36913aa No.2196

Sounds creppy( ゚∀。)

File: 159561430291.jpg (100.82 KB, 900x462, 02-08-32-032.jpg)

f7897590 No.2187[回复]

redpill me

765f98b3 No.2192

It's true. "Allah" was Mohammad's made-up alter-ego that gave the holy nod for him to do whatever he wanted. It's narrate that Mohammad "put his mouth on the boy's small penis". It may have been in the Hadith, but I'm not a Muslim so I can't find the exact place that is written without looking it up. Thus: Allah = Mohammad = big gay.

File: 159553077173.jpg (61.34 KB, 784x1024, b879e22ce6fbbe8bb4ab172564….jpg)

5df6bd72 No.2181[回复]

/pani/ board(MLP)is deader than dead
in fact,many boards are very silent

e24548b2 No.2194

It's all over, everywhere. Image boards are dying as a whole. ;_;


c591190b No.2241

well, mlp had his final season already


5d7e7b02 No.2258

Yes,and G4 fandom is weaker too,I'm waiting for G5

File: 159551053072.jpg (33.78 KB, 454x960, modern america.jpg)

fe2df598 No.2178[回复]


d65913e7 No.2182

File: 159556480562.jpg (481.07 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-07-24-12-2….jpg)

I happenedly found this pic on a cringe website
>they call him"a black man"
lmao thats too retarded


d65913e7 No.2183

IDK if that's"one blood rule"make he blackman
but that guy looks just like a autuistic whiteman


535232e9 No.2184


c4a4d6cd No.2185

noooo I'm influenced by Bill Gate's evil radio wave(´゚Д゚`)


22a584c7 No.2193

Yeah, One Drop rule. Once you go black, we don't want you back. No race-traitors.


41d26b64 No.2211

the correct term **which is now apparently politically incorrect. go figure** is "mulatto"
basically, mixed


34d5516b No.2224


Basically, a mutt.

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