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/int/ - International

『Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too...』
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cd8c8459 No.536[回复]

(;´Д`)Anyone alive here?
21帖子 和 11 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

d94084d2 No.568

(`・ω・) but I have a girlfriend


843e196b No.569

Script got translated in 2012.
Site open to AC Channel public as an alternative to post forbidden info (love-related affairs, text-only adult content, politics, etc) in 2013.

So yeah, it's been nearly 3 years.


d94084d2 No.570

>Site open to AC Channel public as an alternative to post forbidden info (love-related affairs, text-only adult content, politics, etc) in 2013.
Oh? I'm assuming adult content and politics are allowed because the server is hosted in Canada, right? And if this place is an alternative and more "liberal" place than AC Channel, how come there's no traffic ( ´д`)


843e196b No.571

Because somehow, most people can not remember the site address.

A lot of people there known of this "Inner AC Channel", but cannot get there because they don't know the address. and since this place is not indexed by Baidu (the most popular Search Engine in China), few can find it if they search.

And most of the time they use Baidu to search for the website they want without memorizing the site address or using bookmarks.

Another reason is that we don't have a smartphone app, which I don't know how to do, nor is that worthwhile for this site. Apparently, nowadays more Chinese is on mobile network than on PC. The best I can do is modify the script templates to be responsive, but see last point above.

Not to add this site is blocked by a certain ISP(China Mobile) in China. Yeah, not only GFW, certain ISPs can block websites too.

(The irony is that I have families that work at China Mobile, and they cannot take that off since banning websites are serious political business.)


d94084d2 No.572

Holy fuck that sucks ass, it seems like it would be easier if this imageboard was targeted for baka gaijins. Is at least posting from Tor allowed here, I still haven't tried it. And why did you chose such an obscure name in the first place?


843e196b No.573

If you mean the domain name, 76573 in Japanese is Na-Mi-Ko-Na-Mi, I'm a huge fan of Namco and Konami's music games.

If you mean the site name, long story, It used be called Inner AC Channel, however after an incident I changed the name to avoid the real AC Channel go into trouble. 233.jpg is an emoicon in a famous forum in China depicting a cat laying down and laughing, so it means "LOL" or "ROFL" and is a popular Chinese meme.


d94084d2 No.574

ahh I see

File: 145140984116.jpg (233.85 KB, 850x2393, QQ图片20151229122329.jpg)

1949568b No.494[回复]

Dear Spammers,
It's very nice of you to visit our slow board.
However, spamming links isn't so nice.
Especially if they are implied to be CP but is actually crap.

All Spammers banned.

Here, have a Komari.
12帖子 和 3 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

307b5372 No.606

I'm actually not very much into anime, the only Anime I watched are
Lucky Star
Haruhi (S2 Only)
CLANNAD, both seasons
Angel Beats
Ikamusume, both seasons
Little Busters
Yu-Gi-Oh (everything except DM, watch for the cards, not the actual show)
then Rewrite and Planetarian is on schedule.

I'm more of a gamer, designer, composer, producer and programmer.

I could tell you about Chinese Anime though
Chinese Anime are polarized.
Nowadays, You either got super awesome ones, or super crap ones.

The super awesome ones are par Japanese Standard, and is in a good way. And has received praise even in Japan since most of those received Japanese Dub, for example, Spirit Blade Mountain(awesome Manga and Light Novel recently adapted into Anime) and The Legend of Qin (Hi-quality wuxia anime/TV series). However do note that most good Chinese Anime heavily leans towards wuxia genre for obvious reasons. There was a Sci-Fi one but I thought that flopped (Astro Plan, too similar to other robot shows).

The Super crap ones... are just super crap. Heh. For every 1 good one there ought to be 5 craps. Those ones can be easily spotted due to poor 3D Modeling and/or outright copy and paste frames from Japanese Anime.

If we turn back time some years, you got some moderate-to-good ones such like Music On(good for its time in 2000s, a video game adaptation was even planned but cancelled due to the show flopped heavily for various reasons, personally I think it's better and earlier than K-ON)

The reason why Chinese anime aren't big, is that most Chinese thought anime is for kids. If we're talking Chinese cartoon aimed for kids these days, they're decent but these won't qualify as Anime.


1d611250 No.607

who woudl've thought that an imageboard owner isn't a weeeb
>I'm more of a gamer, designer, composer, producer and programmer.
which vidya do you play?
what kind of music do you make?
which programming languages do you know and which one is your favorite?
>The super awesome ones are par Japanese Standard, and is in a good way. And has received praise even in Japan since most of those received Japanese Dub, for example, Spirit Blade Mountain(awesome Manga and Light Novel recently adapted into Anime) and The Legend of Qin (Hi-quality wuxia anime/TV series). However do note that most good Chinese Anime heavily leans towards wuxia genre for obvious reasons. There was a Sci-Fi one but I thought that flopped (Astro Plan, too similar to other robot shows).
thanks, might give them a try


307b5372 No.608

I like puzzle games and weird games that are unique, recently I got into The Talos Principle since It was in a Humble Monthly.
My Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/amarillonmc/

As for music, I'll just post my Soundcloud:

I know C++, Java, PHP, C# and some Lisp, for obvious reasons, The Great And Powerful PHP is my favorite.


1d611250 No.609

>I like puzzle games and weird games that are unique
Oh, have you tried liberal crime squad?http://lcs.wikidot.com
it's a text based game and as the name suggests it's political
Also there's brogue, you really need to be a special kind of autist to play it, it's a roguelike game

And surry, I don't have a steam account

>As for music, I'll just post my Soundcloud:
god damn that ENGIN.E.NEERS track is soooooooo mellow
>I know C++, Java, PHP, C# and some Lisp, for obvious reasons, The Great And Powerful PHP is my favorite.
php is your favorite? I know a butt ton of people who would say that php is just God awful and a huge pain in the ass to work with


b18feadf No.616

I'll be able to vote for him in 2020.
I don't know if he'll be around then though.
I don't care if you are man, as long as you keep your fantasies in your head.
Wow, you do a lot of cool stuff.
How do you manage to have time for all of that?


1d611250 No.618

you can also find your local anarchist community and start a revolution or something like that, would be cool


307b5372 No.623

Time? By not watching too much anime and not playing too much games, I guess?
And then, yes, there are never enough time to spend for me.

0cfd4362 No.478[回复]

Ahoy people from China! ゚ ∀゚)ノ
Do you know how can I get in touch with more people from China who can speak English on the interwebz? I like this board but sadly it's mostly dead for some reason. ( ´д`)
15帖子 和 4 image replies 省略. 点击回复查看

0cfd4362 No.634

How's he doing now? Is he getting "loads of Chinese pussy"?


4fd4d9a3 No.644

I doubt it, I haven't seen him in 5 years but he was a pretentious gangly weirdo. Who knows.


0cfd4362 No.646

>gangly weirdo
he has a gang of weirdos? (`・ω・)


4fd4d9a3 No.649

What happened the other post from the German?

Why are you talking like a Chinaman?

Why are pictures not being posted?

There's something really strange about this board, posts deleted, pictures deleted, proxies. I think I'll stop coming here tbh


0cfd4362 No.650

>What happened the other post from the German?
I killed him
>Why are you talking like a Chinaman?
I am not a Chinaman you neyrd
>Why are pictures not being posted?
I THINK that you only can't post pics in the op, dunno why
>There's something really strange about this board, posts deleted, pictures deleted, proxies. I think I'll stop coming here tbh
sorry to see you leave, bb <4


8eb5cb3a No.651

> There's something really strange about this board, posts deleted, pictures deleted, proxies.
Some time ago, there was CP spam here.


8f546775 No.653

for op, you need to uncheck the checkbox beside the file selection.
It's called No File, and is default to on par the original ACChannel's standards.

this checkbox won't show in replies, thus you can upload just as usual.

237abe8d No.464[回复]

Do girls like this exist in China?

File: 144515762190.jpg (11.58 KB, 225x224, redpepe.jpg)

b607885c No.457[回复]

This place could be good. But it is slow. Why is it so slow? Because it is communist?
4帖子 省略. 点击回复查看

3e7c0390 No.462

dunno lol


4a8fb519 No.463

I doubt many people know about this /int/, and even if they do, they eventually forget about it.


58ff0715 No.465

Chinese natvies here:


8ccbd509 No.466

File: 144613857347.jpg (260.15 KB, 1600x887, gondola at the UN.jpg)

New board, when there are already more established international boards out there.


8ccbd509 No.467

Also get me a proper ball or I won't post.


d10b2391 No.493

As the Admin It's easy for me to set up a ball for you, but first I need to know exactly what ball I need to do.

I see your country code comes up as UK which is weird since there already is a UK ball...


989d7fca No.540

File: 145256282888.jpg (175.75 KB, 1168x1024, yoba girl.jpg)

mfw I've a ball and the britbong doesn't

967ac585 No.455[回复]


d8328d47 No.451[回复]

Foreign friends,Do you like to play knife?

d8328d47 No.452

File: 144474619722.jpg (60.48 KB, 580x435, 哥伦比亚河M16-14SFG-0….jpg)



83df5785 No.453

File: 144487562097.jpg (10.55 KB, 601x422, Splitting Maul.jpg)

No, I play hammer


5454d979 No.456


903d8b7c No.447[回复]


903d8b7c No.448

File: 144447248554.jpg (63.8 KB, 600x800, 1440351480256.jpg)

Muh pic.


728ce9b1 No.449

新同志 still can't put picture in OP

File: 144429501689.jpg (54.84 KB, 600x800, 5613bb860780c.jpg)

07d397fd No.445[回复]

china LIFE(`・ω・)

3576f72b No.446



a071fbd5 No.450



fe0b40c7 No.454

File: 144487568160.jpg (669.25 KB, 1000x1000, modern german family.jpg)

German Life


22319c78 No.548

Thank you for making me laugh.


ea0b36a9 No.549

File: 145344861284.jpg (111.92 KB, 780x583, average american family.jpg)

usa LIFE (`・ω・´)


b55ac9a2 No.551

File: 145348260166.jpg (78.76 KB, 457x495, 1411482756401.jpg)

9d727b5d No.441[回复]

Can I post my cock here or is that verboten?

20ff7246 No.442

no cock


9d727b5d No.443

File: 144426370964.jpg (8.26 KB, 360x240, Ireland_sadfrog.jpg)

damn shame


20ff7246 No.444

I mean don't,please.it's not mean i have no ⊂彡☆))д`)

be5115ad No.432[回复]

just come from work and it's time for post

be5115ad No.433

File: 144370588015.jpg (70.9 KB, 600x399, ribal.jpg)

no op picture

File: 144363271428.jpg (51.34 KB, 595x304, pyong.jpg)

239f180f No.430[回复]

Let's see if we can turn this into a refuge for serious discussion.

How do you think Chinese-Japanese relations will develop during the next decade?

5d3386fc No.431

they will get along well and nothing serious happens(´゚Д゚`)

97b9ac0f No.425[回复]

C'est l'heure du premier francofil.

ee19fe5f No.426

molto bene


286766ed No.427

Pay rebarations for French concessions in Shanghai.


eafc7384 No.423[回复]

i'm culturally enriching this board

eafc7384 No.424

File: 144363139657.jpg (105.39 KB, 800x504, 1432561807001.jpg)

hope arrived to the right place

005b08a6 No.419[回复]

1帖子 和 1 image reply 省略. 点击回复查看

e2f0c1c6 No.421

File: 144362821377.png (238.25 KB, 500x409, 1323489464001.png)



d39ff576 No.422

File: 144363111520.jpg (110.89 KB, 500x500, fragezeichenmc3b6dchen.jpg)



9592cdba No.428

File: 144363211273.png (114.02 KB, 715x467, cockroach spray.png)

why don't cockroaches have balls, it just says "GB" on muh pc

not that I'm complaining


5b2b0584 No.437

File: 14437064198.png (37.91 KB, 150x158, avatar.png)



d39ff576 No.438

File: 144372265652.jpg (232.15 KB, 1600x2000, 30vid6P - Imgur.jpg)



e2f0c1c6 No.439

File: 14437689315.jpg (9.03 KB, 20x25, 1331141431002.jpg)



458405e5 No.440

I'm sure that's a bug, would fix in a few days.

File: 144358264179.jpg (65.82 KB, 720x960, 12047051_1702379096659117_….jpg)

6b28e845 No.417[回复]


151ab374 No.418



b8e0d2bb No.435

File: 144370605737.jpg (76.33 KB, 798x536, 1348537136335.jpg)



b8e0d2bb No.436

File: 144370609113.gif (21.42 KB, 417x261, tanzspuro.gif)



268baf38 No.468

File: 14480059819.jpg (37.61 KB, 604x573, Gondola bicycle.jpg)


File: 144346920569.jpg (45.96 KB, 500x669, 1417261991350-1.jpg)

899253c6 No.415[回复]

Do Chinese like black grils?

0297f2af No.416



de7b6eab No.429

I don't think anyone does really


e7ff9245 No.434

File: 144370592467.jpg (85.55 KB, 676x753, ribalen.jpg)

beautiful lipstick

File: 144346294995.jpg (83.78 KB, 700x919, fac9fbf30bfeeebdbce01b8d54….jpg)

5f51a657 No.413[回复]

>no webms allowed, no porn

Post fitbirds then.

48b3ee24 No.1895

webms = bad
porn = bad


4db8c9cf No.1910

File: 159390236598.jpg (33.98 KB, 480x480, how real woman look like f….jpg)


d6213c67 No.411[回复]

Are there chinese people with long heda?

Post examples of asian long heda.

d6213c67 No.412

File: 144345946484.jpg (24.39 KB, 486x442, longheda.jpg)

Also please somebody fix missing OP pic.


c5122221 No.414

newfags can't OPforce

ae9e3720 No.404[回复]

Do the Jews control China too?
Do Chinese people know about the Zionist Occupation Government?
/( ◕‿‿◕ )\

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